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Collateral Damage
Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 5:57 pm
by Running Arrow Bill
Well...not exactly "people" collateral damage...
Last week I sighted another stray cat here that was harassing our barn cats and stealing their food. The cat was about 40 ft away (close enough for me to get a hit); I pulled out my .40 SA, cocked it, aimed carefully, and missed a broad side shot! (In my practice, I can hit something at 40 ft...targets, that is)
I missed the cat...
Cat ran off.
A day or two later I found a bullet hole in my tool shed about 6' above ground. Another hole inside shed. A coffee can was grazed and knocked off a shelf...
Now, get this! We have approx. 40' of deep sand around here. Have never dug up a rock. Apparently, my bullet hit the ONLY small rock on the place and riccoshade (sp) upwards.
Moral: Never assume what a bullet will do if you don't hit the intended target.

Re: Collateral Damage
Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 6:10 pm
by Oldgringo
Isn't that Rule #3; i.e., know what's behind your target?
Thanks for the reminder.

Re: Collateral Damage
Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 6:17 pm
by speedsix
...didn't you see the cape on that cat???
Re: Collateral Damage
Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 6:28 pm
by Mr.ViperBoa
9 lives.......Well 8 now.

Re: Collateral Damage
Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 2:26 pm
by The Mad Moderate
Re: Collateral Damage
Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 4:38 am
by TexasGal
Best to leave cats alone. They have special angels looking out for them. I learned that as a child. My mom loved cats and fed all the strays. My dad hated cats and liked to see if the dogs could catch them before they made it up the trees.
When I was about 6, my dad had a car he really liked. In the hot Texas summers, he liked to leave the windows down when it was parked at our house. That heat often ruined the dashboard and upholstery materials of the time. One day he found a cat inside comfortably sleeping and ran him out. The next day, the cat was back and sprawled out sleeping on the back seat. My dad decided he would change that cat's idea of a good place to sleep. He had rigged up the equivalent of an electric cattle prod and had me go get it. He slowly reached in to touch that sleeping cat. Well, that cat left an endless stream of liquid kitty poo as he frantically ran circles around the inside of my dad's car. Most of the cloth upholstery was covered. After that, my dad left the windows down just to let some of the stench out that became a permanent perfume in that car. Never saw the cat in there again though.

Re: Collateral Damage
Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 2:45 am
by OldCurlyWolf
TexasGal wrote:Best to leave cats alone. They have special angels looking out for them. I learned that as a child. My mom loved cats and fed all the strays. My dad hated cats and liked to see if the dogs could catch them before they made it up the trees.
When I was about 6, my dad had a car he really liked. In the hot Texas summers, he liked to leave the windows down when it was parked at our house. That heat often ruined the dashboard and upholstery materials of the time. One day he found a cat inside comfortably sleeping and ran him out. The next day, the cat was back and sprawled out sleeping on the back seat. My dad decided he would change that cat's idea of a good place to sleep. He had rigged up the equivalent of an electric cattle prod and had me go get it. He slowly reached in to touch that sleeping cat. Well, that cat left an endless stream of liquid kitty poo as he frantically ran circles around the inside of my dad's car. Most of the cloth upholstery was covered. After that, my dad left the windows down just to let some of the stench out that became a permanent perfume in that car. Never saw the cat in there again though.

Cats are not stupid. Though as I remind some other persons on a semi regular basis, they sure to make good violin strings.
My dad used a cattle prod many years back to send a belligerent trucker to his knees, crying and begging for him to not use it again. Those suckers HURT.
Re: Collateral Damage
Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 5:15 am
by TexasGal
Now that I told that story, I guess I had better add the cat was fine and I like cats. Mine is a permanent speed bump underfoot when she isn't telling the dogs who really runs the place

Re: Collateral Damage
Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 8:51 pm
by mamabearCali
TexasGal wrote:Best to leave cats alone. They have special angels looking out for them. I learned that as a child. My mom loved cats and fed all the strays. My dad hated cats and liked to see if the dogs could catch them before they made it up the trees.
When I was about 6, my dad had a car he really liked. In the hot Texas summers, he liked to leave the windows down when it was parked at our house. That heat often ruined the dashboard and upholstery materials of the time. One day he found a cat inside comfortably sleeping and ran him out. The next day, the cat was back and sprawled out sleeping on the back seat. My dad decided he would change that cat's idea of a good place to sleep. He had rigged up the equivalent of an electric cattle prod and had me go get it. He slowly reached in to touch that sleeping cat. Well, that cat left an endless stream of liquid kitty poo as he frantically ran circles around the inside of my dad's car. Most of the cloth upholstery was covered. After that, my dad left the windows down just to let some of the stench out that became a permanent perfume in that car. Never saw the cat in there again though.

OMG I about died laughing--yes yes leave the cats alone!
Re: Collateral Damage
Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 5:45 pm
by lama
It didn't necessarally (I can't spell) hit a rock at the right angle it will not penetrate the ground regardless of material
Re: Collateral Damage
Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 7:14 pm
by Rex B
Well, since we're telling cat stories....
I had a friend with a nice Mercury Cougar he was proud of. Chromed steel wheels.
One of the neighborhood cats, as part of his nightly rounds, would stop at the left rear wheel and mark his territory.
Harold was forever wondering why just that one wheel was rusting, and he was always having to buff the rust off. then he figured it out.
So he god some screen material (back when it was aluminum) and laid it one the ground next to the wheel. Then he cut the end off a long extension cord, and attached an alligator clip to both leads.
One was clipped to the car frame, the other to that screen wire.
Harold plugged it in an went inside to watch the 10:00 news.
About the time the weather came on, Harold and his wife heard a howl like a banshee out front.
Harold went out and unhooked that wire. Never had a rust problem after that,
Re: Collateral Damage
Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 2:54 am
by TexasGal
Harold and my Dad seem to have similar tastes in cat training methods.

Re: Collateral Damage
Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 2:27 pm
by OldCurlyWolf
TexasGal wrote:Harold and my Dad seem to have similar tastes in cat training methods.

Mine aren't quite that spectacular. Though I did break a young tom of about 6-8 months from using his teeth and claws on people for an old neighbor lady who owned him. A thump with a finger on his nose got his attention effectively. I used a similar method to break a young Appaloosa stud from biting shortly after that when I was working in Montana.