reciprocity question with a different twist

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reciprocity question with a different twist


Post by wharvey »

Hello everyone,

This is kind of hard to explain and I may just have to call the DPS but thought I'd asked here first since there seems to be some pretty knowledgeable people here.

Sometime in the near future, probably next summer but it could be sooner, my wife and I will be moving back to Texas. Presently I live in Indiana and have an Indiana carry license. When I visit friends and relatives in Texas my license is honored thanks to a reciprocity. Now for the problem.

After I move I will need to get a Texas CHL. I understand this takes several months. My questions are:

1. Will I be able to use my present Indiana license for the interim if I get a Texas divers license?

2. If I take the course and apply for the license before I get my Texas DL, is the CHL marked non-resident and if so what happens when I get my Texas DL?

3. Would it make any difference if I have proof of application coupled with my present license?

In other words I really don't want to have to go unarmed while bureaucracy grinds along and really don't want to chance getting charged with unlawful carry. I could hold of getting a driver license depending on question 2 although this in itself is a violation of law, but nothing as serious as unlawful carry.

Any help or suggestions will be appreciated.
Bill Harvey

License to Carry Handgun - Indiana, since Aug 1997
CHL - Texas, since Aug 2011

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Re: reciprocity question with a different twist


Post by apostate »

wharvey wrote:2. If I take the course and apply for the license before I get my Texas DL, is the CHL marked non-resident and if so what happens when I get my Texas DL?
Your non-Texas address will be on your Texas CHL. When you move, you need to change the address within 30 days and pay $25 for the updated license.
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Re: reciprocity question with a different twist


Post by Teamless »

I cant answer all of your questions, but will answer some
1 - the license procedure now takes about 30 days from the day DPS gets your application and attached documentation, so not so long
2 - you can use your IN license until you get your TX CHL - so you will not be unarmed
League City, TX
Yankee born, but got to Texas as fast as I could! NRA / PSC / IANAL
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