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Empty Holster
Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 9:58 am
by Roger Howard
I can't believe I did this one. I went to the Texas City range yesterday to take Elgato's renewal class. All went well there. After the class I had plans to attend a birthday party.
I carried to the range using a kydex paddle holster because it's so much easier to take off. Everything went great. Class done.
Now here is the oops.
When I got home I changed into my leather holster and was trying to get several things done before I left for the party.
Got everything done went to the party and had a great time.
When I arrived back home, there on the dresser was my sidearm, still in the kydex holster.
So along with the press check you may want to make sure you actually put your firearm into the holster.

Re: Empty Holster
Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 12:35 pm
by Dan20703
Don't feel bad. I once went to the range to shoot my S&W 642. After shooting I cleaned the gun and reholstered it (mika pocket holster) without reloading. On my way out the door the next morning for a quick run to the store I grabbed it off the shelf and stuck it in my cargo shorts pocket. It was three days later that I pulled it out of the holster to check for lint and

NO AMMO!!! That will never happen again

Always inspect the weapon each time you pick it up.
Re: Empty Holster
Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 3:57 pm
by USA1
Re: Empty Holster
Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 7:51 am
by RPBrown
Was going to take my daughter to the range last year. Loaded the ammo (hers and mine) ito my range bag, got all eye and ear protection loaded, additional magazines for all guns. and went to the range.
Problem was all the guns were left on the table at the house.

Re: Empty Holster
Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 8:07 am
by cbunt1
And I'll never forget the time I arranged for some professional training for my mom my son. Carefully put the range bag together, eyes, ears, pistols, magazines, spare pistols, spare magazines, holsters, ammo, the whole nine yards.
I could probably write a nice flowing adventure story about how everything was just so, and had all fallen into place (timing was iffy, what with out-of-town travel and such).
Well, we overslept by an hour or so the morning of the proposed training (fortunately group, and the instructors knew I was balancing a house of cards getting everyone in one place).
But we were going in time to make it. Got everything loaded and jumped into the truck and headed out to the range at a "quicker than usual" pace. Only to get halfway there, and realize that...
The range bag was still sitting at the end of the bed at home.....
We decided to have a nice leisurely breakfast together, and we laugh about it to this day.
Re: Empty Holster
Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 10:12 pm
by cope
Thanks for sharing.
I carry a Glock 31 which is so big and so heavy I don't think I could forget it wasn't in the holster.
Re: Empty Holster
Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 10:19 am
by TXlaw1
Great reminders from your real-life experiences teaching us to check and double-check.
I have coined a phrase, "My two greatest reminders are hanging up the phone and hearing the door slam behind me." That's when I remember what I should have said or what I forgot to get before I left - like keys, gun, etc.
Re: Empty Holster
Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 1:25 pm
by Grog
cope wrote:
I carry a Glock 31 which is so big and so heavy I don't think I could forget it wasn't in the holster.
You darn kids
Back in 1997 I switched my duty weapon from a S&W 4506 to a Glock 23, I spent the first week "bumoing" my elbow to the butt of the Glock to make sure it was still in there