Remember Your Wallet

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Remember Your Wallet


Post by AJ80 »

One day last week, while filling my pockets with my every day items before going to work, I forgot my wallet.

On the way to work a police car got behind me and when I looked down at the speedometer, I noticed I was going a little more than 5 over. Still unaware that I was missing my wallet, I kept going the same speed figuring that he was either going to pull me over even if I did slow down or just wanted to pass the car that I was passing at the time.

After I'd gotten far enough ahead of the car I was passing, the officer changed lanes and exited, so apparently he didn't care to pull me over.

A few hours after getting to work, I decided I wanted a snack from the vending machine, which is when I realized my wallet was missing.

Anyway, called my family to have my wallet brought to me. Glad nothing came of it.

Just a friendly reminder to always remember your wallet.
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Re: Remember Your Wallet


Post by shortysboy09 »

That would have been a bad situation if the officer decided to stop you. Glad he decided to give you a pass on that stop. My wallet stays next to my keys and pistol so they're all in the same place and not forgotten. It has worked well for me thus far.
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Re: Remember Your Wallet


Post by longtooth »

I am the odd one. I wear my DL, CHL, & Ins. in an ID pac on a lanyard around my neck.
Easy to get to if stopped driving. Easy & quick out even before officer gets to the window. Never have to reach anywhere close to my gun if approached before I can get it out.

Only thing in my billfold is my $bills. Both of them. :thumbs2:
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Re: Remember Your Wallet


Post by Piney »

longtooth wrote:I am the odd one. I wear my DL, CHL, & Ins. in an ID pac on a lanyard around my neck.
Easy to get to if stopped driving. Easy & quick out even before officer gets to the window. Never have to reach anywhere close to my gun if approached before I can get it out.

Only thing in my billfold is my $bills. Both of them. :thumbs2:
Uh oh-- Mrs LT is going see this- no picture in the above inventory LOL

I had photocopies of my DL and CHL made. Placed them back to back and had them laminated. I keep one in the glove box with insurance card and the other on the jet ski with its registration card.

I never carry my wallet on the water. I'd hate for my wife's pic or the dozens of useless reciepts to get ruined :roll:

I havent forgotten my wallet when driving or going out-- so far.... But as I creeeep past the 1/2 century mark one never knows.

I realize that these copies arent considered completely legal, but I figured it's better than nuttin' !
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Re: Remember Your Wallet


Post by Teamless »

last night, the wife and I decided to head to DQ for blizzards.
Normally I drive, and as stated by others, keep wallet near keys.
In this case, she wanted to drive, so I did not grab my keys, and you guessed it, my wallet either.

As we are in the drive through line (luckily we normally do not go inside), I reach for my wallet and realize I do not have it, but I also feel that i DO have my weapon.
with MPA, I am covered so I was not worried about that, but I did tell my wife, that she had to pay since I forgot my wallet and followed it up by "and we cannot go anywhere else that I would have to get out of the car" (which meant to her, I would not be pumping her gas for the week).
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Re: Remember Your Wallet


Post by Abraham »


I was going to do the same, but was told by an LEO copies would be the same as not having them with me - so I cancelled the idea for me.

Like you, I thought copies were better than nothing, but I was advised I was wrong...

Recently, I went to get my license plates renewed and found I didn't need to produce my insurance coverage paperwork as it's now found in the system - so why do we need to carry a license of any kind if they can show we're up to date in the system, irrespective of it being insurance coverage or what have you...ah, that's asked rhetorically of course.

It strikes that carrying papers perhaps other than I.D. is an antiquated way of doing official business as much is already in the database pertaining to ones variety of status...

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Re: Remember Your Wallet


Post by chartreuse »

Teamless wrote:As we are in the drive through line (luckily we normally do not go inside), I reach for my wallet and realize I do not have it, but I also feel that i DO have my weapon.
with MPA, I am covered so I was not worried about that, but I did tell my wife, that she had to pay since I forgot my wallet and followed it up by "and we cannot go anywhere else that I would have to get out of the car" (which meant to her, I would not be pumping her gas for the week).
I had something similar happen to me, shortly after I got my CHL. My thought process was similar to yours, in that I reasoned that I could not get out of my truck until it was back on my driveway.

I turned around, went home and got my wallet. Thankfully, I've not (yet) made that mistake again.
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Re: Remember Your Wallet


Post by Teamless »

At worse, I could have left my weapon in the car, had i needed to get out, but did not want to do that.
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Re: Remember Your Wallet


Post by fickman »

My wife almost did this the other day when going on a walk. Had the stroller, had the dog, had the concealed firearm, had the cell phone, had keys. . . I stopped her right as she was opening the door to remind her that she needed her TXDL and CHL.

It can be easy to forget when you're carrying outside of your normal routine.

Thanks for the reminder!
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Re: Remember Your Wallet


Post by C-dub »

Be very careful there everyone. If you have a CHL and are not on your own property and you are carrying a concealed handgun you had better have the plastic with you. In your car or not, Steve Rothstein and probably Charles, have explained why we cannot get away with carrying under the MPA. ... 8&start=15" onclick=";return false;

True, the penalty has been removed fro failure to show your license, but once the LEO runs your DL and discovers you have a CHL they are going to ask if you are carrying. What are you going to say if you are and know you don't have your plastic with you?
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Re: Remember Your Wallet


Post by AJ80 »

I'll definitely be sure to double check from now on.

The strange thing is, I keep my wallet, keys and gun all on the same table.
Of course that table has lots of other things on it too, like piles of change, holsters, mags, ammo, etc.
Perhaps it's time to declutter.
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Re: Remember Your Wallet


Post by quidni »

Abraham wrote:- so why do we need to carry a license of any kind if they can show we're up to date in the system, irrespective of it being insurance coverage or what have you...ah, that's asked rhetorically of course.
It's easier to compare your face to the pic in the ID than to a screen shot on the laptop that's back in the patrol car....
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Re: Remember Your Wallet


Post by chartreuse »

C-dub wrote:Be very careful there everyone. If you have a CHL and are not on your own property and you are carrying a concealed handgun you had better have the plastic with you. In your car or not, Steve Rothstein and probably Charles, have explained why we cannot get away with carrying under the MPA. ... 8&start=15" onclick=";return false;

True, the penalty has been removed fro failure to show your license, but once the LEO runs your DL and discovers you have a CHL they are going to ask if you are carrying. What are you going to say if you are and know you don't have your plastic with you?
As I said, I turned around and got my wallet anyway. But my reading of the thread you linked to is diametrically opposed to what yours appears to be. I don't think srothstein said anything like what I've bolded in your post - quite the opposite, in fact.
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Re: Remember Your Wallet


Post by gigag04 »

Here's my perspective:

I would be impressed if someone had the foresight to have a laminated copy of DL and CHL with their insurance "just in case." As long as you aren't relying on this as your primary method of ID'ing yourself - then I think the officer would appreciate someone being responsible. Everyone forgets things. If you forget your wallet but had the backup just to offer to the officer it can help him see at least you have a license. They will figure out who you are anyway when they run you by name/DOB. It will return with your license and license status (suspended, expired, valid etc).

You COULD get a ticket for fail to display DL...but I would say it is unlikely. And it's not a moving violation - you have a good chance of getting it dropped for $10 if you show the judge your DL and explain yourself.

Also - this isn't legal advice...but if I was in the shoes of someone who forgot their wallet with CHL/DL etc, I would tell the officer as soon as he asked for my DL. Something to the effect of "officer I just realized that I do not have my wallet with me - I usually keep it in my back pocket. I do need to inform you that I am a CHL holder and am carrying. I understand that I am supposed to keep my ID with me at all times....etc whatever. I always think it's weird when people apologize to me...but I understand. I've never gotten used to it though. It does show remorse and intent to fix whatever issue for the future.
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