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Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 10:05 pm
by SGLabman
Has anyone ever had someone touch your concealed gun while you in public? I got outed by my grandmother today. She patted me on the back and rubbed up against my gun. Being of advanced age she doesn't whisper very well. I'm sure anyone within 3 aisles heard her say "you have your gun on!" She then informed me that she was not at all upset about it and was glad to be so well protected (in the pet store).

SO, any suggestions? I usually don't tell ANYONE that I am carrying. I explained to her that I only carry when I'm not at home. She liked that one...

Re: Outed
Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 10:22 pm
by Sport Coach
I try to anticipate others' arm movements whether family or friends. Try to keep strong side arm tucked in if you're giving/getting a hug and kindly block hand or arm movements as needed. You can do it very gently if you anticipate their movement. If a person knows you carry be sure to tell them to not make a comment about it in public. Realize too, the more people who know you carry the more someone is likely to out you just for "fun."(?)
Re: Outed
Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 1:36 am
by TexasGal
Yeah, like the guy who reported his friend was with him in line at the post office and asked him if he was packing loud enough for everybody to hear.

Re: Outed
Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 6:54 am
by C-dub
My entire family knows that I carry and I also discussed the logic of why no one else needs to know that I am. I even had this discussion with my daughter when she was able to speak the word "gun." It's a secret that only Mommy, Daddy, and her know about.

Re: Outed
Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 8:04 am
by The Annoyed Man
I have the advantage of being left handed living in a right handed world, so my natural reaction to hugs is left arm low, right arm high. Even so, it has "gone wrong" more than once, and I've had someone inadvertently feel my gun under my shirt and raise an eyebrow. But nobody has ever said a thing about it.
Re: Outed
Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 8:32 am
by PBratton
I use my best Mae West voice and tell them that I am just glad to see them...
(do a search if you're too young to get this)
Re: Outed
Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 10:40 am
by Fawkes
TexasGal wrote:Yeah, like the guy who reported his friend was with him in line at the post office and asked him if he was packing loud enough for everybody to hear.

Doh! That right there is a friend in need of an attention getter. Then again, it's a Fed offense in the PO, so I'd just say, "Heck no. That'd be against the law.". :D
Re: Outed
Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 5:37 pm
by SGLabman
Thanks for the responses. Most of my friends and close family have their CCL and expect me to be carrying. It was just a shock to hear her say something.
Re: Outed
Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 9:39 pm
by C-dub
Grandparents ... can't take 'em anywhere. lol
Re: Outed
Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 8:42 am
by heeler
Yea,It happened last Friday afternoon.
It was a hot and humid day so I was wearing a pocket Tee shirt and shorts with cargo pockets.
My girlfriend placed her left hand on my right leg cargo pocket while inserting a CD in the CD player of the truck coming back from Loews Hardware and asked..."What's that??".
"My pistol" was the reply.
She did not even know I had it on me.
That's one benefit of todays pocket .380's stuffed inside a small leather pocket holster.
Re: Outed
Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 3:05 pm
by Drewthetexan
I've been outed a few times because of awkward side-hugs, or people putting their arms around my waist when I wasn't expecting it. I've gotten a few, "Is that what I think that is!?" reactions. I try to deflect with Clinton impressions, "depends on what the definition of is, is."
That's how my current girlfriend found out. She didn't buy the colostomy bag line, and we had an interesting conversation, to be sure.
Re: Outed
Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 3:28 pm
by LarryH
Drewthetexan wrote:That's how my current girlfriend found out. She didn't buy the colostomy bag line, and we had an interesting conversation, to be sure.
Since she's still your
current girlfriend, the conversation must have stayed positive.
Re: Outed
Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 5:01 pm
by Drewthetexan
LarryH wrote:Drewthetexan wrote:That's how my current girlfriend found out. She didn't buy the colostomy bag line, and we had an interesting conversation, to be sure.
Since she's still your
current girlfriend, the conversation must have stayed positive.
It was a lot of stink eye and spontaneous Q&A sessions that went on for a several weeks.
For some reason, of all the things I explained, the magic words were, "It's so I can come back home to you when I'm away." She literally stopped having a problem right then, smiled and said, "OK."

I had just thrown it out there to see how she'd react since nothing else had really worked. I can only guess/hope that she finally processed everything at that moment. But I dunno. I'm sure there are folks who understand women better than I do that can make more sense of it.
Re: Outed
Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 10:26 pm
by ghostrider
I'm sure there are folks who understand women
do they give classes?
Re: Outed
Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 10:33 pm
by jimlongley
PBratton wrote:I use my best Mae West voice and tell them that I am just glad to see them...
(do a search if you're too young to get this)
I don't think that works well for a 4oclock carry.
I got a hug at church a while back, and then the hugger stood there and openly caressed the butt of my gun, for a second or two, while chatting with me. Initially I didn't know what to do, but settled for moving my elbow down into that area. The person knew, beforehand, that I carry, although she might not have known that I do at church, and I never asked what she was up to, the opportunity never came up.