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LCP slide lock/didn't

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 7:11 pm
by seniorshooteress
At the range today I took 3 pistols. My new pink lady 38spl, Bersa .380 and my Ruger LCP. I had already shot a number of rounds through each and was waiting for the cease fire so I could put up another target. Slide was open on the LCP an it was laying in correct position for a cease fire but I was moving it more to the center of the table and the slide snapped closed getting a hunk of my thumb tip in it. I couldn't get a grip on it with my right hand cause that was the thumb in the slide but trying to get the slide back to the open possition using my left hand with no luck. My hubs is standing there just looking at me and I ask him can you please get the slide off my finger. I am aware of gun safety and while my thumb is held in place in the slide I am still aiming down range. Hubs is finally able to get the slide back. I bled like my finger had been chopped off and luckily, in my range bag, I had a towel. Hubs thought I was done for the day but I hadn't practiced enough just had to use my left hand thumb to eject empty mags and didn't pull the hammer back on the 38 revolver any more this range trip. Moral of this story is; don't slide the LCP across range table when gun's slide is open and keep all fingers away from slide, when it IS open. I have a nice little V shaped cut on the tip end of my thumb now and it has swollen up pretty good. Sure hope I don't have to be in a gun fight in the near future. At least until my thumb is able to release the clip for a speedy reload. :cryin Hubs said it reminded him of that you tube clip of the guy trying to stop the slide. Trust me; don't try it at home, cause it hurt!

Re: LCP slide lock/didn't

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 7:33 pm
by The Annoyed Man
That's right up there with "don't slice the tip of your thumb off with a Fisherman's Friend filleting knife while gutting a trout."

Don't ask me how I know that. :oops:

Re: LCP slide lock/didn't

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 12:21 pm
by NTexas_V-Star
Once while showing a friend of mine the ease of disassembly and reassembly of my 5" XD, I snapped the slide closed and caught the surface of a finger in it.

Ouch. I had to have help getting it back off, and I bled like a stuck pig. All over the gun, and inside it too. Had to clean it again after that.

Re: LCP slide lock/didn't

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 4:33 am
by TexasGal
OUCH! My thumb is hurting just reading about these mishaps. Thanks for the warning. Good to keep in mind. :tiphat:

Re: LCP slide lock/didn't

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 8:55 am
by Dragonfighter
When I get a sympathetic pain form watching or reading something like this it is a weird twinge in the groin muscles. Also having lost a 1/4 inch of my left thumb (table saw :roll: ) it came on in spades.

If you bleed on your gun, an immediate cleaning is mandatory. Blood is very corrosive, not sure why.

Re: LCP slide lock/didn't

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 10:21 am
by MoJo
Seniorshooteress, Back when the M1 Rifle (Garand) was the service rifle there was a condition called "M1 thumb" later known as "M14 thumb." Those two rifles have busted open and/or broken thousands of GI's thumbs. Be glad it was only a pistol that got you I've been had by both the M1 and M14 :cryin . You are now a fully initiated shooter! :cheers2: I hope your thumb gets well soon, nothing sticks out farther than a sore thumb. ;-)

Re: LCP slide lock/didn't

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 4:50 pm
by J Wilson
My M14 never bit me,but we had Garands in Infantry Training.Lots of guys walking around with bloody thumbs. Piiiiiing!

Re: LCP slide lock/didn't

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 6:23 pm
by MoJo
J Wilson wrote:Mojo,
My M14 never bit me,but we had Garands in Infantry Training.Lots of guys walking around with bloody thumbs. Piiiiiing!
My M14 in basic training had a bolt catch that was so worn that half the time when I tried to lock the bolt open it would slam closed as soon as I let go of the bolt. Made inspection arms interesting.

Re: LCP slide lock/didn't

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 10:01 pm
by SQLGeek
I was going to mention M1 Thumb. You haven't lived until your rifle has tried to load your thumb into the chamber. :shock:

Re: LCP slide lock/didn't

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 12:41 am
by seniorshooteress
SQLGeek wrote:I was going to mention M1 Thumb. You haven't lived until your rifle has tried to load your thumb into the chamber. :shock:
OHHHHH that sounds so painful. :cryin

Re: LCP slide lock/didn't

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 7:48 am
by cougartex
OUCH!!!!!! :cryin