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Ruger LCP - 2 defective Crimson Trace Lasers

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 5:47 pm
by AustinBoy
Finally decided to go ahead and get a Crimson Tarce laser for my LCP.
Ordered, waited a few days and it came in!
Put in on immediately.
It worked great!

Put the gun back in my pocket holster and put it back in the safe.

Wife came home a few hours later and I pulled it out to show her.
It would barely work. The laser would come on full strength for about 10 seconds and then dim to where you coudnt even see it.

irritated! called CT the next day. Told the very nice girl my story and she said she would have a new in the mail to me ASAP!
Received the new one about a week later.

Put on the new laser. It worked great! Put it back in the holster and in the safe.

A few days later I pull it out to carry. Figured I better try the laser after the first one died.
This one was completely dead! Not even a hint of working!!! Are you kidding me!!

Took it upstairs to complain to the wife. Showed her how the new one was completely dead.

Put it back in the holster. Wait. Holster? When I put it in the holster, the top of the holster rested perfectly on the button!!!!

The holster was holding down the button and draining the battery!

So, now I get to send back the "defective" one along with a picture of my holster and an apology letter.

Hopefully the picture will help and they can ask the next idiot who calls in with a "defective" laser what kind of holster he is using and is it pressing down the button.


Re: Ruger LCP - 2 defective Crimson Trace Lasers

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 5:54 pm
by Mike1951
This can happen to any of us. Having dealt with CT, I expect they'll handle this to your satisfaction.

But since you know what the problem is, why not just replace the batteries?

Re: Ruger LCP - 2 defective Crimson Trace Lasers

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 5:57 pm
by AustinBoy
I already have the replacement for my first "defective" one so I have to send that one back.
The first one I will send back with a picture and a letter.
The second one I will go buy a new battery and new holster for!


Re: Ruger LCP - 2 defective Crimson Trace Lasers

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 6:01 pm
by Mike1951
Believe it or not, Lowe's usually has the lowest prices on button cells.

CT will probably send you some free ones, as well.

Re: Ruger LCP - 2 defective Crimson Trace Lasers

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 6:37 pm
by Carry-a-Kimber
The same thing happened to me with my CT. First time I took it to the range, NO DOT. Turns out it was the holster pressing on the activation button, running down the battery :banghead: I cut a few stitches out of my Blackhawk #2 and problem solved. i got the free batteries for life coupon when I purchased mine so luckily I had a backup.

Re: Ruger LCP - 2 defective Crimson Trace Lasers

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 6:38 pm
by Quahog
Hey, I appreciate hearing it... gives us all something to look out for! :tiphat:

Re: Ruger LCP - 2 defective Crimson Trace Lasers

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 7:07 pm
by gigag04
Thread title is misleading IMO.

Glad you got it worked out.

Re: Ruger LCP - 2 defective Crimson Trace Lasers

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 7:08 pm
by A-R
I have seen and heard of this problem often with the generic Blackhawk pocket holsters.

Seems the Desantis and most custom holsters avoid this problem.

I am still running the original batteries in my LCP

Re: Ruger LCP - 2 defective Crimson Trace Lasers

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 9:31 pm
by AustinBoy
My Holster is a Blackhawk. :???:
Already had to cut the top off just so I could get the gun out of the holster. Not willing to do anymore mods.
Getting a new one. (this is an excuse)
