Not a front sight tool

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Not a front sight tool


Post by flynbenny »

Was zeroing the new 'flynbenny' carbine today, it became obvious an adjustment of the front sight was necessary. Now all of you who are familiar with Stoner's weapon system know that the 'tool' for adjusting the sight is the nose of a bullet, the theory being that a soldier/operator would always have one on hand, right? Well you need a pionty FMJ round to do that, and when you are on a range that bans FMJ those blunt nose soft points don't work. So I started looking around for a suitable subsitute, and discovered my Zebra 501 ball point pen in my pocket. Click, I extend the pen, and attempt to rotate the sight. First click was good, but I noticed a big problem on the second. There was this black stuff flowing all over my sight. Best I can tell, the torque I put on the pen somehow dislodged the ball and good deal of ink came out. Made a big mess on my hands and all over the sight. So I guess one should not use a ball point pen to adjust his weapon's sight unless in a dire emergency. :roll:

And before anyone says it, no ink is not good sight black. It's too shiny :biggrinjester:

Oh and by the way if you're going to zero an Eotech or Aimpoint don't try using red printed targets. :banghead: Trust me, it doesn't work and I have young eyes too.
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Re: Not a front sight tool


Post by MoJo »

That's why I keep one of THESE handy!
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Re: Not a front sight tool


Post by Kythas »

MoJo wrote:That's why I keep one of THESE handy!
Thanks for the link, MoJo! Ordering one now.
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