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Sorry I pulled out in front of you.......

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 7:07 pm
by chuckybrown
This past Saturday I'm leaving my daughter's softball game. 14 year old son and I are in my truck, he's in the passenger seat. 1:45 PM.

I get to the exit of the parking lot, and look out on to an eight lane highway, four lanes each way. I turn to my left an look......nothing coming as far as I can see around the bend/curve of oncoming traffic. I turn out, and as I turn and begin to accelerate, I notice in my peripheral vision that I see flashing headlights in my rear view mirror. A Mercedes....5 series is coming up on me F A S T. I'm talking close to 100 MPH, that's why I didn't see him as I left the lot.

As he gets close, he honks repeatedly, dives in front of me and SLAMS on the brakes. I mean LOCK 'EM UP put on the brakes. I change lanes left, he changes lanes and cuts me off. I change lanes right again, he changes lanes again to cut me off a 3rd time. I make a 3 lane change left (almost a 90 degree turn) and get in the far left lane as we hit a stoplight. He tries to get over, but is cut off by traffic. He's now two lanes to my right, and his window is rolling down to "jabber jaw". He's early twenties, and driving a decked out $100K plus Mercedes. He's screaming about me pulling in front of him, I say forcefully "do NOT mess with us". He jaws on, to which I reiterate "leave us alone, DO NOT mess with my family". You could see his facial expression change.

Sadly, I recognize him as a local sports "hero".

He rolled his window up, and made a right turn onto a dead-end street. I'm confident he was turning around.

My son is ghost white, saying "dad, a 13 year old girl died this week during a road rage incident".

I followed rule #1, and attempted to flee/not escalate the situation. Granted......probably should not have rolled my window down to talk to him, but after having to had to try three times to keep from hitting this guy from behind...I felt I needed to speak.

I'm probably making more of this than it was. However, this guy TRIED to get me to hit him from behind.

Quite frankly, I don't even understand people like this, and their mentality.

Scary stuff. I'm glad there was no altercation.

Re: Sorry I pulled out in front of you.......

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 7:17 pm
by MoJo
What makes so called sports "heroes" act like the North end of a Southbound horse? People like that make me long for the days of Joe DiMaggio, Ted Williams, Johnny U and others. Those guys were real sports heroes.

Re: Sorry I pulled out in front of you.......

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 7:54 pm
by marksiwel
You should call the kids mother, I'm not even kidding. Call her and tell her what was up.
If you know where he goes to church, call his pastor.
Call his coach and let him know as well.

We dont need more Joke Morons running around Texas, we've got plenty.

Re: Sorry I pulled out in front of you.......

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 7:58 pm
by mymojo
If he's early20s and drivin a $100k car, I doubt calling his mom is gonna have much effect.

Re: Sorry I pulled out in front of you.......

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 8:04 pm
by marksiwel
mymojo wrote:If he's early20s and drivin a $100k car, I doubt calling his mom is gonna have much effect.
These are the only "Legal" options I could post here, all my other ideas involved Grand Theft, Assault, and Thermite :evil2:

Re: Sorry I pulled out in front of you.......

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 8:06 pm
by 08thunders
You should have had your son call 911 to report "the crazy man trying to kill us."

Re: Sorry I pulled out in front of you.......

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 8:07 pm
by MadMonkey
Sports hero driving a Mercedes... it wasn't Bradie James was it? :shock:

Re: Sorry I pulled out in front of you.......

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 9:09 pm
by boomerang
'roid rage?

Re: Sorry I pulled out in front of you.......

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 9:47 pm
by marksiwel
boomerang wrote:'roid rage?

The thing I hate about these things, is for me, they make just as mad 6 months later as the did 6 seconds after they happened.

Re: Sorry I pulled out in front of you.......

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 7:39 am
by grumble
I see no reason that you couldn't give us a "hint" as to who this local "sports hero" was.

I frequently attend various sporting events, and would certainly stop dropping my $$ supporting a team that employs such a prima donna.

Re: Sorry I pulled out in front of you.......

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 8:58 am
by The Annoyed Man
Heck, I would "out" him in a letter to his coach and the team owner/management. Give an exact description of the events, including as much of his exact words as you can remember, and demand a written apology signed by said local "hero." And in that letter to the coach, I would mention the word "newspapers" if satisfaction is not forthcoming. If he's done it to you, he's done it to others, and he'll continue to do it until called on it...

...or, maybe he'll wrap himself and his fancy car around a tree, and the problem will fix itself. Either way is good enough for me.

Being 20 something and rich is no excuse for behaving like a Visigoth.

Re: Sorry I pulled out in front of you.......

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 9:11 am
The Annoyed Man wrote:Heck, I would "out" him in a letter to his coach and the team owner/management. Give an exact description of the events, including as much of his exact words as you can remember, and demand a written apology signed by said local "hero." And in that letter to the coach, I would mention the word "newspapers" if satisfaction is not forthcoming. If he's done it to you, he's done it to others, and he'll continue to do it until called on it...

...or, maybe he'll wrap himself and his fancy car around a tree, and the problem will fix itself. Either way is good enough for me.

Being 20 something and rich is no excuse for behaving like a Visigoth.
I would do the same thing. The coach and or team may be able to talk some sense into this punk. The law wont as he is obvioulsy above the his own little deranged mind. Writing a letter to his coach, owner and team is a great idea.

Re: Sorry I pulled out in front of you.......

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 9:13 am
by marksiwel
The Annoyed Man wrote:
Being 20 something and rich is no excuse for behaving like a Visigoth.
ooooh fancy words there misters.
speaking of Visigoths, check out their book of Law" onclick=";return false;
" * Book XII: Concerning the Prevention of Official Oppression, and the Thorough Extinction of Heretical Sects
o Title I: Concerning the Exercise of Moderation in Judicial Decisions, and the Avoiding of Oppression by Those Invested with Authority
o Title II: Concerning the Eradication of the Errors of all Heretics and Jews
o Title III: Concerning New Laws against the Jews, in which Old Ones are Confirmed, and New Ones are Added

Seemed like a friendly bunch

Re: Sorry I pulled out in front of you.......

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 9:46 am
by Abraham
At the time, why didn't you have your son call 911 (perhaps you didn't have a cell phone with you?) with the license plate number, car description, area location and a statement of what the lunatic was in the progress of doing?

Re: Sorry I pulled out in front of you.......

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 10:20 am
by MechAg94
I was going to say to call 911 also. Reckless driving is something you can get arrested for.