Interesting Saturday
Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 8:53 am
Maybe I'm just being paranoid, but I had an interesting saturday. The wife and I were in a Best Buy buying a TV, and there was another gentelmen that was looking for a Blu-ray player. The clerk told the man that they didn't have that player in stock. Another clerk comes up to us, and I point out the TV we want, and ask if he would check to see if they had it in the back.
The man then starts talking to us about his blu-ray player, and how he has all these blu-rays and no way to play them. He then starts talking to us about the TV we were looking at, and how they had a "similar" one at wal-mart for $600 or so, and I said, "Oh I'll have to stop on the way home" Just trying to get the guy to leave us alone. He just seemed to care a little too much about our TV... He finally left us alone, but something didn't seem right.
Our clerk came back and said that they have it in the back, and asked us to follow him to the front to ring it up. On the way up to the front, the same Blu-ray guy was looking at "something" in the middle isle, and I saw him glance at us as we passed. When we got to the front of the store, and our clerk was ringing us up, I held back a few feet so I could see the entrance of the store, and I noticed Blu-ray guy leave the store with nothing. odd.
We paid for the TV and were met at the door by another associate that had our box, we then headed outside to retrieve the car. And who should be waiting outside in his truck near the entrance than Blu-ray guy. I kept an eye on him as we walked to our car, and I took a little more time than usual to get in and drive. We had to re-arrange the frames that the wife has bought earlier so we could fit the TV box. This took a few minutes. As I was backing up out of the space, I see blu-ray truck drive away from the store, and I watch to see him get on the frontage road.
As I drove up to the front of the store, I noticed that the guy with our box was still inside and not able to be seen from the outside. I assume the blu-ray guy figured we had left wihtout the TV and so he left as well. We drove up to the front, Fit the Box in the car, and drove home. Fist time I was glad I was armed in public. Especially if bly-ray guy was going to "help" us with our TV, or follow us home and take it off our hands.
Lessons learned:
You can never be too paranoid.
Carrying a 1911 might not be comfortable, but it is comforting.
You CAN fit a 55" LCD TV into a Mazda3 hatchback... barely.
The man then starts talking to us about his blu-ray player, and how he has all these blu-rays and no way to play them. He then starts talking to us about the TV we were looking at, and how they had a "similar" one at wal-mart for $600 or so, and I said, "Oh I'll have to stop on the way home" Just trying to get the guy to leave us alone. He just seemed to care a little too much about our TV... He finally left us alone, but something didn't seem right.
Our clerk came back and said that they have it in the back, and asked us to follow him to the front to ring it up. On the way up to the front, the same Blu-ray guy was looking at "something" in the middle isle, and I saw him glance at us as we passed. When we got to the front of the store, and our clerk was ringing us up, I held back a few feet so I could see the entrance of the store, and I noticed Blu-ray guy leave the store with nothing. odd.
We paid for the TV and were met at the door by another associate that had our box, we then headed outside to retrieve the car. And who should be waiting outside in his truck near the entrance than Blu-ray guy. I kept an eye on him as we walked to our car, and I took a little more time than usual to get in and drive. We had to re-arrange the frames that the wife has bought earlier so we could fit the TV box. This took a few minutes. As I was backing up out of the space, I see blu-ray truck drive away from the store, and I watch to see him get on the frontage road.
As I drove up to the front of the store, I noticed that the guy with our box was still inside and not able to be seen from the outside. I assume the blu-ray guy figured we had left wihtout the TV and so he left as well. We drove up to the front, Fit the Box in the car, and drove home. Fist time I was glad I was armed in public. Especially if bly-ray guy was going to "help" us with our TV, or follow us home and take it off our hands.
Lessons learned:
You can never be too paranoid.
Carrying a 1911 might not be comfortable, but it is comforting.
You CAN fit a 55" LCD TV into a Mazda3 hatchback... barely.