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Someone Tried To Get Into My Apartment, Oops :)

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 5:48 pm
by dihappy
Not really what you think, but heres the story:

I happened to work the night shift the other night due to someone calling in sick. So, i get home at about 8am and the Fiance has already left, she got a ride to work (her car is in the shop).

I get a text message from her asking if im still in bed and that she gets off at 430pm, i text her back that ill be there to pick her up and that im still in bed.

After a couple minutes, I hear a key enter the keyhole and the door knob turn. It surprised me, and i reach for my Kimber on the nightstand. I always set the deadbolt so i wasnt too worried and thought that someone may have the wrong apartment. I waited and thought that if it was maintenance they would eventually knock. No knock, and i hear the key again and the door knob rattle. I get up in my underwear and ask "Who Is It", while standing off to the side.

"Its me!", i hear my fiance yell. :eek6

I open the door and tell her to never come home unanouced again. "I wanted to suprise you" she says. "Yeah, you surprised me alright".

Of course i had a little talk with her about that sort of thing :)

Anyway, thought it was funny, and scary at the same time.

Re: Someone Tried To Get Into My Apartment, Oops :)

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 6:46 pm
by hheremtp
dihappy wrote:Not really what you think, but heres the story:

I happened to work the night shift the other night due to someone calling in sick. So, i get home at about 8am and the Fiance has already left, she got a ride to work (her car is in the shop).

I get a text message from her asking if im still in bed and that she gets off at 430pm, i text her back that ill be there to pick her up and that im still in bed.

After a couple minutes, I hear a key enter the keyhole and the door knob turn. It surprised me, and i reach for my Kimber on the nightstand. I always set the deadbolt so i wasnt too worried and thought that someone may have the wrong apartment. I waited and thought that if it was maintenance they would eventually knock. No knock, and i hear the key again and the door knob rattle. I get up in my underwear and ask "Who Is It", while standing off to the side.

"Its me!", i hear my fiance yell. :eek6

I open the door and tell her to never come home unanouced again. "I wanted to suprise you" she says. "Yeah, you surprised me alright".

Of course i had a little talk with her about that sort of thing :)

Anyway, thought it was funny, and scary at the same time.

:eek6 WOW that could have gone real bad real fast. Glad no one was hurt!

Re: Someone Tried To Get Into My Apartment, Oops :)

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 6:58 pm
by lonewolf
Back in the Olden days, I had a roomie barge into my room after he'd been out drinking. I was sound asleep.....Not good for the home team.......he never knew how close he came to joining his ancestors........when I told him about it the next day, he didn't believe me......I got a 2x4 and jammed it under the door knob after that......

Re: Someone Tried To Get Into My Apartment, Oops :)

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 11:30 am
by TDDude
lesson #1 in Home Defense -


Good Job!!

:fire :fire