Craigslist robbery

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Craigslist robbery


Post by seamusTX »

In Indianapolis, Indiana, a man listed a fancy set of wheels and tires on Craigslist. A buyer called from Hammond (about 100 miles away) and wanted to look at them. The two men agreed to meet halfway at a Subway shop on a state highway in Lafayette.

The buyer brought two of his buddies. All three were armed and intended to rob the seller.

The seller had also brought a buddy who had a concealed weapon license and was armed.

The buyer paid $3,100 cash for the wheels, then he and his buddies drew weapons and demanded the cash back. Details are unclear, but shots were fired by both sides. The robbers fled and were arrested a short time later. No one was injured.

Yesterday the suspects were formally charged with numerous felonies.

Police stated that charges would not be brought against the defenders. ... /907170323" onclick=";return false;

This kind of thing (along with rape) is accomplished through Craigslist with increasing frequency.

I think the buyer made the right moves by meeting in a neutral, public place and bringing a buddy, but this was still a very dicey situation.

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Re: Craigslist robbery


Post by DoubleJ »

shoulda had a cover sniper in an overwatch position....

I remember an episode of The First 48 that happened to a Waco kid (killed in Dallas, though) about nearly and identical premise. I think we just hear about "craiglist" crimes a little more, due to it being a "buzz word."

could just be my perception, though.
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Re: Craigslist robbery


Post by seamusTX »

It's possible that Craigslist makes it easier to arrange a meeting anonymously, by using a throw-away e-mail address.

When you call someone in response to a classified ad, chances are pretty good they will get your number from caller ID.

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Re: Craigslist robbery


Post by DoubleJ »

that's an excellent point. Craig'sList just has sleaze written all over it.
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Re: Craigslist robbery


Post by sss »

seamusTX wrote:I think the buyer made the right moves by meeting in a neutral, public place and bringing a buddy, but this was still a very dicey situation.

You do mean the seller, right? ;) The buyer got screwed on this deal.
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Re: Craigslist robbery


Post by seamusTX »

Thanks, I meant seller.

Meeting in public is a good precaution for both parties. A bogus seller could set up a buyer for robbery, knowing that the buyer is going to be carrying cash.

This type of crime is far more common than I expected:" onclick=";return false;

I've been overlooking it because the victims usually are not hurt and don't defend themselves.

I ain't never puttin' nothin' on Craigslist.

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Re: Craigslist robbery


Post by FlynJay »

I don't really think it is a craig's list specific crime. Meeting a stranger at an unknown location for the exchange of high priced goods is very dangerous and should not be approaced lightly. If you could find a location in close proximity to a police station that would be perfect.

At least the guy came prepared and he and his buddy were not injured. Although it sounds like he needs some practice.
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Re: Craigslist robbery


Post by kalipsocs »

This falls under the same heading as most other prudent. I have sold lots and lots of things, high and low, on craigslist without incident. Bring a friend if possible, meet in a public place, and be courteous but mindful. What about buying a firearm privately? How many times has that stopped any of us? Just need to be careful like with anything else.

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Re: Craigslist robbery


Post by dicion »

I guess next time I sell something on CL, I'll post something on this forum first, and Ya'll can help me by providing 360 degree sniper backup support at the meeting point.

Just in case :mrgreen:

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Re: Craigslist robbery


Post by Rex B »

I do recall the earlier killing in Dallas.
Guy saw a collector car on craigslist, arranged to buy it. Towed his trailer from out of town, brought cash.
I think was a South Dallas neighborhood, one in which you don't go after dark, if you know better.
Supposed seller met him (at night) with a gun, robbed and killed him.
IIRC his girlfriend said the victim had a CHL, but he apparently did not defend himself.
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Re: Craigslist robbery


Post by seamusTX »

We know the litany of reasons why CHL holders don't carry, or don't carry with a round in the chamber, or keep their piece in their vehicle rather than on their person.

If the criminal party in one of these robberies were smart, he would have an ironclad alibi for himself at the time of the robbery, and have his gangster buddies commit the crime.

However, smart criminal is pretty much an oxymoron.

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Re: Craigslist robbery


Post by WarHawk-AVG »

I have had NOTHING but great dealings with Craigslist

In fact I picked up a used Craftsman bagger mower for $30 bucks last wife got a $35,000 Pure Arabian show horse with a bone spur in its heel (for free!!!! because it couldn't get shown anymore)


oh wait...Indianapolis, Indiana...most people in TX are still honest God fearing folks, plus when we meet face to face...we are usually armed :txflag:
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Re: Craigslist robbery


Post by seamusTX »

Indiana has fewer restrictions on licensed concealed carry than Texas -- including bars -- and offers a lifetime license (which is not good for NICS bypass). Outside of the northwest corner of the state, which is almost a suburb of Chicago, it is more like a southern state than any other north of the Ohio River.

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Re: Craigslist robbery


Post by ELB »

seamusTX wrote:Indiana has fewer restrictions on licensed concealed carry than Texas -- including bars -- and offers a lifetime license (which is not good for NICS bypass). Outside of the northwest corner of the state, which is almost a suburb of Chicago, it is more like a southern state than any other north of the Ohio River.

-- Jim
Interesting that you say that. I was born and raised in southern Indiana, out in the sticks, joined the military, wandered around for about 20 years, end up in San Antonio for last couple assignments. The San Antonio area was the first place where I felt like it could be "home." The city of San Antonio felt more like a big town than a big city (which was a good thing). Every place else I lived, it was OK but I never felt any reason to stay there. So I retired here in S. Texas and moved to the Seguin area. I have not felt like I had any problem fitting in with the locals here.

One of the local gentlemen I work with in the fire department grew up in this area, but worked in Indiana on a fiber optic cable-laying job for some months. He said the Hoosier farmers he met were very much like the folks here, very friendly to him, and it was the one place outside of his home turf here in Texas he thought he could live if he had to.

So I find your comment noteworthy. As an aside, more than once I have had north eastern "yankees" ask if I was from the south -- altho I don't have near the countrified accent some of my fellow hillbilly Hoosiers have, I still sounded like a southerner to them... ;-)
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Re: Craigslist robbery


Post by ELB »

When I read the article, I kept wondering why it started off saying Lafayette Police were seeking help from authorities in NW Indiana (i.e. Gary and East Chicago, which is in Indiana) when the three had obviously been arrested. Then I get to the very end:
Hall, Mercer and Rodriguez were arrested on July 1, but each was released from the Tippecanoe County Jail after posting a $25,000 surety bond.
Jumpin' jiminy...
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