Secure your ammo, especially in public!
Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 1:11 pm
[This actually happened to me about a month ago, which was the last time I was able to actually find ammo in WalMart (but that's another thread in itself)]
Normally when I go to WalMart for any reason, my first stop is in the sporting goods section to check out ammo - if they have any, I pick up 2-3 boxes of WWB for my next trip to the range. On the day of this incident, they actually had some of the "Value packs" of Winchester 9mm, so I happily picked up three boxes, paid, double bagged them and put them in the "kid seat" of the shopping cart my wife and I intended to use for the rest of our shopping.
Fast forward 20 minutes later to a half full cart - we were in the cereal section and I was contemplating whether it was going to be a Raisin Bran or granola week when I heard a "plink" come from the direction of the cart (about 5 feet away). The cart was in my peripherial vision so I knew nobody was near it, but looked directly over that direction and didn't see anything odd. After a second I went back to the cereal boxes only to hear another "plink", followed by "plinkplinkplink". As I looked back at the cart I was horrified to discover that the bag containing the ammo had rolled over at some point, and the top to one of the boxes of ammo had just popped open - one of the cheap WWB boxes was disgorging what seemed to be a waterfall of 115gr 9mm rounds out of the cart and onto the Wallyworld cereal aisle in a quickening pace.
I managed to catch the bag before more than 15-20 rounds had spilled out, and scrambled to gather them off the floor. Luckily, the other shoppers nearby didn't even notice what was going on - one of two of them had looked in my direction, but didn't realize what most liberal newpapers would consider to be, by that point a "small arsenal's worth of ammunition" that had spilled out of my shopping cart. If they had noticed, hopefully I'd of received a "mulligan" since this is Texas, but I will admit that I had visions as I grabbed the escaping ammo of having to explain to walmart's crack security detail (and possibly a sheriff afterwards) what I was doing sowing bullets in the breakfast foods section!

Normally when I go to WalMart for any reason, my first stop is in the sporting goods section to check out ammo - if they have any, I pick up 2-3 boxes of WWB for my next trip to the range. On the day of this incident, they actually had some of the "Value packs" of Winchester 9mm, so I happily picked up three boxes, paid, double bagged them and put them in the "kid seat" of the shopping cart my wife and I intended to use for the rest of our shopping.
Fast forward 20 minutes later to a half full cart - we were in the cereal section and I was contemplating whether it was going to be a Raisin Bran or granola week when I heard a "plink" come from the direction of the cart (about 5 feet away). The cart was in my peripherial vision so I knew nobody was near it, but looked directly over that direction and didn't see anything odd. After a second I went back to the cereal boxes only to hear another "plink", followed by "plinkplinkplink". As I looked back at the cart I was horrified to discover that the bag containing the ammo had rolled over at some point, and the top to one of the boxes of ammo had just popped open - one of the cheap WWB boxes was disgorging what seemed to be a waterfall of 115gr 9mm rounds out of the cart and onto the Wallyworld cereal aisle in a quickening pace.

I managed to catch the bag before more than 15-20 rounds had spilled out, and scrambled to gather them off the floor. Luckily, the other shoppers nearby didn't even notice what was going on - one of two of them had looked in my direction, but didn't realize what most liberal newpapers would consider to be, by that point a "small arsenal's worth of ammunition" that had spilled out of my shopping cart. If they had noticed, hopefully I'd of received a "mulligan" since this is Texas, but I will admit that I had visions as I grabbed the escaping ammo of having to explain to walmart's crack security detail (and possibly a sheriff afterwards) what I was doing sowing bullets in the breakfast foods section!