Never again tell anyone that you carry.....

So that others may learn.

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Post by pbandjelly »

nitrogen wrote:Another reason to not even let people know you're into guns:

I got laid off yesterday. I was escorted off the premises by DPD, as well as local building security. That was a lot of fun. I guess they were afraid i'd shoot up the place or something.
sorry. guess all that time on the internet.... jk! :lol:
now you have time for hobbies!!
srsly, hope the job hunt goes quickly.
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Post by nuparadigm »

nitrogen wrote: I got laid off yesterday.
Sorry to hear that. From reading your posts, it has always appeared to me that you have the intelligence and the ability to land on your feet. I know you will.

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Re: Never again tell anyone that you carry.....


Post by shooter_tx »

Doug.38PR wrote:Never again tell ANYONE unless you know them well and they are a good friend that you carry a gun.


Two months later, he told his partners via E mail about it saying "Did you know Doug wears a gun!" (which makes it sound threatening)
This is exactly how a co-worker told me about one of our computer guys, whom I didn't even take/figure for a gun guy.

Her: "Did you know so-and-so carries a gun?"

Me: "Here at work?"

Her: "No. He says he can't....." (§ 46.03 + § 30.06 = we're all gonna die)

Me: "Oh, so he's probably got his CHL?"

Her: "Yeah, if that's what you call that license."

Me: "Cool. That means he's actually more law-abiding than the average bear."

Her: :?:

Me: (explanation)

Her: "So do you have one of those licenses?"

Me: "No."

Her: <whew> <then thinking> "Why not?"

Me: "I don't believe in them. More accurately, I don't believe the state has the right to regulate that." (yes, I know the TX State Const. says it does; that's a different story)

Her: :shock:

Me: "Well, if some bad guy who also doesn't believe in licenses ever decides to come in here and shoot up the place, I'll know who to go find. Not that it'll help any, since a bunch of small-minded politicians in Austin don't think our lives are worth allowing us to protect, but at least I'll die with someone of the same mindset, either trying to escape or trying to fight back."

Her: "Hmmn."
"How a politician stands on the Second Amendment tells you how he or she views you as an a trustworthy and productive citizen, or as part of an unruly crowd that needs to be lorded over, controlled, supervised, and taken care of." - [Former] TX State Rep. Suzanna Gratia Hupp (R)

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Re: Never again tell anyone that you carry.....


Post by stormbringerr »

Doug.38PR wrote:Never again tell ANYONE unless you know them well and they are a good friend that you carry a gun.

I made this mistake about 6 months back. I told someone that I worked with as he was asking why I wear a sport coat. I politely let him in on it. He instantly seemed uncomfortable. "Have you ever shot anybody?" he asked. Normally I would think such a question asked in humor but he was serious...and uneasy. "Oh no!" I told him.

Two months later, he told his partners via E mail about it saying "Did you know Doug wears a gun!" (which makes it sound threatening) And then came to me insisting that I not wear a gun saying that at least 3 people around the area had "seen me with a gun." (I'm quite sure it was rubbish to give himself support as I almost never carried in the area he was refering). I agreed not to and assured him that I was not looking for trouble.

Moral of the story, Be VERY selective of who you tell. If you tell the wrong person, whether you are legal or not, they can use it against you later.
yes, thats very true. also on the flip side, all of a sudden they threaten people they dont like with my friend wears a gun and.........

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Discretion is the better part of valor!


Post by badkarma56 »

Hey all,

I don't even have my CHL yet, but I felt compelled to add my two cents here. Due to the sheep-like nature of many of our fellow citizens (this is sad, but true), I've already decided NOT to inform anyone that I work with that I hold a CHL or that I carry a firearm. There's simply too much disinformation and ignorance about guns out there right now...remember, "pick your battles." ;-)

The pervasive "culture of fear" has really taken it's toll on the common sense of contemporary Americans. For what it's worth, I'm an attorney by profession, but I currently teach law for a living. As such, I recommend that you exercise extreme discretion around the workplace, church, and other social/professional settings. At the very least, only mention the CHL/gun that you carry to others that you know are like-minded. One poorly informed fool who panics and blabs to your co-workers could seriously ruin your day, or worse!

Online CHL App Completed: 25JUN07
CHL App Packet Received from DPS: 29JUN07
CHL Class: 7JUL07
CHL App Sent to DPS: 9JUL07
DPS Received CHL App: 12JUL07
DPS "Processing App": 25JUL07
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Post by atxgun »

Ugh, I've told a couple of friends I was thinking about getting my CHL. They are good friends but I didn't tell them to keep in the down low or anything. I think next time I see them I'm going to quickly point out "ive decided not to b/c of cost" ... or some bull like that and hope that part of the story circulates back around anyone they may have told.

My initial thought of having some friends that know is that I thought it would be useful to have a companion while carrying my plastic to help make me aware of any problems.

Don't know what I was thinking though, this was the same guy who I told after I first got my gun and through out the whole next week everytime I ran into someone in our mutual circle of friends it was "so... i hear you got a gun"

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Post by Snake Doctor »

Just don't tell anyone other than your family, and, if you deem it necessary, your very close friends.
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Post by jason »

I don't advertise my carry-ability. Those people that do know are in the same boat, or back in California wishing they could come aboard.

My stance is that I only have to reveal my carry to a police officer in the line of duty. In fact, we have some friends (not close friends) that are police officers and I have not told them, not even when entering their home.

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Post by Fragger »

Recently i visited this one church and was introduced to this little ole lady so I put my hand out for a hand shake but instead she wanted a hug. I carry under a vest and as she hugged me her right hand went on my 38 snubby......She freaked out!! I told her I was a part of Homeland Security and she was ok but.....
They immediately had an alter call for prayer for me hahahahahahahahhha

Yes be carfefull who finds out you carry, I never let anyone know I carry intentionally.
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Post by Bill »

My employees know I carry, and I explain the tombstones on the back of the property were underperforming workers :txflag:
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Post by dihappy »

I never told anyone at work that i carry, but one morning i forgot to take my carry gun off that i carry iwb lower back.

I was in my bosses office and took off my coat cuz it was hot, bent down to open the safe like i do every morning and heard him ask "is that a gun" :shock:

I totally freaked out and said "yeah, sorry, i forgot to leave it in the car"

he replied, "im just messin with you. Im from Florida, just dont let anyone else see."

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Post by stevie_d_64 »

Love this thread!
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Post by flb_78 »

dihappy wrote:I never told anyone at work that i carry, but one morning i forgot to take my carry gun off that i carry iwb lower back.

I was in my bosses office and took off my coat cuz it was hot, bent down to open the safe like i do every morning and heard him ask "is that a gun" :shock:

I totally freaked out and said "yeah, sorry, i forgot to leave it in the car"

he replied, "im just messin with you. Im from Florida, just dont let anyone else see."


That's great, I got a laugh out of that!!! :lol:

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Post by dukalmighty »

I learned after the initial woohoo i'm legal,I went to as few a ppl that know the less that can accidently out me during a situation where we might be robbed etc. If i'm gonna make a decision to draw and fire I want it to be on my terms,waiting for a moment when BG is distracted, not somebody else yelling shoot him :shock:
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