2 guns stolen out of my truck mckinney

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Re: 2 guns stolen out of my truck mckinney


Post by Mr.ViperBoa »

I am so sorry to hear about your pistols. I have had a vehicle stolen before so I understand how you feel.
I am scared to death to leave a pistol in my car at all. I get so paranoid over wondering if someone is breaking in my car while I'm out of it. I think about getting a car vault but then what if they steal the car? They will have your piece anyway. The way I see it is if someone wants what you have bad enough they will get it.
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Re: 2 guns stolen out of my truck mckinney


Post by Fangs »


I don't have personal experience with having to use it, but I've heard good things from friends who've been there.
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Re: 2 guns stolen out of my truck mckinney


Post by LAYGO »

I feel a lot more comfortable now that I've got a 2 way alarm. It will notify my key fob with vibration/noise to let me know something's going on.

One time I was at home, chilling in bed on SAT morning. Next thing I know, my key fob is buzzing & beeping. I look at it & it's saying shock sensor. As I'm getting to the front door, I can hear a bouncing ball & realize the neighbor's kids hit my car with a ball. I walk out there, my neighbor is there watching them & she says "he did it", pointing to her son. I told them that I hit them as hard as they hit my car (joking of course w/a wink to the mom), but it got some looks from the kids! ;)
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Re: 2 guns stolen out of my truck mckinney


Post by drjoker »

What are the 2% vehicles that you CANNOT open? I'd like to buy one of those....

Target1911 wrote:I have drivin a tow truck for the last 8 yrs. Using a slim Jim I can open your f150 in about 5 seconds. Using the wedge and long rod (big easy) I can be in it in about 10-15 seconds. I can open 98% of the vehicles on the road today with a wedge and long rod......yes even the cars the dealer will tell you I can't open.

The easiest are the Ford and dodge cars/trucks with the lil lock pull on the top rim of the door near the window. 3 seconds with a slim Jim

I am very sorry about your guns. Back in May someone broke into my apt and took 7 of mine. I know the feeling of being violated.
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Re: 2 guns stolen out of my truck mckinney


Post by Jasonw560 »

There's 1 of 2 things I wish we could legally have in (or on) our cars to stop theft.

1), pressure-sensitive explosives (like James Bond's DeLorean in "Live and Let Die"), and/or

2), electrical current.

They would only try to steal a car once.
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Re: 2 guns stolen out of my truck mckinney


Post by KD5NRH »

Fangs wrote:http://www.lojack.com/car/pages/car.aspx

I don't have personal experience with having to use it, but I've heard good things from friends who've been there.
http://www.dealextreme.com/p/tri-band-g ... 0mhz-39993" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

You can get a prepaid SIM card for it, or there used to be a service I don't remember the name of that was a purely per-use charge for devices like this. The advantage being that you can get the information directly from the unit, rather than going through LoJack or the police, so you can use it for low-priority checking. (Like looking to see if the car is somewhere your wife or kid goes on a regular basis before you report it stolen, or not having to get your wife to describe where she is when she calls you asking for directions...or, for that matter, looking it up from your smartphone when you can't remember where you parked.)
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Re: 2 guns stolen out of my truck mckinney


Post by MojoTexas »

Oh that sucks. Sorry to hear about your loss. What's even more disturbing is that I live pretty close to that area. Looks like I need to get a Console Vault.

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Re: 2 guns stolen out of my truck mckinney


Post by KFP »

MojoTexas wrote:Oh that sucks. Sorry to hear about your loss. What's even more disturbing is that I live pretty close to that area. Looks like I need to get a Console Vault.

MojoTexas :txflag:
You'd be shocked with the number of BMVs in McKinney! The majority of the time it is people who leave things in plain sight, or just don't lock their doors at all.
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Re: 2 guns stolen out of my truck mckinney


Post by Mr.ViperBoa »

Jasonw560 wrote:There's 1 of 2 things I wish we could legally have in (or on) our cars to stop theft.

1), pressure-sensitive explosives (like James Bond's DeLorean in "Live and Let Die"), and/or

2), electrical current.

They would only try to steal a car once.
I remember reading a story once about a guy who rigged an airbag on the ceiling of his car and when the thief got in it blew straight down and broke his neck.
Not funny but I laughed anyway. :lol:
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