The guy in Salinas, CA was not convicted of manslaughter. He was convicted of misdemeanor assault.WildBill wrote:If he goes up and pushes one of them off his car and the thug falls on the pavement and dies, then he could get convicted of manslaughter like the guy in Salinas, CA.
Orion Christopher Moore pulled into a gas station where a panhandler asked to wash his windshield. Orion told him no, probably several times. When Orion was in the gas station, he saw the panhandler going towards his car to wash his windshield anyway. Some reports say that he saw the man approaching Orion's girlfriend to ask her. Angry that the man was persisting, Orion, IIRC, charged from the gas station and across the parking lot and knocked the elderly man to the ground, killing him on impact.
Orion eventually plead no contest to a charge of assault with force likely to cause great bodily injury, with an enhancement of causing great bodily injury. The judge reduced it from a felony to a misdemeanor at sentencing. He was put on three years of misdemeanor probation and is required to work 400 hours of community service.
In the CA situation, Orion did not fear for his life or safety or even for his property. He was being harassed, but all it would have taken to permanently end the issue was to drive away. He chose out of anger and/or indignation to use force instead. In the OP, he expressed that it was nighttime, that a group of 8 people was resting on his car which angered him but they were not causing any damage, he had no pressing need for them to move immediately and he was fearful of what they'd do if he approached them, so he chose to scream at them from a distance with his gun at low ready and his phone at hand. Unlike in the CA case, they then proceeded to do physical damage to his car before leaving and since the OP and his car will frequently be at the same location and they now have a connection between the two along with anger over it, the situation could be carried forward into the future indefinitely.
Because no immediate damage was being done, no real fear of immediate theft or destruction was present though the potential for it was greatly increased, and because the likely consequences of confronting them greatly outweighed any potential gain, the OP's safest way of protecting himself--which must come first--along with his property--including what is in his storefront/office, which could become a target--was to call the police and wait for them to roll by and run the group off. Reporting a group of suspicious persons loitering after dark and keeping him from being able to leave as they were physically on his car, putting him in fear of attack, theft, or reprisal, would be acted on pretty quickly unless there were several major things going on elsewhere in the city. Even then, he would have the time to get better descriptions of the people and he would be able to protect himself and his property with force if anything escalated, or they would move on of their own accord, probably never to be seen again.