Man Dies While Hunting Alone

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Re: Man Dies While Hunting Alone


Post by karder »

I am an avid camper and hiker and I can tell you all, accident can happen to even the smartest and most experienced of us. Always take a buddy with you if you are going on an extended trip into the wilderness. If one of you gets hurt, the other can save your life. If you are going alone, make sure your loved ones know exactly where you are going and leave them maps and a detailed trip plan, and then stick to your plan. If you don't come back when you should, the rangers will need that info to find you. Ironically, I think the wilderness is safer than our car congested, crime filled societies, but there are dangers and the dangers are different then what we encounter in society, so we tend to forget to plan for them.
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Re: Man Dies While Hunting Alone


Post by drjoker »

Dude, he may not have a "hunting buddy". He may just enjoy the quiet solitude. Or he might be elderly and all his friends/family are dead.
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Re: Man Dies While Hunting Alone


Post by OCD »

drjoker wrote:Dude, he may not have a "hunting buddy". He may just enjoy the quiet solitude. Or he might be elderly and all his friends/family are dead.
Dude, that's more reasons to be careful and be able to self-rescue.
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Re: Man Dies While Hunting Alone


Post by Excaliber »

drjoker wrote:Dude, he may not have a "hunting buddy". He may just enjoy the quiet solitude. Or he might be elderly and all his friends/family are dead.
He's not short on solitude now.

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