Remembered the gun but forgot the wallet

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Re: Remembered the gun but forgot the wallet


Post by Running Arrow Bill »

JALLEN wrote:Wait 'til you guys get old........ "rlol"

I've been "loading" my pants every time I change them ever since I carried a wallet...since a teenager. I'm now in my 70s! an "emergency" if I'm not dressed, all I have to do is put my pants on and I'm good to go...with all the IDs, money, and stuff!

This is not an "age" thing. It is about a lifelong personal habit. Like the people that toss their car keys on the table when they come home and then "forget" where their keys are (or the kid took them to play with them...). Keys, pocket knife, money, IDs, wallet always in pants pocket and ready to hit the

To have my pants pockets empty and my gun laying down somewhere, is a no brainer. Of course, I don't wear these things when I'm in the shower or in

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Re: Remembered the gun but forgot the wallet


Post by RAM4171 »

I don't know if I'm just set in ways or OCD. Every single working morning is the same.
1. Go to the master bedroom door, I keep everything of mine in my man cave.
2. Pray to the Lord for protection of my wife and dogs in my absence.
3. Go in kiss my wife good morning.
4. Grab my rifle from beside the bed.
5. Go to man cave and place rifle in safe.
6. Count rifles, count shotguns, count revolvers, and count pistols.
7. Tap pistol, ammo, phone, wallet, knife.
I rarely forget any of my EDC? But man am I set in my ways. :lol:
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Re: Remembered the gun but forgot the wallet


Post by drjoker »

Maybe you should attach or stuff your CHL inside or to your holster. It's illegal to tote your pea shooter without your plastic.
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Re: Remembered the gun but forgot the wallet


Post by Moby »

Great idea!!!!

Jumping Frog wrote:I keep photos of my DL and CHL on my phone as backup.

I know it does not satisfy the strict legal requirement, but for the 99% routine LEO encounter, they should suffice and certainly couldn't hurt.
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Re: Remembered the gun but forgot the wallet


Post by Abraham »

If you carry long enough, you're very likely going to experience a forgotten: Pistol, (though you may have your holster belted on) and/or your CHL/Dr. Lic.

It happens...
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