Motorcycle Accident

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Re: Motorcycle Accident


Post by 3dfxMM »

DLBConductor wrote:Glad you are mostly ok. Let us know what the specialist says. Believe me, now is the time for action. I hope all goes well for you!

Back in 1993, I was bicycling in a breakdown lane when a large semi pulled a right turn directly in front of me. To avoid hitting the truck head-on, I laid my bicycle down and slid about 20' into the bar-ditch on my right shoulder. I didn't see a doctor and as a result have continuing problems. I have to go and beg for a steroid shot every 2-3 years. After my last shot in 2012, the doctor said, "No more shots. If it flares up again, we need to do surgery, with a minimum recovery period of six to nine months." [Since I don't want to have to shoot left handed for almost a year, I plan on toughing it out if I can.......]
Your description makes it sound like you were riding down the left side of the road. Hopefully, you learned a lesson that day. :)

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Re: Motorcycle Accident


Post by DLBConductor »

3dfxMM wrote:
DLBConductor wrote:Glad you are mostly ok. Let us know what the specialist says. Believe me, now is the time for action. I hope all goes well for you!

Back in 1993, I was bicycling in a breakdown lane when a large semi pulled a right turn directly in front of me. To avoid hitting the truck head-on, I laid my bicycle down and slid about 20' into the bar-ditch on my right shoulder. I didn't see a doctor and as a result have continuing problems. I have to go and beg for a steroid shot every 2-3 years. After my last shot in 2012, the doctor said, "No more shots. If it flares up again, we need to do surgery, with a minimum recovery period of six to nine months." [Since I don't want to have to shoot left handed for almost a year, I plan on toughing it out if I can.......]
Your description makes it sound like you were riding down the left side of the road. Hopefully, you learned a lesson that day. :)
No, we were both going south. I always bike on the right side of the road. I was in the breakdown lane on the far right side of the road and he was in lane one on the right side of the road. We were side by side. He suddenly slammed on his brakes and pulled a right turn to go on a smaller tributary road placing him directly in my path. I slammed on my brakes, laid the bicycle down, and slid into the right side bar-ditch on my right shoulder. The right side of my helmet was destroyed. He never saw me, before or after the incident. As you know, motorcycles and bicycles are INVISIBLE TO A LOT OF DRIVERS.

[12/10/2011: CHL Class - 100 Written and 240 Range][01/14/2012: Plastic - 31 Days!]
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Re: Motorcycle Accident


Post by clarionite »

ajwakeboarder wrote:Well, the inevitable happened today. I got in my first motorcycle accident. I hit some gravel on a corner and the front wheel washed out. I was wearing full protective gear so i'm ok. However, I think i might have broken or dislocated my right thumb. I'm hoping it's just bruised or jammed, but i'm not sure. I can't use it right now. If it doesn't get better by tomorrow, i'm going to go to the range and get some practice shooting in with my left hand. It hurt my pride more than anything :oops:

I remember my first... I had a throttle cable stick on me in a gravel parking lot. I was a teen, and stupidly I tried to pop the clutch and kill the bike. I rode it for 4 loops before I laid it over. Luckily I didn't break anything. Bent a tail pipe, dented the gas tank, and sprained an ankle. It scared me enough to make me more cautious and careful with my maintenance of my old bike.

I hope the thumb heals quickly.

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Re: Motorcycle Accident


Post by 3dfxMM »

DLBConductor wrote:
3dfxMM wrote:
DLBConductor wrote:Glad you are mostly ok. Let us know what the specialist says. Believe me, now is the time for action. I hope all goes well for you!

Back in 1993, I was bicycling in a breakdown lane when a large semi pulled a right turn directly in front of me. To avoid hitting the truck head-on, I laid my bicycle down and slid about 20' into the bar-ditch on my right shoulder. I didn't see a doctor and as a result have continuing problems. I have to go and beg for a steroid shot every 2-3 years. After my last shot in 2012, the doctor said, "No more shots. If it flares up again, we need to do surgery, with a minimum recovery period of six to nine months." [Since I don't want to have to shoot left handed for almost a year, I plan on toughing it out if I can.......]
Your description makes it sound like you were riding down the left side of the road. Hopefully, you learned a lesson that day. :)
No, we were both going south. I always bike on the right side of the road. I was in the breakdown lane on the far right side of the road and he was in lane one on the right side of the road. We were side by side. He suddenly slammed on his brakes and pulled a right turn to go on a smaller tributary road placing him directly in my path. I slammed on my brakes, laid the bicycle down, and slid into the right side bar-ditch on my right shoulder. The right side of my helmet was destroyed. He never saw me, before or after the incident. As you know, motorcycles and bicycles are INVISIBLE TO A LOT OF DRIVERS.

I have always understood the term "head on" to mean that the vehicles were facing each other when they hit. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

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Re: Motorcycle Accident


Post by DLBConductor »

3dfxMM wrote: I have always understood the term "head on" to mean that the vehicles were facing each other when they hit. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
No Problem! It was confusing the way it was stated. I should have written "To avoid hitting the truck's side" instead of "To avoid hitting the truck head-on... " I was only thinking that my bike was headed head on into the truck's side.
[12/10/2011: CHL Class - 100 Written and 240 Range][01/14/2012: Plastic - 31 Days!]
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