Coworker 2, BGs 0

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Re: Coworker 2, BGs 0


Post by baldeagle »

fickman wrote:In cases like this, the BG's insurance or estate should pay for carpet cleaning and drywall repair. (I know, I know.... the odds of him having any insurance or estate are slim to none.)
And the chances of it covering damages caused while they're burglarizing someone's home are even less.
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Re: Coworker 2, BGs 0


Post by fickman »

baldeagle wrote:
fickman wrote:In cases like this, the BG's insurance or estate should pay for carpet cleaning and drywall repair. (I know, I know.... the odds of him having any insurance or estate are slim to none.)
And the chances of it covering damages caused while they're burglarizing someone's home are even less.
Sometimes they'll make a thief pay restitution.

If you shoot him and he lives, I'd ask the prosecutor for the carpet cleaning, drywall repair, and the price of replacement bullets!
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Re: Coworker 2, BGs 0


Post by gigag04 »

JJVP wrote:
gigag04 wrote:
baldeagle wrote:
JJVP wrote:
He fired 7 rounds, killing both men, then returned to his wife.
Great, more ammunition, pun not intended, for the Bloombergs of the world. I can just hear them saying "See, we told, you don't need more than 7 rounds". :rules:
Yeah, but he's a trained killer. We simple civilians would need at least twice that many. Even the police only hit 25% of the time.
.MIL averages 50k rounds expended to kill or wound 1 enemy combatant.

Apple to oranges, I realize, but interesting nonetheless.
Interesting stat. Source?
Well come to find out my info was dated. 50k was vietnam - ... school.htm" onclick=";return false;

Modern day numbers are closer to 250k/kill - ... ullets.htm" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Coworker 2, BGs 0


Post by MadMonkey »

Jumping Frog wrote:
One of my coworkers just returned to Afghanistan from RnR in the States... to protect his privacy I won't even say which state (not TX, but another gun-friendly one).
If there are public news reports of this incident, how do you feel about publishing a link to the story? They are (obviously) already public information.

If you do not feel comfortable publishing a link, have you personally verified his story via public news sources? I'd have to believe that 2 BG's killed would make the news somewhere.

I am not saying bull to the account, I just have a Ronald Reagan mindset: "trust, but verify".
You'd be surprised how many defensive shootings, especially in small towns, fly under the radar. Coworker is also a friend who I trust :thumbs2:
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Re: Coworker 2, BGs 0


Post by tbrown »

MadMonkey wrote:You'd be surprised how many defensive shootings, especially in small towns, fly under the radar.
:iagree: Man bites dog is news. Dog bites man isn't.
sent to you from my safe space in the hill country
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