Thoughts on the validity of the Sandy Hook shooting

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Thoughts on the validity of the Sandy Hook shooting


Post by Fangs »

Someone sent me this link, and at first I gave it about as much credence as I give 9/11 conspiracy theories (it doesn't help that they bring it up briefly). However, after watching it, I do have some doubts. I'd like to run this by you guys, especially because for once I feel like the majority of reasonable, intelligent people on this board are freaking out more than I believe they should be. Not trying to offend, but it seems like most of the names I have grown to respect here are as preparanoid as I was back in 2008.

I really want to know what y'all think. :tiphat: ... x9GxXYKx_8

...didn't embed because I don't notice when people use bad language.
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Re: Thoughts on the validity of the Sandy Hook shooting


Post by terryg »

I think it is the same as 9/11 conspiracy theories ... which I can't describe on this forum.
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Re: Thoughts on the validity of the Sandy Hook shooting


Post by grumble »

terryg wrote:I think it is the same as 9/11 conspiracy theories ... which I can't describe on this forum.

I tried for 5 minutes to find words for a response. I couldn't find any words that would pass Charles' muster.

My heart goes out to Newtown and the families of those that lost a member. No one should lose a child. Ever.

As a "survivor" of the 9/11 attacks in NYC, I find any inference that these attacks were anything but what they were (terrorist attacks by cowards) reprehensible.
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Re: Thoughts on the validity of the Sandy Hook shooting


Post by hpcatx »

I am not speaking to the claims of this video, as I have yet to watch it... and my not given the other members' posts regarding interspersed 9-11 commentary. However, I will state that the consistency of the reporting that occurred on the day of this tragedy was atrocious at best. No one should ever experience the horrors that befell the people (children, teachers, family) of Newton. Nor, however, should the news should construe the events to further a predetermined agenda. I guess it depends upon your view of the main stream media (and how well constructed is your tin foil hat), as to whether one thinks the way in which the story developed is a result of poor reporting or something more subversive. I certainly cannot say that the events were not as they are now explained, but the subtle changes from the initial reports did give me pause.
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Re: Thoughts on the validity of the Sandy Hook shooting


Post by Fangs »

hpcatx wrote:I certainly cannot say that the events were not as they are now explained, but the subtle changes from the initial reports did give me pause.
^ This is the only reason why I bothered watching past the initial clip's InfoWars logo. It did seem sketchy how it went from two handguns to all the murders being committed by an AR-15.
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Re: Thoughts on the validity of the Sandy Hook shooting


Post by baldeagle »

I watched 14 seconds of it. I can tell you it's bogus. Why? It's based on news media reports, which are notoriously incorrect in the early hours and days of a breaking story. Because the media reports multiple shooters does not mean there were. It simply means the media reported it because it was sensational.

I'll give you an example. (I used to blog about the media on a blog named Media Lies.) Back in 2004 AP reported that a "small car" sized meteor had struck a town in Washington State. I thought that was pretty incredible, so I did some research on it. A car sized meteor would create a crater larger than a football field. Surrounding damage would be extensive, including fires, dead animals and dead people.
First, the article states "The original story, which AP released at 7:03 a.m. EST, stated that someone identified as Bradley Hammermaster, and purported to be a University of Washington astronomy instructor, had told KIRO Radio in Seattle that a piece of meteor "about the size of a small car" had hit just before 3 a.m. PST."
Mr. Hammermaster didn't exist. I checked the U of Washington website.

But the story might still be true. So I called the Mayor's office in the town where the meteor supposedly hit. He said they were not aware of any meteor hits in the area. That small amount of fact checking was more than the media could be bothered to do.

AP later retracted the story. Very few outlets that published the story also published the retraction.

If you trust anything the media "reports" without independently verifying it, you're not likely to ever know the truth.
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Re: Thoughts on the validity of the Sandy Hook shooting


Post by hpcatx »

baldeagle wrote:If you trust anything the media "reports" without independently verifying it, you're not likely to ever know the truth.
Agreed! It also reminds me of Heartland Patriot's signature line, before he left: "If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed; if you read the newspaper, you're misinformed." --Mark Twain
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Re: Thoughts on the validity of the Sandy Hook shooting


Post by Charles L. Cotton »

Someone sent me an email from infowars claiming Sandy Hook never happened. I found it disgusting. We are not going to promote anything remotely close to that garbage. Was the reporting inaccurate? You bet, it always is in these types of events. Sometimes it's intentional, sometimes it sloppy reporting, and sometimes it's honest mistakes. Sandy Hook was probably a mixture of all of these factors.


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Re: Thoughts on the validity of the Sandy Hook shooting


Post by K.Mooneyham »

There have been many items surrounding the heinous act committed at Sandy Hook Elem. that just don't seem right; most of that I attribute to the media and their agenda. However, the one item that distinctly bothers me is that Robby Parker guy...I'm sorry, call me names, but I'm pretty sure if something terrible happened to one of my kids, i just wouldn't be smiling and grinning and THEN turn on some distressed look for the camera...if I had to guess how I might react to something so horrible, I'd say I would likely alternate between VERY sad and VERY angry, certainly the day of...yeah, I don't know what's going through that guy's mind...but it sure doesn't seem right. :headscratch
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Re: Thoughts on the validity of the Sandy Hook shooting


Post by PBR »

i agree Mr. Cotton with most of what you say -- the only thing that gets me though is the smiling and laughing parents it totally blows my mind -- those are real i watched a few interviews where parents were there with their kid while the kid was telling what they heard happening, and it got me that some of those parents were smiling -- the one of the parent walking smiling and joking around then steps up to the microphone and ask are we ready then sudden change -- sorry but i do find those just crazy -- even the interview that was 2 days later with the 2 parents the way they acted -- i have never seen anyone react that way period towards a death much less their own child's death -- i have lost parents many family members and seen family members lose their children at young age and never did they smile or laugh -- i know not everyone is the same or acts the same but it does blow my mind somewhat -- and the coroner that was another one that makes you go what is going on here
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Re: Thoughts on the validity of the Sandy Hook shooting


Post by baldeagle »

K.Mooneyham wrote:There have been many items surrounding the heinous act committed at Sandy Hook Elem. that just don't seem right; most of that I attribute to the media and their agenda. However, the one item that distinctly bothers me is that Robby Parker guy...I'm sorry, call me names, but I'm pretty sure if something terrible happened to one of my kids, i just wouldn't be smiling and grinning and THEN turn on some distressed look for the camera...if I had to guess how I might react to something so horrible, I'd say I would likely alternate between VERY sad and VERY angry, certainly the day of...yeah, I don't know what's going through that guy's mind...but it sure doesn't seem right. :headscratch
No one can possibly know how they will react to a given situation until they experience it. Trust me. I know from personal experience. We do people a disservice when we assume that they would react exactly the same way that we think we would in a given situation when we have no way of knowing that for a fact. Unless you've lost a child in a mass shooting, you only think you know how you would react.

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Re: Thoughts on the validity of the Sandy Hook shooting


Post by Ericstac »

I'm very surprised at all the Internet website and Facebook timeing errors. It was website and website after Facebook page of eroored timing..

Al gore needs to fix those issues..

Then the homeland security and FEMA thing got me as well.

The entire Parker case, not the smiling but the photos and Facebook page are crazy, plus the old actor guy with the six kids....
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Re: Thoughts on the validity of the Sandy Hook shooting


Post by RPBrown »

Do I think that Sandy Hook happened? Absolutly
Do I think there were inaccuracies reported? Again absolutly.

What I have a problem with and if I were one of the family members of a victim, is the continuos reporting of the tragedy, the arraignment, and the funerals. Even to this day there are still reports of something to do with the shooting. I would think that if I were a family member, it would only remind me daily of my loss and make me more angry each showing. The news media, especially those on the left, are sensationalizing this for their own agenda, the AWB.
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Re: Thoughts on the validity of the Sandy Hook shooting


Post by VMI77 »

K.Mooneyham wrote:There have been many items surrounding the heinous act committed at Sandy Hook Elem. that just don't seem right; most of that I attribute to the media and their agenda. However, the one item that distinctly bothers me is that Robby Parker guy...I'm sorry, call me names, but I'm pretty sure if something terrible happened to one of my kids, i just wouldn't be smiling and grinning and THEN turn on some distressed look for the camera...if I had to guess how I might react to something so horrible, I'd say I would likely alternate between VERY sad and VERY angry, certainly the day of...yeah, I don't know what's going through that guy's mind...but it sure doesn't seem right. :headscratch
Yeah, there's definitely something wrong there. It's not the smiling and joking as much as the obvious, deliberate, and unnatural wind-up into distress. Downright bizarre.
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Re: Thoughts on the validity of the Sandy Hook shooting


Post by VMI77 »

baldeagle wrote:
K.Mooneyham wrote:There have been many items surrounding the heinous act committed at Sandy Hook Elem. that just don't seem right; most of that I attribute to the media and their agenda. However, the one item that distinctly bothers me is that Robby Parker guy...I'm sorry, call me names, but I'm pretty sure if something terrible happened to one of my kids, i just wouldn't be smiling and grinning and THEN turn on some distressed look for the camera...if I had to guess how I might react to something so horrible, I'd say I would likely alternate between VERY sad and VERY angry, certainly the day of...yeah, I don't know what's going through that guy's mind...but it sure doesn't seem right. :headscratch
No one can possibly know how they will react to a given situation until they experience it. Trust me. I know from personal experience. We do people a disservice when we assume that they would react exactly the same way that we think we would in a given situation when we have no way of knowing that for a fact. Unless you've lost a child in a mass shooting, you only think you know how you would react.

Or as the old aphorism goes, Never judge a man until you've walked a mile in his shoes.
I take it you've seen the interview referred to? It's bizarre, not because of the joking and smiling, but because his change in emotions is so obviously forced.
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