Baby Pooped on me...

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Baby Pooped on me...


Post by knotquiteawake »

New father here.
This happened a couple weeks ago but I thought I would share it because it still makes me laugh a little.

A few Wednesday nights ago we were visiting the church where my brother in law works as a Priest. Its only the 2nd or 3rd time I've ever been there so I don't really know anyone other than his family. We rushed to get over there and made it with a few minutes to spare. I carried my 6 month old in his car seat into the lobby type area and i got the kiddo out of his carseat, As I was holding him I noticed a familiar odor and so I passed him off to momma because the only changing table is in the womens restroom. As she walked away I noticed the smell hadn't left, I looked down and saw that sure enough, the little booger had indeed left a nice large streak mark down the front of my WHITE shirt. He apparently had leaked out and I hadn't noticed when I first picked him up.
So I followed the wife into the ladies room (its like one of those 1.5 stall rooms, she was the only one in there).
Without thinking (because I was wearing "wife beater" type undershirt) I just whipped off my polo shirt to get the poop away from me and tried to rinse it in the sink while also helping my wife clean the baby. Meanwhile her sister (brother in law's wife) comes in to help, and some other people are milling about just outside the door. Thats when I realized... I'm carrying and I'm exposed. Thankfully, its just a tiny pocked gun in an IWB holster. So I don't know if anyone saw it. I quickly removed the holster and put the whole holster in my pocket (love mouse guns). I felt so embarrassed. Not only because I had probably exposed my gun but also, here I am in a Church with people I hardly know, wearing an undershirt and holding a poop stained polo.

Thankfully, my brother in law exemplified Christ and gave me the shirt off his back to wear because he has to wear vestments over his normal clothes anyways.

Lessons learned: When you have babies carry extra clothes for the baby and the parents. At least toss an extra t-shirt in the trunk. Also, think before you take off your shirt. Also, check the baby for leaks before carrying.

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Re: Baby Pooped on me...


Post by The Marshal »

Thanks for sharing. I admit I laughed.
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Re: Baby Pooped on me...


Post by Jim Beaux »

You may refer to this as being pooped on, but in reality you "got baptized"....and trust me.... it all goes down hill from this point on! :tiphat:
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Re: Baby Pooped on me...


Post by Keith B »

Baby wipes are a good option for cleaning stains like that out of white shirts. They do a pretty good job and make you smell fresher too. ;-)

And trust me, it WON'T be the last time; as a parent, you will end up with all kinds of things on you from your kids at some point. :lol:
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Re: Baby Pooped on me...


Post by knotquiteawake »

Other lesson learned was to carry some "Shout" wipes as well.

I've been spit up more times than I can remember, but the poop was a new one, we are still waiting for "vomit" but since he's still 75% breastfed thats still a ways off.
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Re: Baby Pooped on me...


Post by Jim Beaux »

knotquiteawake wrote:Other lesson learned was to carry some "Shout" wipes as well.

I've been spit up more times than I can remember, but the poop was a new one, we are still waiting for "vomit" but since he's still 75% breastfed thats still a ways off.
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Re: Baby Pooped on me...


Post by pbwalker »

Jim Beaux wrote:
knotquiteawake wrote:Other lesson learned was to carry some "Shout" wipes as well.

I've been spit up more times than I can remember, but the poop was a new one, we are still waiting for "vomit" but since he's still 75% breastfed thats still a ways off.
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Re: Baby Pooped on me...


Post by knotquiteawake »

Oh my gosh I already miss those first few weeks/months. He was so easy to take care of then. Sleep, eat, rock, change, rock some more, sleep, eat, sleep, eat... "Easy" Now its all weeping and gnashing of gums if you leave him unattended for more than 30 seconds. Gotta keep him constantly entertained.

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Re: Baby Pooped on me...


Post by BigGuy »

Jim Beaux wrote:
knotquiteawake wrote:Other lesson learned was to carry some "Shout" wipes as well.

I've been spit up more times than I can remember, but the poop was a new one, we are still waiting for "vomit" but since he's still 75% breastfed thats still a ways off.
I promise, one day you will miss this.
:iagree: More than you can believe. Take lots of pictures and videos.
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Re: Baby Pooped on me...


Post by Keith B »

knotquiteawake wrote:Oh my gosh I already miss those first few weeks/months. He was so easy to take care of then. Sleep, eat, rock, change, rock some more, sleep, eat, sleep, eat... "Easy" Now its all weeping and gnashing of gums if you leave him unattended for more than 30 seconds. Gotta keep him constantly entertained.
Just wait, one day he will be A TEENAGER!!! :evil2:
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Re: Baby Pooped on me...


Post by knotquiteawake »

BigGuy wrote:
Jim Beaux wrote:
knotquiteawake wrote:Other lesson learned was to carry some "Shout" wipes as well.

I've been spit up more times than I can remember, but the poop was a new one, we are still waiting for "vomit" but since he's still 75% breastfed thats still a ways off.
I promise, one day you will miss this.
:iagree: More than you can believe. Take lots of pictures and videos.
We do take lots of pictures and videos of the baby mostly, or one of us with the baby, but we just realized that we have no pictures of both of us with the baby! :biggrinjester: oops! Guess we should have the in-laws take some pictures next time we are over, don't want the kid looking through his baby pictures wondering if we even lived together.

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Re: Baby Pooped on me...


Post by knotquiteawake »

Keith B wrote:
knotquiteawake wrote:Oh my gosh I already miss those first few weeks/months. He was so easy to take care of then. Sleep, eat, rock, change, rock some more, sleep, eat, sleep, eat... "Easy" Now its all weeping and gnashing of gums if you leave him unattended for more than 30 seconds. Gotta keep him constantly entertained.
Just wait, one day he will be A TEENAGER!!! :evil2:
I will take a teenage boy over a teenage girl any day. I am so grateful I get to learn to be a dad to a boy first. I understand boys much better. I am looking forward to having a girl, but again am so grateful to have an older brother to lookout for her (if we have a girl, some friends I know had 4 boys in a row).

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Re: Baby Pooped on me...


Post by Carry-a-Kimber »

Took you 6 months to get pooped on? I got ya beat by 5 months 3 weeks :oops:

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Re: Baby Pooped on me...


Post by knotquiteawake »

Carry-a-Kimber wrote:Took you 6 months to get pooped on? I got ya beat by 5 months 3 weeks :oops:
I was very careful while changing diapers, averted several near disasters.

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Re: Baby Pooped on me...


Post by NordicTexan »

There is always something funny about a "diaper containment" failure to those of us who have experienced it ourselves and they always make for good stories.
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