Craigslist robbery

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Re: Craigslist robbery


Post by OldCurlyWolf »

seamusTX wrote:That's another thing: Craigslist is right up there with eBay and PayPal on the list of "anti-gun" businesses and organizations that we are supposed to boycott.

(Not that I take consumer boycotts seriously. I don't know what I could buy, eat, watch, or otherwise do if I took them seriously.)

If you don't mind using a San Francisco-based site that uses a peace sign as a logo and openly promotes illegal prostitution, just don't expect the clientele to be a bunch of choirboys.

- Jim
It is not only that is is also a more than a thousand year old anti-christ symbol. If you are a christian you should take a strong exception to anyone who uses that symbol.

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Re: Craigslist robbery


Post by seamusTX »

Symbols mean whatever the people who use them agree that they mean. The origin of the modern peace sign supposedly combined the semaphore symbols for ND, meaning Nuclear Disarmament.

I doubt Craigslist has anything to do with being covertly anti-Christian. They just want to make loads of money while congratulating themselves on how cool they are. I have to admit they have tried to rein in the prostitution and other explicitly illegal activity. They never will—the underground stuff just changes jargon to stay one step ahead of the monitors.

- Jim
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