Beating Death

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Re: Beating Death


Post by MeMelYup »

Just think of this and the and the way England is right now. Is there a correlation?

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Re: Beating Death


Post by johnson0317 »

karder wrote: I can hear the attorneys arguing that those boys did not make the choice to commit murder, that choice was made by the neighborhood they were born into, and it is probably the school system's fault too.
Well, the excuses for atrocious behavior are getting better and better. The USCCA sent out a link to the Philadelphia bus shooting. This is the incident where a girl on the bus smacked her kid for misbehaving. Some guy told her she had been too rough. She gets on the cell phone and calls her friends who are then waiting at her bus stop. She gets off and a couple of the guys open up on the bus, trying to shoot this guy. Well, they miss everyone...kind of like the LA cops that time.

Their defense? They claim they should not have to be charged with anything because they did not hit anyone. Wonder if they will get away with that? :waiting:

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Re: Beating Death


Post by Dave2 »

johnson0317 wrote:Their defense? They claim they should not have to be charged with anything because they did not hit anyone. Wonder if they will get away with that? :waiting:
Even if the judge buys that they'd still be charged with reckless endangerment, and it's usually illegal to discharge a firearm within city limits without a darn good reason.
I am not a lawyer, nor have I played one on TV, nor did I stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night, nor should anything I say be taken as legal advice. If it is important that any information be accurate, do not use me as the only source.

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Re: Beating Death


Post by speedsix »

..."society" is to blame as well as the parents...the school system here has a policy that if there is a fight at school...BOTH participants are issued misdemeanor tickets by the school police matter if there are a dozen witnesses saying that Johnny was minding his own business, Billy came in and started whaling on him, and Johnny hit back in self-defense...this is wrong...illegal...unconstitutional, and they do it all the time...and the courts and the parents do nothing to stop it...
...I told my sons to keep their tongues civil, do all reasonable to avoid trouble, but if someone lit into them swinging...defend themselves and I'd back them up 100%....the only fight my oldest got into...he started off school grounds and went to jail for...rightfully so...the others went 12 years without trouble...
...there is nothing right about a student being afraid to fight back for fear of's unnatural and would never be asked of a grownup in free society...and we do it to our kids...and the parents shrug...

...the only thing a physical bully understands is pain...I've personally stopped bullying of me in school four times by dealing out enough pain that they left me alone...and all the teacher wanted to know was who hit first...that's fair....
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