Always Carry...ALWAYS!!!!

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Re: Always Carry...ALWAYS!!!!


Post by Keith B »

Excaliber wrote:
loadedliberal wrote:
Gyrogearhead wrote:I have to admit that I gave a dollar bill to a "red light begger" once a few years ago. He was holding up a piece of cardboard box with a message scrawled on it that said, "Need money for beer!". How could I resist an honest begger? :lol:

I do like it when they are at least honest about what they want the money for, depending on the day and what kind of mood I'm in I sometime give in and give them my spare change which usually does not exceed a dollar. It upset me though when I see young able bodied people asking for money. And the ones that really gets me is when they have a pet with them, my issue is if you cannot take care of yourself you have no business owning a pet.
Some of these folks keep the pet with them because they have found it increases revenue from dog lovers.
Back in the early 90's I had a female approach me at a gas station in Sacramento carrying a young golden retriver pup (about 4-5 months old.) She was asking for money to buy dog food.

I told her to hang on and as soon as I finished filling the car with gas, I would go in and buy the dog some food, and her some food if she was hungry. She said 'Just give me the money cause they don't have the brand he like in there.' I said, 'Well, if he is that hungry, he will eat anything in front of him. Besides, he doesn't look like he has missed any meals. I suggest you leave before I call the police and the ASPCA for using that dog to try and panhandle.' She called me a few choice names as she walked away. Would have loved to have taken that dog from her; he was really a good looking pup! :mad5
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Re: Always Carry...ALWAYS!!!!


Post by PUCKER »

Years ago, West End, downtown Dallas, on a double-date, guy approaches me, asks for money, said he just got off the bus from Alabama and he's hungry, said he needed something to eat, I said no to the $$$ but I'd happily buy him a meal at the McDonalds nearby, he happily obliged, as did I. My date wasn't too happy about the situation, but hey, if someone is really in need I'll help, and the fact that he happily ate a meal worked for me. :tiphat:
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Re: Always Carry...ALWAYS!!!!


Post by Keith B »

PUCKER wrote:Years ago, West End, downtown Dallas, on a double-date, guy approaches me, asks for money, said he just got off the bus from Alabama and he's hungry, said he needed something to eat, I said no to the $$$ but I'd happily buy him a meal at the McDonalds nearby, he happily obliged, as did I. My date wasn't too happy about the situation, but hey, if someone is really in need I'll help, and the fact that he happily ate a meal worked for me. :tiphat:
I will NEVER turn down a person for an actual meal. If they are hungry, then I will happily pay for the meal and even help them find shelter if needed.

Now, I said never. Let me recant on that. I will NEVER turn down a person for a REASONABLE meal. If they insist on going to Three Forks or Ruth Chris, I would have to draw the line. :lol:
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Re: Always Carry...ALWAYS!!!!


Post by sjfcontrol »

Keith B wrote:
PUCKER wrote:Years ago, West End, downtown Dallas, on a double-date, guy approaches me, asks for money, said he just got off the bus from Alabama and he's hungry, said he needed something to eat, I said no to the $$$ but I'd happily buy him a meal at the McDonalds nearby, he happily obliged, as did I. My date wasn't too happy about the situation, but hey, if someone is really in need I'll help, and the fact that he happily ate a meal worked for me. :tiphat:
I will NEVER turn down a person for an actual meal. If they are hungry, then I will happily pay for the meal and even help them find shelter if needed.

Now, I said never. Let me recant on that. I will NEVER turn down a person for a REASONABLE meal. If they insist on going to Three Forks or Ruth Chris, I would have to draw the line. :lol:
Hmm, what do you consider "reasonable", and where do you live? I get hungry on a fairly regular basis! :biggrinjester:
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Re: Always Carry...ALWAYS!!!!


Post by Keith B »

sjfcontrol wrote:
Keith B wrote:
PUCKER wrote:Years ago, West End, downtown Dallas, on a double-date, guy approaches me, asks for money, said he just got off the bus from Alabama and he's hungry, said he needed something to eat, I said no to the $$$ but I'd happily buy him a meal at the McDonalds nearby, he happily obliged, as did I. My date wasn't too happy about the situation, but hey, if someone is really in need I'll help, and the fact that he happily ate a meal worked for me. :tiphat:
I will NEVER turn down a person for an actual meal. If they are hungry, then I will happily pay for the meal and even help them find shelter if needed.

Now, I said never. Let me recant on that. I will NEVER turn down a person for a REASONABLE meal. If they insist on going to Three Forks or Ruth Chris, I would have to draw the line. :lol:
Hmm, what do you consider "reasonable", and where do you live? I get hungry on a fairly regular basis! :biggrinjester:
I should have added the 'needs a meal' disclaimer. I have met you, and you are similar to me. It doesn't look like we have missed too many meals over our lives. :lol:
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Re: Always Carry...ALWAYS!!!!


Post by sjfcontrol »

Keith B wrote:
sjfcontrol wrote:
Keith B wrote:
PUCKER wrote:Years ago, West End, downtown Dallas, on a double-date, guy approaches me, asks for money, said he just got off the bus from Alabama and he's hungry, said he needed something to eat, I said no to the $$$ but I'd happily buy him a meal at the McDonalds nearby, he happily obliged, as did I. My date wasn't too happy about the situation, but hey, if someone is really in need I'll help, and the fact that he happily ate a meal worked for me. :tiphat:
I will NEVER turn down a person for an actual meal. If they are hungry, then I will happily pay for the meal and even help them find shelter if needed.

Now, I said never. Let me recant on that. I will NEVER turn down a person for a REASONABLE meal. If they insist on going to Three Forks or Ruth Chris, I would have to draw the line. :lol:
Hmm, what do you consider "reasonable", and where do you live? I get hungry on a fairly regular basis! :biggrinjester:
I should have added the 'needs a meal' disclaimer. I have met you, and you are similar to me. It doesn't look like we have missed too many meals over our lives. :lol:
Darn! I thought maybe I'd just found my "meal ticket". :cryin
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Re: Always Carry...ALWAYS!!!!


Post by rp_photo »

Keith B wrote:I will NEVER turn down a person for an actual meal. If they are hungry, then I will happily pay for the meal and even help them find shelter if needed.
I'd worry too much about having my feeding hand bitten.

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Re: Always Carry...ALWAYS!!!!


Post by Medic624 »

Ha ha ha...since we've hijacked this topic to the discussion of handouts...

I recently moved here from WA state where the local Government has recently proposed another tax Levy of .01 for every 1000$ of assessed value to take care of the issue for you... :shock:

Now the catch is ASSESSED value... They have levy's for EMS which is separate from the levy for Fire Depts and the levy for schools and the levy for the library and the levy for... You get the point.

They have systematically increased their revenue by not directly saying theyre rasing taxes by creeping the assessed values up just a little here and there which doesn't take into account the intrinsic allowable raising of the base percentage for the life of the levy. After all, the people voted to input the levy so... They didn't raise your taxes!

In this instance they are saying it is for homeless veterans and other individuals... And they're taking the choice to assist these people sitting on the off ramp from you...ha ha ha

The problem is with all the levy's it has, in certain instances, taxed elderly people on fixed incomes out of their homes because of the "new" assessed values and levy's.

Heck, King County (Seattle) has the same/similar levy at .05 for every $1000 of assessed value and despite this tax their homeless population is soaring. Unfortunately most of these individuals are mentally ill... ... -proposed/" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Always Carry...ALWAYS!!!!


Post by clarionite »

About 18 years ago I had just left an interview in Salt Lake City. I saw a well dressed pan handler on my side of the road. He was in his late 30's or early 40's I would have guessed. I stopped and talked to the guy, and offered to buy him lunch. He took me up on the offer, so we ate lunch at the Long John Silver's across the road. We sat and talked for 30 - 45 minutes. He said he was a teacher from Ireland who had taken a sabatacle and come to tour America. He'd been mugged, and they took all his money and his plane tickets. He'd had the tickets reissued, and had contacted family. They were sending him money, but it wouldn't be there till the next day. I gave him another $20 to get him by till the next day (the conversation was worth that) I was actually in a pretty bad situation myself at the time, and helping out someone else made me feel better. Sometimes the guy who's down on his luck really is down on his luck. The guy I helped wanted a mailing address to send my money back. I was temporarily without a mailing address ( my bad situation) and I told him not to worry about it, help somone else if he finds himself able to in the future.
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Re: Always Carry...ALWAYS!!!!


Post by tbrown »

Medic624 wrote:Heck, King County (Seattle) has the same/similar levy at .05 for every $1000 of assessed value and despite this tax their homeless population is soaring. Unfortunately most of these individuals are mentally ill...
If you feed pigeons in a park, you get more pigeons.
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Re: Always Carry...ALWAYS!!!!


Post by OldCurlyWolf »

clarionite wrote:About 18 years ago I had just left an interview in Salt Lake City. I saw a well dressed pan handler on my side of the road. He was in his late 30's or early 40's I would have guessed. I stopped and talked to the guy, and offered to buy him lunch. He took me up on the offer, so we ate lunch at the Long John Silver's across the road. We sat and talked for 30 - 45 minutes. He said he was a teacher from Ireland who had taken a sabatacle and come to tour America. He'd been mugged, and they took all his money and his plane tickets. He'd had the tickets reissued, and had contacted family. They were sending him money, but it wouldn't be there till the next day. I gave him another $20 to get him by till the next day (the conversation was worth that) I was actually in a pretty bad situation myself at the time, and helping out someone else made me feel better. Sometimes the guy who's down on his luck really is down on his luck. The guy I helped wanted a mailing address to send my money back. I was temporarily without a mailing address ( my bad situation) and I told him not to worry about it, help somone else if he finds himself able to in the future.
That is the proper way to help, pay it forward. :thumbs2: :thumbs2:
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Re: Always Carry...ALWAYS!!!!


Post by suthdj »

tbrown wrote:
Medic624 wrote:Heck, King County (Seattle) has the same/similar levy at .05 for every $1000 of assessed value and despite this tax their homeless population is soaring. Unfortunately most of these individuals are mentally ill...
If you feed pigeons in a park, you get more pigeons.
Not if you feed them poison. :smilelol5:
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Re: Always Carry...ALWAYS!!!!


Post by 64zebra »

I'm amazed at the number of our officers that don't carry off-duty, not good

and we have a large contingent of homeless/panhandlers here, and a large amount of them are scamming also
you never know who is asking for money and what their motives might be, but I agree if they will take you up on your offer for a quick meal at McDonalds they are probably legit, but most of the ones we run into are getting money for alcohol, cigs, or who knows what
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Re: Always Carry...ALWAYS!!!!


Post by kjolly »

Panhandlers seem to be getting more aggressive and if like me you live in an area with a few you notice you see the same ones day after day for over a year. This becomes a way of life for them.
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Re: Always Carry...ALWAYS!!!!


Post by RoyGBiv »

Medic624 wrote:Heck, King County (Seattle) has the same/similar levy at .05 for every $1000 of assessed value and because this tax allows homeless people to thrive without having to work for their keep their homeless population is soaring.
I fixed your statement... My changes in red...
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