Runner-up for the world's dumbest crook

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Post by jbirds1210 »

longtooth wrote:Stevie d 64 wrote.
serious as a myocardial infarction

Dumb country boy don't know what that is but sure sound serious as snake bite to me.

If your ticker were an engine.......a "MI" would be considered blowing a rod! :grin:
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Post by longtooth »

OOOOOOH, that is seriouser than snake bite.
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Post by AV8R »

I'm not much of a psychologist, but I don't think I could bring myself to shoot someone wearing an NRA cap. Especially if all I had was a .380.
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Post by stevie_d_64 »

longtooth wrote:Stevie d 64 wrote.
serious as a myocardial infarction

Dumb country boy don't know what that is but sure sound serious as snake bite to me.
Good thing its not a snake bite...Cuz I ain't suckin' the poison out son!...

I'm sorry just got me nearly off the chair now... :lol:

A Myocardial Infarction is basically a "heart attack"...

I know I can be an annoying little dude sometimes... ;-)
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Post by dihappy »

I thought the NRA guy had the .380 and the BG had a .32.



Post by AV8R »

dihappy wrote:I thought the NRA guy had the .380 and the BG had a .32.
Right, my mistake. But even if I were the bad guy, I still don't think I could shoot a man in an NRA cap.

I do cringe at the thought of what might have happened in a point-blank, small-caliber shootout, though. Nevertheless, I suppose one could make the argument that a .25 is one of the safest guns to have drawn on you, since it'll just barely kill you.

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Post by KD5NRH »

AV8R wrote:Nevertheless, I suppose one could make the argument that a .25 is one of the safest guns to have drawn on you, since it'll just barely kill you.
Is getting barely killed anything like being just a little pregnant?
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Re: Runner-up for the world's dumbest crook


Post by ELB »

Resurrecting an old thread: ... d=Facebook" onclick=";return false;

Summary: The punk who tried to hijack at gunpoint a new car from car dealer "Lumpy" Lambert (who drew his own pistol and captured the little thug) took a plea deal at the last minute. The punk had earlier killed a truck driver while trying the rob the truck driver of his personal auto. When the trucker tossed the keys to his rig to the punk, punkster shot and killed him. Twelve hours later he tried to carjack Lumpy and instead of tossing him the keys, Lumpy drew down on him and he gave up.

The plea deal will have no practical effect, since punkster is serving a life term plus 20 years for killing the trucker.


I missed the earlier detour in this thread, about Dave Grossman and battlefield psychology and all that. Grossman references SLA Marshalls study that only a few WWII soldiers ever tried to actually shoot the enemy. It is my understanding that after SLA Marshall's death, his personal papers were examined, and there was little found that would actually support his claims. His claims (about percentages) were also doubted because of the way he conducted his studies -- he asked open-ended questions of men immediately after battle, which provided good insights, but did not apparently systematically and specifically collect information on who pulled a trigger and who did not. Something to ponder when basing conclusions on his stuff.
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Re: Runner-up for the world's dumbest crook


Post by seamusTX »

Thanks for the follow-up. This case dropped off my radar years ago.

As for rates of firing during battle, any one "study" may be called into question, but this phenomenon has been documented by different observers as far back as the War Between the States. Battlefield pickups—muzzle-loading rifles—were sometimes found to be reloaded with multiple balls and no powder.

The ancient Romans used decimation (forcing soldiers to kill their comrades) and crucifixion as punishment for cowardice—and they had to do so frequently.

I do not call this cowardice or dereliction of duty. No one knows how he will respond in combat until he has been there. I have not.

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Re: Runner-up for the world's dumbest crook


Post by kjolly »

In defense of mme or my families life there would be no hesitation. Fear would see to that. Afterwards I would be a mess but have proven that in the heat of action you can do whatever it takes to be the one to go home.
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