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My experience was fairly similar and I would like to remind all to be cautious and aware of your surroundings at all times.
A few months ago on an early Tuesday evening after work, I decided to wash the mud caked on my truck from the weekend’s off-road fun. It was expected to get pretty cold so I wanted the mud off before it froze.
I pulled into the Self-Serve Car Wash on South Mason Rd. in Katy and noticed only one other vehicle… however, this vehicle was a white older-model big-body Buick with unusually large chrome rims. I decided to ignore that warning and proceed with washing my vehicle.
I stopped at the change machine and got $5 in quarters… the driver of the Buick noticed me and I noticed him. I walked away minding my own business and doused my vehicle with the high-speed soapy spray. I had just finished spraying my whole vehicle and changed the wash-option to the high-speed water-only. I was about to start rinsing off from the passenger-side wall, but I saw the Buick pull in front of my booth (preventing my vehicle from moving out) and the driver-door crack open. The windows had limo-tint so I couldn’t see inside. My heart starts to race.
As the door opened further, I spot two black males in the vehicle. (Driver and Passenger) The driver steps-out of his recently cleaned & dried vehicle, and stares me down for what was probably about 3 seconds, but seemed like an eternity. I began to slowly move towards the rear of my vehicle using my car-windows to see if I am being ambushed from behind. Now, I can feel my heart beat in my ears and the slow-motion vision kicks in.
When the driver notices me moving away, he makes a very sudden movement directly towards me… it seemed like a very brisk walk with quick long-strides. He gets about 2 strides from his car and I SCREAMED “GET BACK!!!!” while moving my right hand towards my hip (to prepare to draw) and my left hand pointing the sprayer at him. – The driver jolted back in shock and started yelling profanities at me, pointing his fingers at me in the shape of a sideways-gun. “Yo man, I just need a spray, man!” – At this point I am quickly moving behind my vehicle and towards my driver door. I yell again… “GET AWAY FROM ME! GET OUTTA HERE!”
The driver yells a few more profanities, and gets back into his Buick when he sees me enter my truck. He floors his Buick in reverse leaving some rubber on the ground. I locked my doors and cranked the engine at the same time. Since the Buick was out of the way, I could now go forward. I got out of there in a big-hurry… soapy truck and all!
I did not want to share this incident because I initially had some doubts about my reaction. I’ve had many nightmares of this incident… It left me with many questions… Was he going to rob me? Was this a possible ambush? Did he really just want to use the sprayer? Did I overreact? Why did he approach me the way he did? Was I a potential victim or potential Good-Samaritan?
After asking for advice from others, I’ve come to the conclusion that my reaction was appropriate.
Here’s the worst part of the whole incident: I told myself that this was just going to be a quick trip, so I left my XD-45 at home.