Past Incident at Car Wash

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Past Incident at Car Wash


Post by McKnife »

I have decided to share a past experience after reading the thread where the OP’s co-worker was robbed at a Car Wash:" onclick=";return false;

My experience was fairly similar and I would like to remind all to be cautious and aware of your surroundings at all times.

A few months ago on an early Tuesday evening after work, I decided to wash the mud caked on my truck from the weekend’s off-road fun. It was expected to get pretty cold so I wanted the mud off before it froze.

I pulled into the Self-Serve Car Wash on South Mason Rd. in Katy and noticed only one other vehicle… however, this vehicle was a white older-model big-body Buick with unusually large chrome rims. I decided to ignore that warning and proceed with washing my vehicle.

I stopped at the change machine and got $5 in quarters… the driver of the Buick noticed me and I noticed him. I walked away minding my own business and doused my vehicle with the high-speed soapy spray. I had just finished spraying my whole vehicle and changed the wash-option to the high-speed water-only. I was about to start rinsing off from the passenger-side wall, but I saw the Buick pull in front of my booth (preventing my vehicle from moving out) and the driver-door crack open. The windows had limo-tint so I couldn’t see inside. My heart starts to race.

As the door opened further, I spot two black males in the vehicle. (Driver and Passenger) The driver steps-out of his recently cleaned & dried vehicle, and stares me down for what was probably about 3 seconds, but seemed like an eternity. I began to slowly move towards the rear of my vehicle using my car-windows to see if I am being ambushed from behind. Now, I can feel my heart beat in my ears and the slow-motion vision kicks in.

When the driver notices me moving away, he makes a very sudden movement directly towards me… it seemed like a very brisk walk with quick long-strides. He gets about 2 strides from his car and I SCREAMED “GET BACK!!!!” while moving my right hand towards my hip (to prepare to draw) and my left hand pointing the sprayer at him. – The driver jolted back in shock and started yelling profanities at me, pointing his fingers at me in the shape of a sideways-gun. “Yo man, I just need a spray, man!” – At this point I am quickly moving behind my vehicle and towards my driver door. I yell again… “GET AWAY FROM ME! GET OUTTA HERE!”

The driver yells a few more profanities, and gets back into his Buick when he sees me enter my truck. He floors his Buick in reverse leaving some rubber on the ground. I locked my doors and cranked the engine at the same time. Since the Buick was out of the way, I could now go forward. I got out of there in a big-hurry… soapy truck and all!

I did not want to share this incident because I initially had some doubts about my reaction. I’ve had many nightmares of this incident… It left me with many questions… Was he going to rob me? Was this a possible ambush? Did he really just want to use the sprayer? Did I overreact? Why did he approach me the way he did? Was I a potential victim or potential Good-Samaritan?

After asking for advice from others, I’ve come to the conclusion that my reaction was appropriate.

Here’s the worst part of the whole incident: I told myself that this was just going to be a quick trip, so I left my XD-45 at home. :eek6 :banghead: Rest assured, I'll never have that problem again. :fire

Last edited by McKnife on Sat Oct 23, 2010 12:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Past Incident at Car Wash


Post by mctowalot »

IMHO, you were about to get "jacked". The Buick was clean and dry, why would he want "a spray"?

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Re: Past Incident at Car Wash


Post by bigred90gt »

McKnife wrote: I SCREAMED “GET BACK!!!!” while moving my right hand towards my hip (to prepare to draw) and my left hand pointing the sprayer at him.......


Here’s the worst part of the whole incident: I told myself that this was just going to be a quick trip, so I left my XD-45 at home. :eek6 :banghead: Rest assured, I'll never have that problem again. :fire
If you left your pistol at home, what were you planning to draw? Did you have another one, or was it an instinctive move, regardless of the fact that there was nothing there?
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Re: Past Incident at Car Wash


Post by Purplehood »

The reach to draw was surely noticed by the Buick driver. Sounds like a good move to me.
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Re: Past Incident at Car Wash


Post by hangfour »

Wow! Got my heart racing just reading your story. Really scary! I carry 24x7 even when I take my dog outside of my home for a ten second pee. Like you pointed out in your story ... you never know when you may badly need your weapon.

My plan for any encounter that "does not feel right" is to escape. When the guy approached me and stared at me for a few seconds I would have taken off in the other direction dropping the sprayer and leaving the truck. If he followed I hope I would have enough distance (since I started running first) between us to draw and point my weapon at him and YELL STOP. If he took another step towards me (especially with another guy around), I would at that point feel that I was in mortal danger, and would have fired. I would not have taken the time to yell anything more at him. I'm no match, at sixty eight years, old for two young males who are chasing me. They would clearly be up to no good if they were chasing me.

In summary I think it is important to think through such scenarios in advance and to have a plan of action. My plan always involves react react immediately to escape, resist violently (like you did) if I cannot escape, and never give up no matter how badly I am wounded.
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Re: Past Incident at Car Wash


Post by Purplehood »

hangfour wrote:Wow! Got my heart racing just reading your story. Really scary! I carry 24x7 even when I take my dog outside of my home for a ten second pee. Like you pointed out in your story ... you never know when you may badly need your weapon.

My plan for any encounter that "does not feel right" is to escape. When the guy approached me and stared at me for a few seconds I would have taken off in the other direction dropping the sprayer and leaving the truck. If he followed I hope I would have enough distance (since I started running first) between us to draw and point my weapon at him and YELL STOP. If he took another step towards me (especially with another guy around), I would at that point feel that I was in mortal danger, and would have fired. I would not have taken the time to yell anything more at him. I'm no match, at sixty eight years, old for two young males who are chasing me. They would clearly be up to no good if they were chasing me.

In summary I think it is important to think through such scenarios in advance and to have a plan of action. My plan always involves react react immediately to escape, resist violently (like you did) if I cannot escape, and never give up no matter how badly I am wounded.
While I was initially reading the post, my first thought would have been that the Buick driver would have experienced a high-pressure burst of soapy water.
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Re: Past Incident at Car Wash


Post by aaangel »

i never go to those self service car wash. i'll pay the extra $3 to stay in my locked car while going thru a carwash and besides the one near me is crappy!
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Re: Past Incident at Car Wash


Post by randomoutburst »

Something was definitely fishy, and you acted appropriately.

I probably would have sprayed them when the one guy strode towards me...that would have shocked them. But hey, they said they wanted a spray, right?? :thumbs2:

Sorry you were without your carry, but since it turned out okay, it was a learning opportunity. Don't leave home without it! :cool:
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Re: Past Incident at Car Wash


Post by McKnife »

The reach to draw was instinctive, but realizing it was still at home made me panic. However, even if I had it with me I would not have drawn unless he kept moving towards me. Concealed carry offers much peace of mind.

Also, I thought about spraying him (it was aimed at his face)... but that would simply guarantee to escalate the situation. Had I been wrong about his possible intentions, I would look like the aggressor.

I felt much better after I was in my vehicle and on the road... I do carry a Mossberg under the backseat, so I was prepared had he tried to commit road-rage. Even though I only live 2 miles from the wash, I took the 10 mile drive to be safe.
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Re: Past Incident at Car Wash


Post by rtschl »

Trust to your instincts.

I too had a car wash incident, but that was about 20 years ago. I borrowed a friends pickup truck to take some items to my parents in Oklahoma. I got back to Dallas late, around 2:00 AM. I went to a nearby car wash so it would be returned clean for my friend who needed it for work that morning. I saw two men coming out of the apartments across the street and kept my eye on them. My instincts kept telling me to leave, but I didn't. They walked past the truck then quickly split up with one coming back around the other side while the one near me pulled a revolver on me. They robbed me of my cash, made me lie face down on the ground and ran off. There were two police cars at the 7-11 down the street when I arrived at the car wash. One was still there when I drove up.

One piece of advice I will always remember from the officer: "Trust your instincts".

Glad it worked out safely for you.

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Re: Past Incident at Car Wash


Post by KC5AV »

You might not have been right, but you surely weren't wrong in your reaction.
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Re: Past Incident at Car Wash


Post by suthdj »

I have made the mistake of reaching in front of one of those spray heads it did not go deep but it felt like a sever burn( I hate burns) it seem like it removed a few layers of skin just enough to expose some blood and nerve endings I guess. So yes the wand is a good weapon if it is all you have, a blast to the eyes is all it takes.
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Re: Past Incident at Car Wash


Post by zero4o3 »

I wouldnt say you over reacted, there is no reason for some one to park infront of you and get out of the car with out so much as saying anything to you.


Re: Past Incident at Car Wash


Post by boba »

McKnife wrote:Also, I thought about spraying him (it was aimed at his face)... but that would simply guarantee to escalate the situation. Had I been wrong about his possible intentions, I would look like the aggressor.
Good thinking.
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Re: Past Incident at Car Wash


Post by blackdog8200 »

can2boy wrote:i never go to those self service car wash. i'll pay the extra $3 to stay in my locked car while going thru a carwash and besides the one near me is crappy!
I just keep my truck "Tactically Filthy" :biggrinjester: The engine is serviced and clean, the tires are new and aired up. The bed has a noticeable presence of empty shotgun shell boxes and there is a NRA Life Member sticker on the back window.

I hope this implies that I am armed and broke, therefore go rob someone else :evil2:

I think the recurring moral is be alert at all times.
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