No, USPS does NOT reimburse money orders that were fraudulently cashed. They only reimburse lost money orders that was lost through the postal system after you pay $5 to see what happened to it and it takes f o r e v e r for them to get you that info. In other words, you have to pay $5 so that they could tell you if it's their fault or not. Wow, now THAT's customer service.
TAM, no, I am not going to drive to the other side of the DFW metroplex to "confront" a guy selling GUNS. Bad idea, man. I like shooting PAPER or metal pie plates, NOT people! "Confronting" an armed man over money is the best way to get your rear rump shot! A situation I'd be keen to avoid.... Besides, they will only see you "by appointment". I called them and tried to pay FTF, but every time slot that I requested to meet was "unavailable". Finally, I asked what was available and they said that they're only available to meet with customers for a couple of hours on Friday afternoons. I should've been suspicious right then and there, but I was STUPID and mailed him the money order instead because I didn't want to be labeled a non-paying bidder.
What are your experiences with that gun auction site? If enough people who have grievances against this website get together, we may be able to start a class action lawsuit and recover some of our losses due to the illegal and unethical business practices of this website!
EDIT for cowboymd: The grounds that I have for suing the website is fraud. The purposeful omission of information as well as the inclusion of false information can both, in certain circumstances be fraudulent. It's more complicated than that and I've probably described it incorrectly but, that's the way I understand it without being a lawyer.
EDIT for G.A. Heath: Sheesh, didn't I just say that it takes "forever" for the Post Office to find out if the money order is cashed or not?
EDIT for TAM: Yeah, I know, I'm real STUPID for doing this. I told my best friend and she said to not think about it as being cheated but regard this as tuition on the road of life instead. I guess I feel a little better about it....G.A. Heath wrote: It seems to me that you have not even checked to see if the money order was cashed or not.