Watch those belt buckles!

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Re: Watch those belt buckles!


Post by M9FAN »

MoJo wrote:Seriously, we must check ALL of our gear. There's an old proverb that says it best, "For want of a nail the shoe was lost, for want of the shoe the horse was lost, for want of the horse the rider was lost, for want of the rider the battle was lost, for want of the battle the war was lost, for want of the war the kingdom was lost." Even the most insignificant and mundane omissions can have catastrophic consequences.

MoJo raises a good point; our carry rig, as a whole, is only as strong as the weakest component in it. We must be proactive in keeping all of our gear in good working order.
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Re: Watch those belt buckles!


Post by Elza »

PeteCamp wrote:
It was a pretty comical situation given the setting, but could have been disastrous if I was in a public place.
Ah....the benefits of old age and the presence of suspenders. "rlol"
Yup! Us fat boys have enough trouble keep our pants up. Add a heavy gun (in my case a Ruger P-90) and it is defiantly time for suspenders. The added plus being a safety if the buckle or belt gives way.
Fred Schroeder

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