Sorry I pulled out in front of you.......

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Re: Sorry I pulled out in front of you.......


Post by Rex B »

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Re: Sorry I pulled out in front of you.......


Post by MasterofFajitas »

chuckybrown wrote:Sadly, I recognize him as a local sports "hero".
I'm not sure if I would know the difference between a "sports hero" and any other common fact, I'm not certain that there is a difference.

I'm sorry this happened to you. Next time, call 911; there's no need for anyone to be exposed to this type of behavior.
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Re: Sorry I pulled out in front of you.......


Post by bdickens »

The Annoyed Man wrote:Heck, I would "out" him in a letter to his coach and the team owner/management. Give an exact description of the events, including as much of his exact words as you can remember, and demand a written apology signed by said local "hero." And in that letter to the coach, I would mention the word "newspapers" if satisfaction is not forthcoming. If he's done it to you, he's done it to others, and he'll continue to do it until called on it...

...or, maybe he'll wrap himself and his fancy car around a tree, and the problem will fix itself. Either way is good enough for me.

Being 20 something and rich is no excuse for behaving like a Visigoth.

I think you are unfairly maligning the Visigoths; they were a whole lot more civilized than that. Other than that, you are right on.
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Re: Sorry I pulled out in front of you.......


Post by chuckybrown »

Abraham wrote:At the time, why didn't you have your son call 911 (perhaps you didn't have a cell phone with you?) with the license plate number, car description, area location and a statement of what the lunatic was in the progress of doing?
This ALL took place in the span of 20 to 30 seconds, and was over. Besides, I'm a firm believer of the bumper sticker wisdom that states "When Seconds Count, Police Are Only Minutes Away"


Re: Sorry I pulled out in front of you.......


Post by PeteCamp »

These are the only "Legal" options I could post here, all my other ideas involved Grand Theft, Assault, and Thermite
I was thinking RPG. :evil2:

Sorry, I just think it is high time we start jailing people for "assault with a motor vehicle". I did see some idiot do this to someone else a few weeks back. Unfortunately, a DPS trooper saw it too. I wonder how much the fine was?
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Re: Sorry I pulled out in front of you.......


Post by The Annoyed Man »

bdickens wrote:
The Annoyed Man wrote:Being 20 something and rich is no excuse for behaving like a Visigoth.
I think you are unfairly maligning the Visigoths; they were a whole lot more civilized than that. Other than that, you are right on.
Is that sort of a "that guy gives jerks a bad name" kind of comment? :smilelol5:

Of course they were civilized. So were the Romans when they fed Christians to lions. :mrgreen:
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Re: Sorry I pulled out in front of you.......


Post by marksiwel »

The Annoyed Man wrote:
Of course they were civilized. So were the Romans when they fed Christians to lions. :mrgreen:
Well if they werent so darn tasty....
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Re: Sorry I pulled out in front of you.......


Post by SwimFan85 »

bdickens wrote:I think you are unfairly maligning the Visigoths; they were a whole lot more civilized than that. Other than that, you are right on.
You sack Rome one time and people never let you forget it.

Any of this sound familiar?
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Re: Sorry I pulled out in front of you.......


Post by VoiceofReason »

I would have had my son call 911, pulled over, stopped and had my son get in the floor. Had this fool stopped, got out, or even rolled down the window he would have been looking down the barrel of my Kimber.

He was putting your life and the life of your son in danger not to mention the lives of other people on the streets.

I would not recognize a “local sports hero" and I would not care. I would not have taken any chances with this lunatic.

rule #1, attempting to flee/not escalating the situation is fine for minor situations as long as you don’t endanger yourself or others while attempting to flee. This fool escalated the situation. I would have “de-escalated” it.

This was more than reckless driving. It was attempted assault.

I hope I never have to use my gun, but I will only go so far to avoid it.
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Re: Sorry I pulled out in front of you.......


Post by WarHawk-AVG »

Picture of this and "Welcome to Texas" is all that pinhead needs
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Re: Sorry I pulled out in front of you.......


Post by KD5NRH »

MechAg94 wrote:I was going to say to call 911 also. Reckless driving is something you can get arrested for.
Class B misdemeanor; that means MPA doesn't apply if he also happens to have a handgun in the car.

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