Make sure you know what kind of gun you have.

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Re: Make sure you know what kind of gun you have.


Post by CrimsonSoul »

Here's a story to make everyone feel uneasy.

When I worked for the prison system (06-09) during one of my yearly rifle/pistol qualifications the person (not naming genders) directly to my left raised her hand because she had a problem with her .357 she couldn't get her shells to go into the chamber they were just too big! Well I look over and she was trying to put an AR-15 bullet into the .357.... These are the people that protect us from convicted felons, enjoy! :patriot:

Side note: many of the people that work for TDCJ aren't familar with firearms and needed extra help from instructors on how to aim the firearm.
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Re: Make sure you know what kind of gun you have.


Post by webb3201 »

I am amazed by how many people in my CHL class were not aware of the features of the guns they had purchased.
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Re: Make sure you know what kind of gun you have.


Post by C-dub »

In my renewal class a couple of years ago the instructor went over the use of safety's and other safe handling techniques. It was a little funny at first. The instructor starts out by telling us that he will require us to demonstrate the proper use of our weapons' safety's and that we will not pass if we are not able to do so. Then he asks if anyone will be qualifying with a glock. I'm the only one in a class of about 30. Several people state that a glock does not have a safety before the instructor asks me. I said keep your finger off the trigger. He said okay and went on to discuss the different safety's with the weapons the others would be using. Some were shocked and some seemed a little worried that they had not practiced enough with their safety's.
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Re: Make sure you know what kind of gun you have.


Post by android »

When I bought my P2Ksk, The gun shop would only sell me 2 boxes of ammo, so I went to Academy and bought a few more boxes of 9mm. Went to Reds and shot all 4 boxes.

Went back to Academy the next day to buy some more. The guy tells me the only 9mm they have is Markov and I shouldn't shoot it in an HK or bad things will happen. Oh NO!!.

But I had saved the receipt and checked it and it was 9mm Luger I had bought the day before so all was OK. It was crappy steel cased rounds that left my gun pretty filthy that I probably wouldn't shoot unless I was desparate now, but the HK took it all without a hiccup.

Anyway, now I know better and plan to stick to 9mm Luger, .40 S&W, and .45 ACP. All the pistols I want take those calibers anyway.

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Re: Make sure you know what kind of gun you have.


Post by nils »

That's pretty funny...but sad at the same time....know your weapon people!!! :rules:
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Re: Make sure you know what kind of gun you have.


Post by InfoTechCHL2007 »

My signature line says it all: Know your weapons.
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Re: Make sure you know what kind of gun you have.


Post by Kevinf2349 »

kalipsocs wrote:like showing him various calibers and how to match a head stamp to the stamp on the barrel! Needless to say, he doesn't some to the range with any of us anymore.

You mean .45 ACP doesn't mean After Cleaning Properly? :shock: "rlol" :smilelol5:
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Re: Make sure you know what kind of gun you have.


Post by Zee »

During my CHL class some folks didn't have guns, one never shot before. The instructor handed out Glock 9mms like he was lending them a BIC pen. Some of those folks didn't need to have a gun unmonitored. When I was waiting I noticed all the rips and tears directly above each station. I guess some classes are more exciting than others.
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Re: Make sure you know what kind of gun you have.


Post by 5thGenTexan »

Normally when I go to the range with the wife we will have between us 45LC, .40SW, .357, .38+p, .38, 9mm, and .380. Not confusing when you don't reload and all rounds stay in factory boxes and/or in mags all mags marked with model & caliber.
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Re: Make sure you know what kind of gun you have.


Post by jmra »

I load 357 sig and 9 mm in my 40 glock 27 all the time and never had a problem.

Of course I always have the correct conversion barrel installed at the time.

I like to keep my options open. I also have guns in other cals and stock pile enough ammo to last a while for each gun. Don't want to be caught short handed during the next run on ammo which should occur after congress gets through with health care and moves on to other topics.
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Re: Make sure you know what kind of gun you have.


Post by Kevinf2349 »

My wife shot a .380 through the G19. It shot just fine, it just wouldn't eject!

She has learned her lesson and of course she blames me for her 'experiment'. :smilelol5:
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Re: Make sure you know what kind of gun you have.


Post by Dutch »

I didn't read the whole thread so sorry if this was already brought up. To the original post, All 20 gauge shells are YELLOW, 12 gauge can be any color other than yellow.

It wouldn't matter in this case since the guy with the gun was clueless about his gun anyway.
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Re: Make sure you know what kind of gun you have.


Post by Embalmo »


Distinguishing 9MM from .380 is extremely easy at a quick glance. If you open your box of ammo and it is full of rounds it is 9MM. If you open the box and it is completely empty, it is .380. I you see a noticeably empty space at Walmart, or Academy, it is clearly .380. Any further questions?

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Re: Make sure you know what kind of gun you have.


Post by gigag04 »

I put a .45 acp gold dot round from my G30sf into my duty weapon G22 mag. Caught it when it wouldn't seat.

-an experienced shooter with too many guns.

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Re: Make sure you know what kind of gun you have.


Post by MojoTexas »

I was at the range today, breaking in my new Kimber, and I was digging through a bunch of loose rounds in the bottom of my range bag looking for more .45 ACP to shoot. I might add that I own and shoot a LOT of different calibers, including 9mm, .357 magnum, .40 S&W, and .45 ACP. I had started reading this thread a few days ago, and as a result I was extra careful to look at the bottom of the brass to make sure each round was .45 ACP. I was scared to death I would accidentally load a .40 S&W round into my brand-new Kimber and have a "kaboom" situation since the .40 S&W has a higher pressure than .45 ACP. Needless to say, it was all good. :-)
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