Weekend almost incident

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Re: Weekend almost incident


Post by gigag04 »

austinrealtor wrote: It wasn't very long ago, mid 1980s, that I was a youngster walking around in old Army fatigues and camo gear with some rather realistic-looking toy rifles and pistols (and they didn't all have orange tips on them back then - and the ones that did have the orange tips, we could pry them off with dad's pliers). We played out scenarios EXACTLY as you're describing.
I did much of the same. We would actually take plastic bright colored replicas and airbrush them with detailed colors to look like replicas. I remember having a nickel 1911 and a blued 92FS and thinking that I had a cool realistic toy.
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Re: Weekend almost incident


Post by Sewer_Ice »

Ahh airsoft, I use to be HUGE on it not long ago. I went to weekend long ops at fields. It's like between paintball and re-inacting in terms of what your doing.
Heres a few pics of my "arsenal" and some action pics.


It's a fun hobby, better range and more realism than paintball. Guns are full-auto, use real gear and attachments for some of my Real Steel.

As for my community's opinion on "backyard airsoft"
Were not too fond of it, incidents like this are causing problems for us, much like criminals are causing problems for us gun owners.
If your going to play in your front yard, use the clear ones, don't take off your orange tips, and inform your neighbors.
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Re: Weekend almost incident


Post by marksiwel »

I like the Mil Sim of Airsfot, but Paintball its just harder to cheat!
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