Stalked at Wally World

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Re: Stalked at Wally World


Post by stevie_d_64 »

To not be paranoid, does not mean they are not out to get ya!!!

Or something like that...

Whoa! whodat at da door??? :biggrinjester:
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Re: Stalked at Wally World


Post by Abraham »


Other than they were young, can you describe them further?

That is, were they dressed gang banger style? Did they seem high on something?

Plus, what, if anything, do you think caused them to find you attractive as victims?

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Re: Stalked at Wally World


Post by LedJedi »

Wow, i'm blown away! Bravo! and what teamwork! I'm sending this to my wife to check out.

Hope you don't mind. I send this to about 30 people in email and re-posted it on my facebook account. I love stories like this since they have a tendency to really make people realize it CAN happen to you.
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Re: Stalked at Wally World


Post by randomoutburst »

Abraham wrote:randomoutburst,

Other than they were young, can you describe them further?

That is, were they dressed gang banger style? Did they seem high on something?

Plus, what, if anything, do you think caused them to find you attractive as victims?

They had on jeans and t-shirts from what I can remember (it's been a while, now) and one had a cap on.

They didn't seem high on anything but probably thought their alertness and attention to us went unnoticed...for a while anyway.

I'm still not quite sure what could have flagged us as targets aside from the fact that we parked way out in the lot near their car (a crime of convenience perhaps?) and were driving an Expedition which may have indicated that we have money (not really, unfortunately) or perhaps they were looking to take the actual car.
Wish I knew what exactly made us so appealing so we could fix it. Luckily we haven't had a similar scenario unfold again and we hope it will stay that way!

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Re: Stalked at Wally World


Post by Txemtp69 »

randomoutburst wrote: Wish I knew what exactly made us so appealing so we could fix it. Luckily we haven't had a similar scenario unfold again and we hope it will stay that way!

Sometimes there is nothing that you "did" specifically but ya'll just became an opportunity. I had been attacked a few times when I lived near chicago, my stepmother use to ask what I did to bring it on until she was with me one time and discovered sometimes it's just wrong place wrong time. Situational awareness is a must. I think ya'll did great.
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