Bitten (sort of) by a dog today

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Bitten (sort of) by a dog today


Post by WEC »

I do house call medical visits as part of my job. Today, I went to a patient's house. When I pulled up to the house, I noticed that he had two dogs, one that looked like a Huskie mix and a fully grown pit bull. The huskie was chained but was definitely the more timid of the two. The pit bull was loose and immediately ran up to the front gate and began barking. I'm a dog person, so this sort of stuff doesn't bother me. It was the type of bark that was more to announce someone's presence and not a threatening bark. The patient heard this and emerged from his home. We exchanged greetings and he took the pit bull to chain him up out of harm's way. As I entered the gate, the pit bull was pulling at the chain (which was attached to a large trailer) to the extent that it was on its hind legs. Again, I'm a dog person so I was not intimidated nor threatened by this. I simply walked by and went into the patient's home.

After I finished my visit, I began to walk out. The patient followed me one pace behind. The pit bull saw that I was leaving and began pulling at the chain. This time, however, the dog managed to break away from the chain. I think his leash broke at the latch. Suddenly, the dog was bearing down on me. Not really at a run, not really at a walk. My spider sense went off and I assumed a defensive stance, I guess you could characterize it as a karate stance. The pit bull came up to me and jumped slightly. I instinctively held out my left arm to fend him off while simultaneously punching at his side with my right hand. I managed to knock him down a bit, in enough time for the owner to tackle the dog, subdue and reprimand him.

Upon inspection of my left arm, I noticed three contusions - two very slight scratches that did not draw blood and one slightly deeper impression that did draw a very slight trickle of blood. It was not a puncture wound by any means but there was enough compression of the tissue around it to cause a little bit of surface bleeding. The bleeding stopped almost immediately. I even took a gauze pad to it but no blood was visible on the pad. The owner of the dog was extremely apologetic, as would be understandable in this situation. After disinfecting the wound with the items I had on hand, I sought the proper medical attention after work. I think I'll live. ;-)

I do carry with an ankle holster while at work, but there was not enough time to draw on the dog. Nor was I completely certain that it was in "attack mode" per se. In retrospect, if the dog managed to latch onto my arm I think I would do everything in my power to draw from the ankle holster and get off a point blank shot or something. I think my punch was enough to keep him from actually latching onto my arm and to give the owner enough time to get to the dog. I'm actually glad that I got off relatively unscathed.

As with any situation that results in an adrenaline-raising moment, it seemed to go very slowly but probably happened in a matter of 5-10 seconds. It was definitely something that I can catalog away in my (limited) experiences, a lesson learned. I don't intend to pursue any legal action to the owner nor the dog. I was just wondering if anyone had any input on what happened to me, and to raise awareness about, well, awareness. :tiphat:
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Re: Bitten (sort of) by a dog today


Post by Oldgringo »

WEC asked:

...I was just wondering if anyone had any input on what happened to me...
Well, for openers, you might want to take this patient off your house call list? "rlol"

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Re: Bitten (sort of) by a dog today


Post by dicion »

Or carry pepper spray or something similar next time you visit!
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Re: Bitten (sort of) by a dog today


Post by ELB »

I can sympathize. As a VFD first responder/EMT-B, I am always going to people's houses that seem to have ill-mannered, yapping dogs underfoot. Occasionally cats, but they don't bark in my ear while I am trying to ask the patient questions. For some reason, the patient's family and friends often don't seem to see this as a problem. :shock: I have my own critters, I am not unduly perturbed by animals, but you would think that people who call the fire department, the ems, and the cops to their house would think to round up pets. We ask the owners to get them out of the way, but sometimes little old ladies have trouble doing that. I hate to round'em up myself, cuz I don't want to get bit or have the owners get mad, but on some of our frequent flyers the dogs have gotten to know me and let me pen them up.

Anyway, I haven't been bitten (yet), but your experience didn't sound like fun. Since you asked for inputs from the keyboard crowd, here are mine.

1. Politely/firmly ask your [management to ask your] patient to have the critters securely penned up when you arrive for your next visit. I know he/she tried this time, but the owner needs to try harder. Maybe a gentle reminder that there are legal repercussions to having his or her dog bite someone.

2. Scope out exit routes and places of safety before you go in. This might be useful even if they don't have dogs....

3. As far as being actually under attack -- Same as for people: quickly (as in violently) get off the line of attack. Move left or right or diagonally, but get out of the way. It can disrupt the attack at least somewhat, cause the dog to have to shift. It might give you time to get your pepper spray or other weapon out (altho probably not if it is in an ankle holster ;-) ), or grab a shield of some kind. Do you carry some kind of medical bag? briefcase? Grab a chair or garbage can, or whathaveyou. I know at some houses we go to it's hard to move laterally, there's stuff in the way, or we're in a doorway, but either retreating or even charging forward can put the dog off balance a bit. I wouldn't turn my back on him to do all this though.

I've also thought that if it I can't avoid it, I am going put my left are out to protect the rest of me, (You did well with the punch!) give him something to latch onto besides my throat or my leg, and then do my best to pin him against something, then deal with him -- probably, at that range, with my knife. If I can get some piece of clothing around my arm first, all the better. I hate the thought of hurting a dog, but if it is him or me it's him. And then be prepared to deal with the owner. The owner might not be pleased with getting his dog carved up, even if it is his own fault.

Oh, and I'd double check on the rabies vaccination... I know it was only a scratch, but hmmmm...
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Re: Bitten (sort of) by a dog today


Post by psehorne »

Ask the owner to walk ahead of you and secure the dog

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Re: Bitten (sort of) by a dog today


Post by KD5NRH »

WEC wrote:I don't intend to pursue any legal action to the owner nor the dog.
Whether you intend to do anything else or not, you may be required to report it to animal control:

Houston Code of Ordinances Sec 6-17 (f) Any person having knowledge of an animal bite is hereby required to report it immediately to the department.

Quite a number of cities have something similar, though some only require medical personnel (sounds like that may not get you out of it either) to report bites they're aware of. I'm not quite bored enough to go digging through H&SC 822 & 826 to see if either lists a requirement at the state level, but there may be something there as well. Either way, if the dog makes a habit of biting in inappropriate situations (i.e. anyone not a clear threat to its owner) it should be reported. The next person to get bitten may be a Girl Scout trying to sell some cookies.
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Re: Bitten (sort of) by a dog today


Post by markthenewf »

Why do people keep war dogs? Seriously. You're so very uncool for being so unresponsible. And I have a news flash: if ever theres a problem, you're up the creek because nobody is going to believe your pit bull (or whatever is the perfect killer breed of the decade) is a beloved family pet that was goaded into attacking the girl scout selling cookies.

Oh yeah, and if my loveable border-collie mix mutt dog bit someone, that'd be the end of it.

Let's see, Texas checklist: Good wife, chevy pickup, dog, big TV. Done!
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Re: Bitten (sort of) by a dog today


Post by chabouk »

KD5NRH wrote: Houston Code of Ordinances Sec 6-17 (f) Any person having knowledge of an animal bite is hereby required to report it immediately to the department.

Dog groomers would be calling four times a day.
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Re: Bitten (sort of) by a dog today


Post by RPBrown »

I have said this many times in many places, its not the breed but the owner or breeder causing the Pit Bull all of the bad reputations.

I have a pit and a golden retriever. Both are as sweet as they come, in the house with us. On our walks, we have to short leash the golden but the pit does not bother any other animals or people if not provoked.

With that said, do not try to come in the house or fenced back yard with either of them out without one of us as they will tag team you.

I have been in the a/c business for 38 years and have been bitten exactly twice. Both tmes were by chihuahua's.

However, if EMS, police, or any service provider is to enter your home then ALL dogs need to be put up. All that they realize is someone is in their home and their job is to protect it and you.

My wife and daughter own a groom shop that does dog day care. There are a few pits that come to them and have had no problems.

So blame the humans involved, not the breed
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Re: Bitten (sort of) by a dog today


Post by markthenewf »

RPBrown wrote:I have said this many times in many places, its not the breed but the owner or breeder causing the Pit Bull all of the bad reputations.
I had a big paragraph written on this, but we will just have to agree to disagree. Good luck.

Let's see, Texas checklist: Good wife, chevy pickup, dog, big TV. Done!
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Re: Bitten (sort of) by a dog today


Post by RedRaider »

markthenewf wrote:
RPBrown wrote:I have said this many times in many places, its not the breed but the owner or breeder causing the Pit Bull all of the bad reputations.
I had a big paragraph written on this, but we will just have to agree to disagree. Good luck.
Irregardless of the breed, in this situation it is obvious the dog owner is not very responsible. If you continue to use instances like this to form your opinion on a specific breed then you are misinformed or don't believe in accountability. The OP mentioned one dog being chained up in the backyard, this is a recipe for disaster. I'm guessing on this certain day it just so happened to be the day that the Pitt was not CHAINED up. Chaining dogs up with little or no social interaction will lead to situations like this, it doesn't matter the bread.
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Re: Bitten (sort of) by a dog today


Post by ExMarlboroMan »

markthenewf wrote:Why do people keep war dogs? Seriously. You're so very uncool for being so unresponsible. And I have a news flash: if ever theres a problem, you're up the creek because nobody is going to believe your pit bull (or whatever is the perfect killer breed of the decade) is a beloved family pet that was goaded into attacking the girl scout selling cookies.

Oh yeah, and if my loveable border-collie mix mutt dog bit someone, that'd be the end of it.

You my friend have alot to learn!

Blame the owner, not the breed. Could have been ANY breed of dog.

I've been in the A/C (HVAC) business all my life, going into peoples houses with them home as well as not home everyday. ALL dogs need to be put up where they do NOT have the ability to reach me. I have been bitten by one dog, A poodle, who the owner specifically said wouldn't bite me. Now I require all dogs be secured.

I AM A dog person, and have several in my home, and one at my shop. Pit bulls are NOT "war dogs", that is hilarious. They have a bad rep from idiots who have either trained them to be mean or neglected them. I can go on if you wish.

My wife is a VERY PROMINENT dog trainer here in Houston, and guess what, we own a PIT BULL and a GERMAN SHEPHERD !

To the OP, ALWAYS make sure the animal cannot get to you or interfere with your work. Kids too, think of the liabilities that you may face if you go into someones house when only their child is home, or unsupervised around you!
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Re: Bitten (sort of) by a dog today


Post by markthenewf »

The german sheppard is a very respectable, trainable, and useful animal under proper ownership. The pit bull is an ego thing. They are time bombs waiting to go off and nobody will convince me of anything else. Bad breeds such as these are a bane on the general community. I will not quote stats on this.

Regarding the breeds you defend, you are all entitled to your opinions on them but please keep them away from me and my household. Unlike your CCW, you have limited control over them. Use the "bad owner" excuse all you want, that'll not help you when it goes off.

Water is wet, the sky is blue during sunny days, and we will always disagree on the acceptability of the breed. My apologies if it perturbs you, but that's just the way it is with me. Please respect my opinions and security regarding these animals.

Let's see, Texas checklist: Good wife, chevy pickup, dog, big TV. Done!
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Re: Bitten (sort of) by a dog today


Post by ExMarlboroMan »


Have you ever owned a Pit bull?

The german sheppard is a very respectable, trainable, and useful animal under proper ownership.
If you take a German Shepherd* and put him under poor, abusive care what will happen to that specific dog?

I respect your opinion but judging something or someone before you get to know them is ignorant. My wife came across our Pit Bull in a parking lot of Walmart when he was 9 weeks old. She couldn't tell what type of dog he was but she took him in anyway. After a month or two it was apparent what he was but by then she was already very attached to him. Now our Pit Bull is 6 years old and is, no doubt the BEST dog we have ever had. So tell me, do we have a Pit Bull as an ego booster?
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Re: Bitten (sort of) by a dog today


Post by Oldgringo »

Ease up guys, we're supposed to be nice to each other even if the other is somewhat warped. :smilelol5:
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