CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco

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Re: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco


Post by Keith B »

A lot of people also forget that the coroner testified he had an extremely high level of pain killers in his system, so who knows how he was responding to commands or what his reaction time was.
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Re: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco


Post by drjoker »

philip964 wrote: ... story.html

Another person named Scott has been shot and killed by police at another Costco.
Great Scott !!!

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Re: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco


Post by cb1000rider »

Lets qualify that... A 5'0", 100 lb with knife and scissors who worked at the concession stand... Who happens to have the last name of Scott managed to get herself shot...

Apparently they tried to tazer her, but it "didn't work".

5 bullets worked on Ms. Scott. One of them managed to hit one of the officers on scene also.

Apparently after the police pull and tazer and that fails, they're not allowed to switch to another non-lethal approach as it takes too much time to holster the gun that comes out with the tazer...

Here's a better article: ... at-costco/" onclick=";return false;

Sounds like a messy "justified" kill that could have been avoided... Course, we don't pay the police enough to have them taking knives away from irritated 100 lb women... And seriously, when you're managing to hit other people as part of the shoot, you're doing it wrong. You're a bigger threat than the 100 lb lady with a knife.

Another interesting point in regard to Erik Scott's, death taken from the above link:
1) The officers were cleared because Mr. Scott had a gun. Apparently that's enough. That scares the piss out of me because it gives NM PD the right to shoot any CHL on-site that might be a threat per policy.
2) Mr. Scott's pistol was still in the holster while in the ambulance. It hadn't ever been removed from the holster.
3) Mr. Scott was shot holding a cell phone in one hand and his shirt up in the other. He was given 5-6 seconds between being given orders and the shooting stopped.
4) Costco's video recording system failed during the incident. Seriously? This, above all else, is a big problem for me.

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Re: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco


Post by philip964 » ... ts-shelves" onclick=";return false;

Another reason to dislike Costco.

They are removing D'Souza's America from their shelves, as is their right.
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Re: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco


Post by RoyGBiv »

philip964 wrote: ... ts-shelves

Another reason to dislike Costco.

They are removing D'Souza's America from their shelves, as is their right.
Costco claims book removed due to slow sales. Now book is being reordered following release of documentary and increased interest.

Believe what you will. Dinesh doesn't buy it.

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Re: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco


Post by Purplehood »

Try Googling the movie... it won't come up.
They advised the studio that they will address the technical issues in the order that they receive them.
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Re: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco


Post by philip964 »

https://statelymcdanielmanor.wordpress. ... disappear/" onclick=";return false;

Apparently the killing of Erik Scott has not gone away in the years since it happened.

In case you never new about this event:

A CHL holder and former West Point Graduate and former Captain in the Army was killed by police just outside the front doors at a Costco in Las Vegas Nevada as he walked out with his girlfriend. His gun had been spotted by security as he bent down to place water bottles in a back pack or something he was considering buying. (Nevada is an open carry state and there are no signs prohibiting guns in the Costco in Las Vegas) The security person told him guns were not allowed in the store, he apparently went all 2nd Amendment on the employee, rather than simply leaving. He apparently mentioned his service in the military in the exchange with the employee. The employee also never told him to leave the store. Instead he called 911 and essentially said they had a green beret going crazy in the store with a gun. The police responded in force to what they were lead to believe was a serious problem. After the police arrived they announced that the store had a bomb threat and asked everyone to leave. As Erik Scott and his girlfriend peaceably left with the other customers, the store employee pointed out Erik to the police officer who followed Erik out of the store. At this point as he exited the building with customers everywhere around him, the police officer drew his gun and shouted at Erik to freeze, two other officers who were facing him directly also drew their weapons and shouted other conflicting orders. Erik was holding his blackberry at the time. At this point Erik either, froze, raised his hands, attempted to raise his shirt to expose his weapon or drew on the three officers who had already pointed guns at him from three sides. One officer fired first directly into his chest, then the other officers fired, he was shot seven times, five times in his back while he was on the ground. All seven shots that were fired met their mark otherwise, the officers would have shot each other or would have hit the other customers who were exiting the store at the time. Customers who were interviewed, all had conflicting views of what happened. Some thought Erik went for a gun, some thought Erik did nothing, some thought the police just executed him.

The Costco has an extensive video system. Everyone on this forum felt that the video would clear up the confusion. We would later find out the video didn't exist as the system was not working that day for the cameras that would have recorded the event. The police did not take custody of the video computer system for days. The video DVR's were not sent to the FBI Computer Forensics Laboratory in LA, but were analyzed by Al's Computer and Video (or a name like that) in Las Vegas who had a contract for video services with the County.

A inquest was held. The family was not allowed to participate. The prosecution presented evidence that Erik had prescription drugs in his system and a former wife reported that he had struck her. The police officers who were involved said Erik had tried to go for his gun and they shot in self defense. He was carrying two guns at the time. One gun, he was not licensed to carry. (Nevada has weird CC laws as your license is tied to a specific gun) The shooting was ruled justified. The family sued the Police department and Costco, both suits were eventually dropped. The family had a reward out for video of the shooting, but no video has ever surfaced. They believed that the video showing the shooting did exist.

As time has gone by officers in the Police Department have apparently talked about seeing the missing video.
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Re: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco


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Re: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco


Post by philip964 »

9 th Anniversary of the Murder of Erik Scot by Las Vegas Police.

A coverup, missing video tape, police awards, a book, a movie and grieving parents follow after the death of a CHL , former Army Captain and West Point graduate, whose only mistake was letting part of his gun show at a Costco that had no sign preventing concealed carry.
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Re: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco


Post by narcissist »

seamusTX wrote: Mon Jul 12, 2010 10:28 pm And I have a "theory' that the cops shot him because they don't like clean-cut, white, English-speaking Army veterans. :roll:
Erik Scott.jpg
I agree that this incident should be investigated by a disinterested agency. Probably the family will file a federal lawsuit in the morning.

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Re: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

I still remember when this happened. I always suspected a cover up but also believed that it is an example of what not to do when carrying concealed or open. Eric's actions did not justify his death but at the same time, he did about everything wrong one could do prior to the shooting.
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Re: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco


Post by puma guy »

03Lightningrocks wrote: Thu Jul 11, 2019 12:28 pm I still remember when this happened. I always suspected a cover up but also believed that it is an example of what not to do when carrying concealed or open. Eric's actions did not justify his death but at the same time, he did about everything wrong one could do prior to the shooting.
I read everything that was available at the time and the followup as well and I recall per witnesses the several cops on scene were giving Erik differing, simultaneous commands that he attempted to follow and at some point the cops commenced a circular firing squad with him in the middle as their target and then put a few more in him as he lay on the ground. They were fortunate they didn't wound or kill any of the many COSTCO customers who were evacuating the store with Erik among them. Of course the conveniently missing video lends itself to an easy cover up. Convenient for LV Metro and COSTCO.
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Re: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

puma guy wrote: Thu Jul 11, 2019 6:25 pm
03Lightningrocks wrote: Thu Jul 11, 2019 12:28 pm I still remember when this happened. I always suspected a cover up but also believed that it is an example of what not to do when carrying concealed or open. Eric's actions did not justify his death but at the same time, he did about everything wrong one could do prior to the shooting.
I read everything that was available at the time and the followup as well and I recall per witnesses the several cops on scene were giving Erik differing, simultaneous commands that he attempted to follow and at some point the cops commenced a circular firing squad with him in the middle as their target and then put a few more in him as he lay on the ground. They were fortunate they didn't wound or kill any of the many COSTCO customers who were evacuating the store with Erik among them. Of course the conveniently missing video lends itself to an easy cover up. Convenient for LV Metro and COSTCO.
Yeah, it was a bad situation. When speaking of what he may have done to bring this on himself, I was mainly talking about him causing a ruckus in the store before he was shot. I suppose I feel like it is best to remain somewhat timid when one has the ability to use deadly force with their firearm. Getting into a verbal battle can lead to bad endings.

I am not by any stretch saying he deserved it. Just that his own actions put the steps into place that lead up to it.
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Re: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco


Post by puma guy »

03Lightningrocks wrote: Thu Jul 11, 2019 6:45 pm
puma guy wrote: Thu Jul 11, 2019 6:25 pm
03Lightningrocks wrote: Thu Jul 11, 2019 12:28 pm I still remember when this happened. I always suspected a cover up but also believed that it is an example of what not to do when carrying concealed or open. Eric's actions did not justify his death but at the same time, he did about everything wrong one could do prior to the shooting.
I read everything that was available at the time and the followup as well and I recall per witnesses the several cops on scene were giving Erik differing, simultaneous commands that he attempted to follow and at some point the cops commenced a circular firing squad with him in the middle as their target and then put a few more in him as he lay on the ground. They were fortunate they didn't wound or kill any of the many COSTCO customers who were evacuating the store with Erik among them. Of course the conveniently missing video lends itself to an easy cover up. Convenient for LV Metro and COSTCO.
Yeah, it was a bad situation. When speaking of what he may have done to bring this on himself, I was mainly talking about him causing a ruckus in the store before he was shot. I suppose I feel like it is best to remain somewhat timid when one has the ability to use deadly force with their firearm. Getting into a verbal battle can lead to bad endings.

I am not by any stretch saying he deserved it. Just that his own actions put the steps into place that lead up to it.
The part about the rukus is disputed by several witnesses. Painting him as a drugged up maniac worked. According to medical experts hired by the family Eric had a bullet wound in his arm pit which would indicate he had his arm/s raised. Some witnesses said his arms never went below his shoulders. Two shots fired while he was standing and 5 shots when he was face down on the ground. His pistol was still in it's holster on the ground along with a cell phone. Of course his lawyers were prevented from cross examining the police or witnesses during the inquiry. They had to submit written questions prior to the inquiry. If you have read Mosher's (the guy who shot him first) testimony it's hilarious. All the things he said were going through his mind before he got there, the things he was thinking when he shot Erik. All totally contrived after the fact. He even said he knew the pistol could be fired while holstered because he had a holster exactly like Erik's. But, he couldn't even recall what he said to Erik until Prosecuters played a tape of him.
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