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Any other wheel gun carriers around?

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 9:17 am
by parabelum
Just curious. I qualified for my chl back in the day with model 629 , just wasn’t into autoloaders then. Few years later I switched to G19/17 for carry, occasionally sig p229. Well now, 18 years later I find myself putting my autoloaders more aside and carrying my model 66-2 (2.5” barrel, combat grips) with 38+p loads (or 158gr 357 sometimes) more at my hip. And just few days ago I scored a model 29-3 in nickel with 6” barrel from gunbroker. So, I’m beginning to lean back on 6 shooters more I guess.
Anyone else went through similar “transformation” and if so, what’s your favorite wheel gun? :fire

Re: Any other wheel gun carriers around?

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 9:58 am
by patterson
I had a S&W model 29 back in the 80s and I think it weighed around 48 ounces so you might have to counter balance your other hip so as to walk normal

Re: Any other wheel gun carriers around?

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 10:19 am
by parabelum
29 would be more of a range shooter for me, or a backpacking piece with a shoulder holster.

Re: Any other wheel gun carriers around?

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 10:23 am
by carlson1
I carry revolvers a lot and God just blessed me with this model 19.

Re: Any other wheel gun carriers around?

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 11:31 am
by Greybeard
S&W 15-ounce Model 637 is often my "dog walking" gun. Until the neighborhood really goes south.

Re: Any other wheel gun carriers around?

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 12:00 pm
by 74novaman
I spent last year (2019) primarily carrying and shooting wheel guns.

I’m my 30s and started with semi autos so I was wheel gun curious, especially given how everyone always claims they can make you a better pistol shooter and how reliable they are.

I found that if you shoot them enough they’re no more reliable than a Glock. I didn’t have many failures but they weren’t 100% either.

On the other hand, I think they really did improve my trigger control and follow through, even when I went back to shooting semis. Mastering that DA trigger was a worthwhile challenge.

Mostly carried one of these two: 642 and 66-8.


I did shoot those two in matches, but I mostly relied on my 627.


I’ll probably shoot the 627 in a couple matches per year from
here out just to continue working on that DA trigger.

But I’m back to carrying semi autos.

ETA: by far the dumbest/most fun thing I did was try to shoot steel challenge with a 5 shot 642. Having no room for error while still shooting on the clock really forces you to reanalyze the speed/accuracy balance.

Re: Any other wheel gun carriers around?

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 12:24 pm
by Keith B
I carry a S&W Model 60 with shot shells frequently around my property in case I encounter any serpent-type critters of the poisonous variety...

Re: Any other wheel gun carriers around?

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 1:14 pm
by parabelum
carlson1 wrote: Sun Apr 19, 2020 10:23 am I carry revolvers a lot and God just blessed me with this model 19.
That’s a nice piece Carl, very close to my 66-2, grips are almost identical.

Re: Any other wheel gun carriers around?

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 1:17 pm
by parabelum
74novaman wrote: Sun Apr 19, 2020 12:00 pm I spent last year (2019) primarily carrying and shooting wheel guns.

I’m my 30s and started with semi autos so I was wheel gun curious, especially given how everyone always claims they can make you a better pistol shooter and how reliable they are.

I found that if you shoot them enough they’re no more reliable than a Glock. I didn’t have many failures but they weren’t 100% either.

On the other hand, I think they really did improve my trigger control and follow through, even when I went back to shooting semis. Mastering that DA trigger was a worthwhile challenge.

Mostly carried one of these two: 642 and 66-8.


I did shoot those two in matches, but I mostly relied on my 627.


I’ll probably shoot the 627 in a couple matches per year from
here out just to continue working on that DA trigger.

But I’m back to carrying semi autos.

ETA: by far the dumbest/most fun thing I did was try to shoot steel challenge with a 5 shot 642. Having no room for error while still shooting on the clock really forces you to reanalyze the speed/accuracy balance.

Sweet collection of speed loaders. That’s what I’m lacking right now. I only have two for 357 and two for 44.

How do you like your hammerless 642?

Re: Any other wheel gun carriers around?

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 3:18 pm
by oljames3
My wife replaced her Ruger LCR .38 with a Walther PPS M2 LE for her daily carry. Rather than let the Ruger sit idle, I now carry it as concealed backup to my S&W M&P9 M2.0 5".

Re: Any other wheel gun carriers around?

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 4:08 pm
by patterson
When my wife wanted to start shooting at the range I wanted her to start out with a revolver so I got her a Ruger SP101 in .357 so she can shoot .38 special and use it sometimes to shoot .357 rounds

Re: Any other wheel gun carriers around?

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 4:36 pm
by txhighlander
S&W 625 mountain gun in 45 Colt, it is a joy to shoot.

Re: Any other wheel gun carriers around?

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 4:53 pm
by johncanfield
I don't carry a wheel gun but I'm always impressed about how relatively simple they are - as in being dependable. So much less that can get hosed up.

Re: Any other wheel gun carriers around?

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 5:05 pm
by The Annoyed Man
I’ve got 5 revolvers in the safe ... all S&Ws ... a 5” Model 29 .44 mag, a 5” Model 327 TRR8 .357 mag, a 2” Model 640 .357 mag, a 1-7/8" M&P 340 .357, and a 1-7/8" Model 642 .38 Special +P. The 642 is my wife's. Anyway, of those 5 revolvers, the only one I actually carry is the M&P 340, and that’s mainly my "throw it in my pocket to walk down to the mailbox" gun—but I rarely actually carry it anywhere else. The primary reason I don’t is that I’m just better and faster with a semiauto, especially with reloading. Don’t get me wrong ... I like shooting my revolvers; and if I was going to backpack for an extended period, I’d probably pack either the TRR8 or the Model 29. But I just find semiautos to be more convenient for EDC.

Re: Any other wheel gun carriers around?

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 5:15 pm
by mrvmax
Just ordered a 629 Performance Center with 2.625 barrel along with an OWB holster and speed strips. It will serve a few different purposes - a back up gun for hunting being one.