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100 guns at City Council meeting

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 10:55 am
by TxD

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 11:11 am
by Rokyudai
I hope they follow up with this story. Sounds like there are some serious issues understanding how laws are enforced and upheld there. Thanks for posting it TD.

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 11:11 am
by stevie_d_64
It'd never work here...In Houston or Friendswood...

I was the only one I knew of that went and directly challenged Houston City Counsel and the Mayor on their efforts to spend time and my money on fighting the provisions in SB501 a while back...

The look after I got my three minutes from the counsel and the police officers in that chamber was priceless...

I did not throw eggs or any other produce to make my point...But I was asked if I was carrying a gun at the time...My response is on record as:

"Thats a stupid question counselwoman Edwards, I resent it being asked because (I already know) it is illegal for me to carry in this facility at this particular time."

This was after she informed me that she thought it was stupid to think you need to carry a gun for anything...The looks on my way out from the chamber to the elevators by HPD was kinda funny too...Not very friendly...I don't know why??? ;-)

Needless to say I am in no way in the league of Dr. Hupp and her testimony in Washington D.C., she's the champ!

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 11:15 am
by stevie_d_64
Rokyudai wrote:I hope they follow up with this story. Sounds like there are some serious issues understanding how laws are enforced and upheld there. Thanks for posting it TD.
San Antonio would be a hard nut to crack as well...

But when you look at it...Why do we need a law or permission to attend a government meeting armed in the first place??? Right??? ;-)

Whats the big deal???

Oh wait...There's children...Sorry I forgot...Muh bad... :lol:

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 3:22 pm
by Popshot
Sounds like the makings of interesting meeting.

However, the whole event would have been avoided had the man simply carried concealed. I know, I know, Virginia law allows for open carry, so he did nothing wrong. This is another example where politicians, police and sheeple are not ready to see our hardware in the open.

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 4:32 pm
by austin
Sounds like a recall election is in order.

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 5:13 pm
by LedJedi
very interesting story.

I encourage everyone to email the author. His info is at the bottom of that page. It's not often we actually decent reporting on gun rights.

as for the mayor and the police chief.... well, as we say here in Texas, "Get a rope."

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 8:05 am
by stevie_d_64
austin wrote:Sounds like a recall election is in order.
Or just wait till the regular election rolls around, and run for a position himself...

The reasons and motivations are obvious, and do not need to be explained to a great deal, leaving the palate wide open to address other issues not pertaining to firearms and Second Amendment rights...

No one in my district needs to know or wonder where I stand on this issue, leaving me free to explore the other issues of the day...

Guns are easy...A no brainer...

Its the other stuff that needs attention...This guy if he decides to pursue this might have a very good chance to unseat someone on that counsel...

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 9:05 am
by frankie_the_yankee
I'm sympathetic, and glad that the council got an "education" on Virginia law.

But what makes anyone think that passion about open carry is shared by the majority of the residents of Norfolk such that someone well known for holding that position (i.e. being a champion of open carry) could win an election?

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 9:40 am
by shootthesheet
frankie_the_yankee wrote:I'm sympathetic, and glad that the council got an "education" on Virginia law.

But what makes anyone think that passion about open carry is shared by the majority of the residents of Norfolk such that someone well known for holding that position (i.e. being a champion of open carry) could win an election?
Because the VCDL has stood up and championed their right to OC long enough to educate the general public about OC. This group is very good at organizing and, I think they could get him elected on the local level at least. I read his encounter and it is nothing short of Law Enforcement abuse encouraged by the local government refusing to follow state law. It is another case of a liberal governing body trying to get away with forcing their will on those they disagree with to spite the law. This tactic has worked in the past because people had no organized group to stand together and fight. Their only option was to fight to force change thru state law. That is why I wish the TSRA or another group would step in and fight more on the local level in places like Houston. I think the only reason they don't do more is because they are to closely associated to the NRA. Perhaps another group can do it.

As far as choosing to OC I would say this. Any right not used or fought for will be lost. I support them open carrying because the law says they can. Is it the best way to carry? Not in my opinion. However, it is their right and individuals should be left to choose as they wish. That is freedom. Our opinions mean nothing and shouldn't where rights are concerned. I will support them and continue to bring Texas law back in line with the COTUS. Any restriction on free people is not constitutional. That includes trying to keep firearms out of the hands of criminals. Lock them up and restore our rights. This is my opinion.

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 9:46 am
by seamusTX
shootthesheet wrote:That is why I wish the TSRA or another group would step in and fight more on the local level in places like Houston. I think the only reason they don't do more is because they are to closely associated to the NRA. Perhaps another group can do it.
The TSRA has limited resources, both money and people. Most of the work is done by volunteers who have their own jobs or businesses.

- Jim

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 10:02 am
by LedJedi
seamusTX wrote:
shootthesheet wrote:That is why I wish the TSRA or another group would step in and fight more on the local level in places like Houston. I think the only reason they don't do more is because they are to closely associated to the NRA. Perhaps another group can do it.
The TSRA has limited resources, both money and people. Most of the work is done by volunteers who have their own jobs or businesses.

- Jim
I'm pretty sure these folks who put this together themselves as a grass roots effort have less in the way of resources than the TSRA.

There may be other legitimate reasons for the TSRA not getting involved, but it's difficult to cite resources when someone else does it as a grass roots effort. I'm in no way knocking the TSRA, it's a fine fine organization, but you can't throw resources up as a rationalization when other folks have done it with what is apparently less. If nothing else, it's a matter of priority.