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Ammo Test/ Range Report Kimber Ultra CDP II

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 4:12 pm
by HighVelocity
Recently I picked up a used Ultra CDP II with internal extractor and I finally got to wring it out today.
The weather was beautiful this morning with a light breeze, sunshine and temps in the 70's. The perfect day to be outside.

The pistol was clean and I used two Wilson 47OX 7 round mags. Shots were fired at about 15 feet, which is what I think is the max distance this gun would ever be used (in my hands).

I had ZERO malfunctions. The little Ultra gobbled up everything I fed it and just begged for more.

Ammo on-hand: 230gr 3D commercial reloads, 230gr Blazer Brass, 230gr Blazer Aluminum, 185gr Corbon JHP, 230gr Fiocchi JHP, 185gr Golden Sabre JHP, 230gr Golden Sabre JHP, 230gr WWB JHP, Winchester Ranger RA45T, RA45TP, RA45SXT, 230gr Speer Lawman.

Accuracy was fair or better with all but the 185gr Corbon. It was all over the paper.
Exceptional accuracy was noticed with the 230gr Golden Sabre, but the RA45T and RA45SXT were the most accurate of the bunch.
The RA45TP was a little more powerful than the Ultra wanted and control of the pistol was greatly reduced.

My overall impression of the Ultra CDP is good. Even with the short sight radius I was easily able to annihilate the bullseye with the Golden Sabres and Winchester Ranger ammo. As previously mentioned there were no malfunctions of any kind out of approximately 300 rounds fired.
I am completely confident in the pistols ability and plan to put it in the carry rotation with my Sig P245 and SW 340PD.

Kimber built this one right!


built right

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 9:18 pm
by longtooth
Yes they did. I think enough of mine that the carry rotation is from strong side 3:30 to the night stand at bed time, to strong side 3:30 next morning & start over again at bed time again. :lol:

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 2:46 pm
by HighVelocity
The more I carry this baby the more I like it! I installed aluma grips and while they're not as pretty, the checkering helps a lot with hot ammo. 8)



Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 8:17 pm
by longtooth
Boy I like those Wilson C. Mags too. I see you do too.

Re: Mags

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 9:30 pm
by HighVelocity
longtooth wrote:Boy I like those Wilson C. Mags too. I see you do too.
Yes Sir. The best compact 1911 mags I know of. In full size guns I use the Novak ACT-MAG mags. I actually saw a compact ACT-MAG that was marked NightHawk. Which is a highend name so if NightHawk compacts come with them they must work. I'll pick one up and try it next time I see one, just for fun. :D

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 7:25 am
by anygunanywhere
+1 for the Wilson mags in the KImber!

My Full size Springfield has the 10 round Chip McCormack (sp?) mags.

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 11:51 am
by gigag04
I like how kimber de-horned it.