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For those who carry a 5” 1911

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 7:44 am
by cmgee67
I plan on carrying my 1911 a few times a month. I have a milt marks VM2 holster and a good gun belt so that’s covered. How do you carry your 1911 full size? I have been trying to get used to it around the house. It’s a huge jump in weight for me considering I carry a lightweight polymer gun or aluminum framed J frame. Most people say they just get used to the weight and it feels right. Also why do you choose the full size over a commander or smaller? I bought a 5” because that’s what a 1911 is supposed to be in my book.

Re: For those who carry a 5” 1911

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 8:52 am
by Richbirdhunter
It’s my BBQ gun, but I have a fancy custom leather holster. It looks good and it feels good.

Re: For those who carry a 5” 1911

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 9:02 am
by Charles L. Cotton
I carried various 5" 1911s over the years, both IWB and OWB. One of the holsters in the rotation was the same one you have; i.e. the VMII. I also carried in a Sparks Summer Special, Comp-Tac Infidel, and others. I'm 5'9" and 175 lbs, but I was around 150 lbs. during some of the earlier years. The 1911 is so thin that it's easier for me to conceal than any other "real" gun, especially double-stack pistols.

I agree that the polymer guns are much lighter and I can see where going from one of them to an all-steel Government Model would be culture shock. I went the other way, from all-steel 5" guns to aluminum-framed Commanders and similar handguns, to poly . . . polym . . . I can't say it . . . plastic guns. I certainly notice a great difference in weight, but I can do it without a problem.

I shoot a 5" gun better because of 1) longer sight radius; and 2) extra weight. However, I think the Commander-length guns are better balanced 1911s. Now that I've gone to red dot sights for competition and EDC, sight radius doesn't matter.

Below are some actual weights I obtained with an accurate digital food scale:



Re: For those who carry a 5” 1911

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 9:09 am
by oljames3
cmgee67 wrote: Thu Jul 05, 2018 7:44 am I plan on carrying my 1911 a few times a month. I have a milt marks VM2 holster and a good gun belt so that’s covered. How do you carry your 1911 full size? I have been trying to get used to it around the house. It’s a huge jump in weight for me considering I carry a lightweight polymer gun or aluminum framed J frame. Most people say they just get used to the weight and it feels right. Also why do you choose the full size over a commander or smaller? I bought a 5” because that’s what a 1911 is supposed to be in my book.
A full size M1911A1 was my issue weapon in 1974 in the 1st Cavalry Division. That is the only 1911 I have carried.

My every day carry pistol is an S&W M&P M2.0 9mm 5inch, 16+1. I chose it, in part, because it's dimensions are very similar to the M1911A1: 8.3" overall length, 5" barrel, 1.3" frame, 5.5" height and 18 degree grip. At 27oz versus 39oz, the M&P is a bit lighter than the M1911A1, but I also carry two spare magazines with 16 rounds each, and a Ruger LCR .38 in a Remora pocket holster. Yes, you do get used to the weight.

I carry openly, OWB, at 3 o'clock, in a Safariland 7TS ALS holster, with QLS and Guard. I wanted a retention holster that covered as much of the pistol as possible and which I could easily detach from my belt. I wore suspenders until I got my Kore Essentials gun belt.

As I said, I picked the 5inch barrel, in part, because it matched my M1911A1. I also wanted a long sight radius and more weight forward. Concealability is not an issue for me. If covering my M&P is not sufficient, I can quickly disconnect the holstered pistol from my belt and continue on with my concealed Ruger. However, with care, one can conceal even a full size 1911.

I carry at all times as described above as my default. If not wearing pants, I carry the holstered pistol in my firing hand. When driving my wife's car, I disconnect the holstered pistol from my belt and place it in the door pocket. SWMBO says I can't scratch her leather seats. ;-)

If I buy another pistol, it will likely be an S&W M&P M2.0 Compact 9mm 4inch. Now that I've been carrying my 5inch M&P for over a year, and competing in USPSA, I find that the longer sight radius is not as big an issue for me.

Re: For those who carry a 5” 1911

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 9:12 am
by strogg
You're right. You just get used to it. But a good setup helps.

To me (Yes, the following is opinion. Take it for what it's worth), the two most important things are 1: a good belt, and 2: a good fitting owb holster. Some say 1 is more important than 2, but I find that they are both equally as important. A good belt won't fix canted pants without suffocation, nor will it fix discomfort from an awkward holster. All it does is support the weight of the firearm. A good holster would be OWB (for comfort), the right cant for balance and draw speed, and snugness to the belt so it won't hang out and cause all sorts of comfort and wall-banging problems. I have a nice leather holster that is really snug up against the belt and body. It doesn't sag my pants, it doesn't hit all the walls and door frames as I walk around, and most importantly, it doesn't feel like it wants to rip my belt off. I highly recommend leather for comfort. I've had many kydex holsters in the day, but after going to leather, I'm never going to go back to kydex unless it's for duty or competition. It's just that much more comfortable.

As a note, my 1911s are not my daily carry. Not even close. That job still goes to my 9mm compact and my 5.7 due to weight (go figure). I have a single stack 1911 that I will carry around on occasion because it makes me feel posh. I also have a double stack 10mm that I like as a winter gun. That thing weighs in at 3 lbs 9 oz loaded. But you know what? With the right rig, it works.

Re: For those who carry a 5” 1911

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 12:28 pm
by cmgee67
Thank you for the chart Charles.

Surprisingly to me the full size conceals fairly easily due to the slimness. I have a new stiffer gun belt coming just for when I carry the gun. I have some Wilson combat mags coming as well as flat recoil spring and shock buffs. Once all is in I will take to the range and run 500 round nose and about 50-100 hollows points. If all goes well I will call it good. I will most likely be carrying it one to two times a week. Any good suggestion on a mag pouch?

Re: For those who carry a 5” 1911

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 12:58 pm
by The Annoyed Man
During the time that I carried a full-sized 1911, I carried it almost exclusively OWB. I used a Comp-Tac Minotaur IWB holster for IWB carry, but the problem was that I personally found the gun to be too long to comfortably carry that way. It threatened to wear holes in my pants, from the inside out at the muzzle end. For OWB carry, and it is a very comfortable holster, I ponied up for a Galco Concealable Belt Holster. The contour of the holster makes it fit much more comfortably against the hip than other designs:

And, it really does seem to hold the gun closer in to my hip and side by “wrapping around” my contours, rather than pressing in to them, and not poking me so much. I have a pretty bad back, so this makes a difference to me in whether or not I’ll wear the holster.....particularly with the weight of a 5” all steel 1911.

The basic version of this holster is kind of plain looking, and available in either black or brown (mine is black, because my preferred color of brown was not available for left-handed ones at the time I bought it), but the quality is definitely there. At $119, it’s not cheap, but it’s not outrageously expensive either. Galco also offers versions of the exact same holster made from horse hide for $200, and from exotic hides for $550 on up. I suppose if you really wanted a fancy tooled holster, this one would be too understated for you, but if what you’re looking for is a solidly made, comfortable holster that will last you a good long time and take a beating, the plain-Jane steerhide version is a great choice.

Here’s the picture from their catalog:

Re: For those who carry a 5” 1911

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 1:13 pm
by flechero
I carry a 4" not a 5" 1911 but it is all steel and has a steel magwell on it. Almost a wash in weight. I carry with a dual thickness leather, reinforced belt. In fact, all but 1 of my remaining belts are dual thickness, reinforced. A holster with a wider footprint also helps and as TAM mentions, several makers are not building them on the curve for comfort and better concealability.

IMO, a 1911 on a proper belt/holster combo carries pretty easily. Save and except to people with back and spinal issues where a couple ounces truly makes the difference.

What usually throws people off is going from a little kahr, lcp or jframe to a 1911 and it then feels huge and heavy.

Re: For those who carry a 5” 1911

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 1:50 pm
by troglodyte
I have also found when carrying any gun on my hip that a reload (or two) helps balance the belt carried about the same position on the opposite hip. The reloads aren't the same weight but it seems to not only help with the weight but also the pull of the belt around the waist. Not sure how to describe it but it seems to distribute the belt's tension around the waist better. If I wear the reloads at about the same place on the hip as the gun is it seems to help my gait and alignment. Kind of hard to explain but it works for me.

Re: For those who carry a 5” 1911

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 3:00 pm
by RPBrown
When I carry a 4" or 5" 1911, I use the Galco Concealable Belt Holster. However, when I carry a 3", I use a Don Hume slide holster H710. With either set up, I carry 2 spare mags on the other side to help balance the weight. This has been my set up for several years now.

Re: For those who carry a 5” 1911

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 3:04 pm
by cmgee67
What mag carrier are you using RPBrown

Re: For those who carry a 5” 1911

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 3:36 pm
by KinnyLee
For me, the most comfortable position is 4:00-4:30. I also have a comp-tac twin mag carrier at my 8:00 position.

Re: For those who carry a 5” 1911

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 3:45 pm
by Jose_in_Dallas
Although I'm transitioning to 9mm now (I'm shooting more often and it's cheaper to shoot), I carried a full size and a Commander size (aluminum frame) 1911 as well as a Glock 21 both OWB and IWB with no problem. Full size 1911 was mostly carried in a Comp-Tac paddle holster and an MTAC using a Wilderness Instructor Belt. Only time I had problems was when dressing up in a suit or slacks and the Instructor Belt didn't look or feel right.

Re: For those who carry a 5” 1911

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 4:18 pm
by jb2012
I carry my commander in a bravo concealment owb kydex 99% of the time. I’m a bigger guy and it conceals with very little effort. I carry my full size with a streamlight occasionally in an on your 6 kydex. The full size is a little bit much to carry all the time, with the flashlight. I also have a galco tuckable iwb for my commander, and it’s good for deep concealment, but I still prefer owb. I carry an 8 round mag in my guns, and a 10 round cmc mag on the opposite side.