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I know this is off topic, but info is half the battle...

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 9:24 am
by stevie_d_64
We got a storm headed in our general direction, that has plenty of time and room to strengthen...

I have found these sites to be the best for timely and accurate information to implement any plans you may have to deal with these types of conditions...

"Harris County Office of Emergency Management"

and the "Galveston County Office of Emergency Management"

BTW, my office/firm did the structural assessment of this new facility on FM 646 off of I-45 south...Thats not a plug, just a pat on the back in getting this thing finished for just such an occasion...

The best way to use the info on these sites is to locate your residence on the Storm Surge map, check the evacuation route, and have a back up to that...

I know this will only apply to those who live in these areas, but it does ya good to be aware of whats going on...And act accordingly...

I hope it all fairs out well for everyone who could be effected...

We'll know a little better here in about 2-3 days...

See ya'll in the funny papers...