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Does Ruger LCP II Slide Lock

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 8:40 pm
by Crash
I just bought a Ruger LCP II and, as advertised, the slide locks open after the last shot is fired from the magazine. However, when I place an empty magazine in the pistol (with an empty chamber) and rack the slide back, it will not lock open. Is this normal?

Also, I had several failures to feed with the last round from the magazine. This happened with several different brands and types of ammo, so I don't think it's ammo related. I checked the magazine and it appears OK. Anybody else have this problem?

Appreciate any input,


Re: Does Ruger LCP II Slide Lock

Posted: Mon May 29, 2017 5:45 pm
by OldGrumpy
Just bought the LCP II and took it to range for the first time last week. Everything worked as advertised. Also, bought two additional magazines (one made for LCP II and one made for original LCP). Tested those and both worked. I was quite surprised at how well this little gun worked. Not nearly as snappy as I thought it would be. No misfires, jams or problems of any kind.