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Recommend A Good Cleaning Gun Spray!
Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 7:02 am
by Abraham
I have a Browning Buckmark .22 cal pistol that is a booger to disassemble and clean, therefore I clean what I can get to, then use a 'boresnake' and call it good enough.
That said, I've some other guns that are quite difficult to disassemble and would like to find a spray that cleans and lubes without me having to disassemble - if in fact there is such an animal. Yes, I fully appreciate this isn't the ideal cleaning method, but something I'd like to do to better get to difficult parts without complete disassembly.
What say you?
Re: Recommend A Good Cleaning Gun Spray!
Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 7:15 am
by SIGFan43
Try Break Free, a cleaner, lubricant, preservative product.
Re: Recommend A Good Cleaning Gun Spray!
Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 7:28 am
by goose
I like Break Free CLP. I have not exhaustively tested it verses others.
Re: Recommend A Good Cleaning Gun Spray!
Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 7:35 am
by Mike S
MPro is an amazing cleaner, & I recently tried their lubricant as well and like it too. The cleaner is a surficant, & pretty much removes any carbon AND oil on the gun, but is mild on you & the gun. I have a big spray bottle of it, & use it sparingly (as in reserved for very gunky ARs after too much lube & shooting, without cleaning...) because it is pricey.
Complete disassembly shouldn't be an issue since the gunk will likely run out of the gun. Since it removes the oil from the gun you'd need to ensure that you re-lube it adequately, getting any parts not disassembled.
Re: Recommend A Good Cleaning Gun Spray!
Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 8:11 am
by The Annoyed Man
Abraham wrote:I have a Browning Buckmark .22 cal pistol that is a booger to disassemble and clean, therefore I clean what I can get to, then use a 'boresnake' and call it good enough.
That said, I've some other guns that are quite difficult to disassemble and would like to find a spray that cleans and lubes without me having to disassemble - if in fact there is such an animal. Yes, I fully appreciate this isn't the ideal cleaning method, but something I'd like to do to better get to difficult parts without complete disassembly.
What say you?
Be glad it's a Browning and not a Ruger MkIII or 22/45.

Re: Recommend A Good Cleaning Gun Spray!
Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 8:13 am
by Abraham
Thanks all and keep em coming.
Once I get everyone's recommendations, I'll start buying and trying.
Thanks again!!
Re: Recommend A Good Cleaning Gun Spray!
Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 8:40 am
by thatguyoverthere
I feel your pain. I have a Ruger Mk III .22 that can be kind of a pain to disassemble.
I haven't tried a lot of different ones, but Gun Scrubber by Beachwood Casey has always worked very well for me. Comes in an aerosol spray can. I'm always amazed at how well it works.
Re: Recommend A Good Cleaning Gun Spray!
Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 8:49 am
by twomillenium
I agree with using Gun Scrubber. I do run a snake through the bore also. I have used Gun Scrubber for years, after I first used it, I took a glock and a Ruger 22/45 apart and did a complete clean and found that Gun Scrubber had left very little if any residue behind. I still use separate lubricant, as Gun Scrubber cleans but is not intended to lubricate.
Guns Scrubber is easily found, even at Wallyworld.
P.S. I am not saying Gun Scrubber is the do all end all. I have not tried them all but I am satisfied with the results for the past few years. I still keep a bottle of Hoppe's #9 around if only for the smell.

Re: Recommend A Good Cleaning Gun Spray!
Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 9:06 am
by Beiruty
Use BreakFree CLP (or Rem action cleaners) and invest in a portable air compressor. Fill it up and blow away all that gunk. Follow with Rem Oil.
Re: Recommend A Good Cleaning Gun Spray!
Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 9:16 am
by The Wall
I use Break Free CLP. The Browning isn't really all that bad once you've done it a couple of time. There are lots of videos on it.
I know Hickok45 uses Ballistol.
Re: Recommend A Good Cleaning Gun Spray!
Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 9:21 am
by growlerVII
I use carb & choke cleaner, myself. Then follow up with clp, or any light weapon oil. The compressor idea sounds good too. Just make sure all the small parts are accounted for.
Re: Recommend A Good Cleaning Gun Spray!
Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 9:26 am
by Beiruty
There is a new Pro series cleaner from Remington. Anyone can give his feedback?
Re: Recommend A Good Cleaning Gun Spray!
Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 9:36 am
by Beiruty
growlerVII wrote:I use carb & choke cleaner, myself. Then follow up with clp, or any light weapon oil. The compressor idea sounds good too. Just make sure all the small parts are accounted for.
The only issue with the air compressor is that there might be some humidity in the compressed air. There is an option for descant filter to get the water out..
Re: Recommend A Good Cleaning Gun Spray!
Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 9:43 am
by Bitter Clinger
The memory is the 2nd thing to go!
Bitter Clinger wrote:Abraham wrote:Bitter Clinger ,
I like your idea, but some of my guns (Glock/Browning Buckmark/) begin to have ejection problems after say 2/3 hundred rounds that cleaning cures. The burned powder residue hampers the action in these pistols. To be sure, so far my AR's can be shot without cleaning very often and perform flawlessly.
Do you recommend any solvent/cleaner type solution you squirt into moving parts and then lube without disassembly and cleaning that keeps your guns performing?
Much like Carlson 1, I take no pleasure in gun cleaning. It's simply another chore I'd like to limit if possible without suffering poor performance.
I have run as much as 3-5000 rounds through my Springfield XDm's without anything more than lubing of the slide (say using Rem oil) before each outing. Again, if you are running reloads, then you may see considerably greater contamination. I ONLY run clean, factory new ammo.
I do use a pretty heavy duty spray cleaner when I do finally field strip (and never go beyond field stripping) such as Birchwood Casey "Gun Scrubber" and over time I have come to favor Safariland Break Free "CLP" for detailed final cleaning and re-assembly. These are simply my personal preferences with no hard data to back up my selections other than I can tell you that as long as I keep the guns lubed, they seem to run virtually forever. Hope this helps...
P.S. I do agree with you and Carlson. Only worse chore IMHO is bleeding brakes

Re: Recommend A Good Cleaning Gun Spray!
Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 9:51 am
by Skiprr
On most of my guns, I'll use either Gun Scrubber or Hoppe's Elite as a cleaner. Wipe. Wait a few minutes for all to dry. Then I follow that with a quick application of the aerosol version of TW25B. It's a dry lubricant that's also a desiccant: displaces/dries moisture, then lays down an extremely thin, dry-lube layer on all surfaces it hits. I'll end with a little dab of grease or oil on the significant wear points, if/as desired.