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Too many guns?

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 3:15 pm
by C-dub
After getting TxLobo's Mark III Hunter yesterday upon returning home to put it away until I can get out to shoot it, I realized I'm approaching having a minor problem. I only have four spots on the door for handguns, so some are there, while the rest are in their cases on the shelves. They are starting to take up quite a bit of space and I'm sure there's a better more efficient way of doing this.

I've had more handguns than spots on the door for a little while now, but now I'm also running out of space for the ones in their cases. I'm starting to look at other ways of storing them in the safe not in their cases. There are several options to continue keeping handguns on the door or also to align them on or hanging under shelves.

1. What do some of ya'll do?
2. Do you even keep the cases in the safe?

BTW, I picked up a great handgun from TxLobo and got to meet a great guy. I'm glad I didn't wait to see if anyone else was going to snap that up. I can't wait to get it out to the range.

Re: Too many guns?

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 3:31 pm
by Jusme
I feel your pain, with my last long gun purchase, I have no more room for them in my safe. That has not quelled my desire for more, but has given Mrs. Jusme more leverage for veto power. Now I am looking at larger safes, but I for some reason,SWMBO thinks it will lead to more firearms being purchased. :confused5
As for the title of the thread I don't believe there is such a thing. :mrgreen:
In fact, if I someday win the lottery, my new house will have an area bigger than my present house for nothing but gun and ammo storage. But for now I have to figure out a way to sneak in a larger safe. :headscratch

Re: Too many guns?

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 4:00 pm
by Jketchum
Similar dilemma, I currently have 9 handguns and 4 door slots in the safe.
I have 2 biometric safes, one on the bedside table and the other is in a kitchen cabinet. Both hold my 3 primary Carries. The other 2 hand guns sit on the shelf in the big safe.

Currently saving for number 10

Re: Too many guns?

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 4:26 pm
by Beiruty
Build a walk-in safe, or fortified gun room. :biggrinjester:

Re: Too many guns?

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 4:32 pm
by TexasJohnBoy
If you have too many guns, I have an FFL you can send them to.

Re: Too many guns?

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 4:37 pm
by Weg
I would not store the cases in the safe, waste of valuable space. Just start stacking them in a closet (the cases). Not sure if this is for you, but I have found you can stack handguns like cordwood on your gunsafe shelves if you just put a piece of cardboard in between. I started doing this with the ones I rarely shoot, it keeps anything from scratching and allows you to pack them in there tight.

Re: Too many guns?

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 4:40 pm
by goose
Weg wrote:I would not store the cases in the safe, waste of valuable space. Just start stacking them in a closet (the cases). Not sure if this is for you, but I have found you can stack handguns like cordwood on your gunsafe shelves if you just put a piece of cardboard in between. I started doing this with the ones I rarely shoot, it keeps anything from scratching and allows you to pack them in there tight.
Agreed. If you want to be sophisticated (not saying that it is needed) you could do the cheap silicone sock route as well.

Re: Too many guns?

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 4:42 pm
by John Galt
Weg wrote:I would not store the cases in the safe, waste of valuable space. Just start stacking them in a closet (the cases). Not sure if this is for you, but I have found you can stack handguns like cordwood on your gunsafe shelves if you just put a piece of cardboard in between. I started doing this with the ones I rarely shoot, it keeps anything from scratching and allows you to pack them in there tight.
Gun socks seem to work well.

Re: Too many guns?

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 4:46 pm
by The Annoyed Man
I don't keep the cases in the safe because it's a waste of space. I also use a couple of these in addition to the 8 pocket door hangar: ... 6CQ_st%3Db.

Re: Too many guns?

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 5:03 pm
by C-dub
I do have a couple of the silicon gun socks for a couple rifles, but those aren't the issue. I still have plenty of space for several more rifles. It's the handguns I'm concerned with.

I started thinking about looking for a different door insert with different compartments or one that was entirely velcro or molle, so that I could put whatever I wanted up on it however I'd like and could be re-arranged as needed.

I'm also thinking about those things that slide onto a shelf and the handgun attaches below the shelf by sliding the barrel onto a rod. Does anyone have those? How well do those work? Does the handgun come off the rod easily without pulling the rod thing off the shelf with it? I wonder if the rack like TAM linked might be better.

Re: Too many guns?

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 5:05 pm
by 4copas ... 32#p642413

Couple post down Mr. Cotton has a very good idea.

Re: Too many guns?

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 5:07 pm
by C-dub
4copas wrote: ... 32#p642413

Couple post down Mr. Cotton has a very good idea.
Excellent! I tried searching for that thread, but couldn't get the search right to find it. TYVM

Re: Too many guns?

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 5:08 pm
by Beiruty
Or stick it in the rod design.

Re: Too many guns?

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 5:15 pm
by flechero
I've read of MANY fires ruining guns in a firesafe due to the melted plastic of those cases filling every nook and cranny with plastic. Not hot enough to hurt guns but hot enough to melt the caess. Salvageable but the labor cost to remove and repair exceeds the guns value. put the plastic cases in a close, attic, garage, etc. and use pistol racks in the safe. Some basic rubber coated wire pistol racks or rod designs as above will more than quadruple your pistol capacity over using the plastic boxes.

Beiruty- can't you are least organize those by caliber, action type, make or model?? :lol:

Re: Too many guns?

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 5:31 pm
by goose
C-dub wrote:I do have a couple of the silicon gun socks for a couple rifles, but those aren't the issue. I still have plenty of space for several more rifles. It's the handguns I'm concerned with.

I started thinking about looking for a different door insert with different compartments or one that was entirely velcro or molle, so that I could put whatever I wanted up on it however I'd like and could be re-arranged as needed.

I'm also thinking about those things that slide onto a shelf and the handgun attaches below the shelf by sliding the barrel onto a rod. Does anyone have those? How well do those work? Does the handgun come off the rod easily without pulling the rod thing off the shelf with it? I wonder if the rack like TAM linked might be better.
I have used these. They work best for larger caliber pistols with longer barrels. My G17 or 1911 are super easy to get on and off. The LCP and G43 are trickier to line up the barrel and rod. I might even call the LCP a pain. I like them a lot for the bigger pistols. They are tolerable but not easy for the smaller ones. The hangers don't pull off of the shelf but occasionally will pull back from their starting point. I don't know that I would want my go to safe pistol hanging on one. In the heat of battle with pressures and tensions you could possibly bring the hanger out with the pistol.