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Carry Advice Needed
Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 7:43 am
by SBP2015
At this time I have a Glock 17 for home defense and a Glock 19 for my carry. Was asked today what I wanted to get for birthday this year. I was thinking of a HK P30SK for a second carry. Want to stick with 9mm. Any advice is appreciated.
Re: Carry Advice Needed
Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 7:54 am
by johncanfield
If you want an inexpensive single stack striker fired carry in 9mm, take a look at the Ruger LC9s. It's a good shooter, a little snappy but tolerable. The extended magazines provide a full hand grip. I bought mine from Buds for I think $340.
Re: Carry Advice Needed
Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 8:33 am
by Teamless
Another great single stack is the M&P9 Shield, not very snappy, not nearly as snappy as the XDs9, easy trigger and on-target!
Re: Carry Advice Needed
Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 9:23 am
by Jim Beaux
johncanfield wrote:If you want an inexpensive single stack striker fired carry in 9mm, take a look at the Ruger LC9s. It's a good shooter, a little snappy but tolerable. The extended magazines provide a full hand grip. I bought mine from Buds for I think $340.
Im fat & it's comfortable to wear. For a quick errand it's not a hassle to slide in a pocket while heading out the door. It fits in the back pocket of most pants - with the pinky extension it sticks out about an inch in Levis. (if anyone saw it only a few would recognize what it is.)
Im probably going to get one for the wife as her SW 642 is not comfortable for her & comfort is import for an EDC. My wife will often leave the SW home or in the car.
I fuss at her. She says shut up, Im not her boss. I tell her she is hard headed, just like her mother. She says Im just like my father, bossy. I tell her do what I say. She gives me
"the look". I shut up.
One day, when I figure out how to do it where she wouldnt be so happy, Im gonna divorce that woman.
Re: Carry Advice Needed
Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 9:29 am
by Charlies.Contingency
If you're used to a full size Glock feel like I am, then I would have to suggest a similar feel and operation. My personal favorite is the XD(S), I am a .40 guy, so I went up to the XD(S) .45. They have an option for 9mm and .45cal.
It's a bit pricy, but it's hard to compete with the quality. If you want something next to that and lower on price, I'd suggest a S&W M&P Shield. You can choose between 9mm and .40 cal, which still suites you. I don't believe the quality is anywhere close to the XD(S), but it's still a good gun if without the safety feature.
I only carry point and shoot guns, like my XD(S), XD(M), or Glock, they all have the same identical functions, and I can go to any of them an shoot just the same. (Though my Springfield's are much better shooters than a Glock ever will be IMO)
Good luck, and happy shopping. Just try not to buy the first thing you find, and shop wisely!
Re: Carry Advice Needed
Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 9:41 am
by TVGuy
SBP2015 wrote:At this time I have a Glock 17 for home defense and a Glock 19 for my carry. Was asked today what I wanted to get for birthday this year. I was thinking of a HK P30SK for a second carry. Want to stick with 9mm. Any advice is appreciated.
I'd take a close look at the G 26. It's got all of the features you're used to in a package that's slightly smaller and lighter than the HK.
I love HKs, but that SA/DA trigger in a self defense situation is a major problem. Getting that first shot off with a harder trigger pull is tough to be accurate for many people.
A G26 is going to be very familiar to you and if you carry an extra mag, you can put a G17 or G19 magazine in your pocket that will give you 15-17 rounds after the initial 10 in the gun.
Re: Carry Advice Needed
Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 10:26 am
by CleverNickname
SBP2015 wrote:At this time I have a Glock 17 for home defense and a Glock 19 for my carry. Was asked today what I wanted to get for birthday this year. I was thinking of a HK P30SK for a second carry. Want to stick with 9mm. Any advice is appreciated.
If it's for carry, then why get a completely different gun whose only common characteristic with your current guns is the caliber? The grip angle will be different, the trigger pull will be different, the magazine release will be different, everything will be different. Stick with the same platform and get a G26.
I used to shoot IDPA with a guy who would shoot a different gun every match: a 1911 one week, a SIG the next week, and an XD the next. If he'd just stuck with one gun he'd have done a lot better than he did. Don't handicap yourself for no good reason.
Plus, by sticking with 9mm Glocks you can share holsters, magazines and spare parts, to some extent.
Re: Carry Advice Needed
Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 10:43 am
by CC Italian
Re: Carry Advice Needed
Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 10:50 am
by joe817
A good quality carry holster...or 2.
Re: Carry Advice Needed
Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 10:54 am
by The Wall
Glock 43? I hear they are hard to find.
Re: Carry Advice Needed
Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 11:00 am
by aaangel
go for the hat trick! 17,19 and the 26! then if you have it bad like me, get the 43 later on.
Re: Carry Advice Needed
Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 11:19 am
by jmra
aaangel wrote:go for the hat trick! 17,19 and the 26! then if you have it bad like me, get the 43 later on.
I have the 19, 26, and the 43. Never was much interested in the 17.
Re: Carry Advice Needed
Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 11:39 am
by The Annoyed Man
The Wall wrote:Glock 43? I hear they are hard to find.
I saw several of these for sale at the Grapevine gunshow a week ago.
If the OP has a G17 and a G19, then the G43 is the logical step. If your wife is familiar with the platform, then unless she is a real enthusiast and interested in different kinds of guns (MY wife carries, and even owns an AR15, but is FAR from being an enthusiast and could care less), the Glock 43 has the advantage for her. That gives her access to three different sized pistols with the same operating system and (other than width) the same ergonomics. That said, although we own two Glocks, my EDCs are an XD(M)-45 Compact 3.8" and a XDS-45 3.3". I prefer the Springfield ergonomics as a general thing, and in any two guns of equal weight and design, between a 9mm and a .45, I find the .45s to be softer shooting.
My wife's EDC is a Kahr CW9. I also own a Kahr PM9. Other carry guns we own include a full-sized M&P45, a S&W 642 snubbie, and a M&P340 snubbie.
Alternatively, and one of these is in my future, check out the Sig P320, which has some unique and intriguing features. It is striker fired. The "gun" is the removable chassis, which can be switched between frame/slide/barrel sizes AND caliber sizes. So you buy ONE gun. Then you buy the kits to size it up or down, and change calibers. In that regard, it is much like an AR15, where the "gun" is the lower receiver, to which you can attach different length barreled uppers in different calibers - all with a common lower receiver. The P320 feels good in the hand, has a nice smooth trigger, and it is not that heavy either.
Re: Carry Advice Needed
Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 11:57 am
by jason812
SBP2015 wrote:At this time I have a Glock 17 for home defense and a Glock 19 for my carry. Was asked today what I wanted to get for birthday this year. I was thinking of a HK P30SK for a second carry. Want to stick with 9mm. Any advice is appreciated.
Since you specified an HK, that means you're ok with the paddle magazine release and not looking at a $300 pistol. That being said, if you want a single stack 9mm, my Walther PPS in .40 has been awesome. Recoil is controllable, not nearly as bad as you would think from a compact .40 but a 9mm would be easier to shoot. Plus it is very concealable.
If you want a double stack, the Walther P99c deserves a look as well. I have the the full size in .40 and am also very happy with it. I do not think the compact version would be much more difficult to conceal than the PPS. I'm waiting for a holster for the P99 to see how well it carries, right now it stays in the vehicle.
Walther has done a terrible job of promoting their pistols in the US which is a shame because they make a good product. I'm considering gettign the wife a night stand pistol and it will be a choice between the P99c or PPS in 9mm. She has little hands and thinks the full size is too big.
I also have a P22 and a PPQ is on my wish list along with a PPK but I have no real use for the PPK other than I just want one.
I think you would also be happy with the HK. From what I've read, they are the cream of the crop of polymer pistols.
Re: Carry Advice Needed
Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 1:53 pm
by PaJ
I'll jump in. If you are looking for an HK (since that's what you mentioned) that is what I'll comment on. I have an HK P30, and was at an HK day at my local gun range over the weekend.
If you want a hammer fired weapon, the P30SK is attractive. But, be ready to pinch yourself changing magazines. I also have an XDm .45 where this happens. A P30SK is easier to conceal without an extended mag, but I don't care to to have my pinkie dangling on a double stack gun like that. Personally, I'll stick with my P30 over a P30SK.
If you'd prefer striker fired, take a good look at the HK VP9. It's basically a striker fired version of the P30. The P30, P30SK and VP9 all share the same magazine.
Getting away from HK, I carry my P30 when I can, and use my Sig P938 as a backup gun or a primary carry when the smaller gun is preferable. For a secondary gun, I prefer a single stack because it's easier to use in a pocket, IWB, etc so has a lot of versatility. I prefer the P30 double stack for ammo capacity. But that's just me. I'll also say that my P938 is more snappy than my wife's XDs 9mm (since that one was mentioned also). To me the XDs is a joy to shoot and would be a great single stack alternative in a striker fired format.