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opinions on lazer/flashlights for home defense
Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 9:11 pm
by p.nalgas
hey everyone i am interested in mounting a lazer/light combo on my pistol but i am curious to what u guys think about using this in a home defense situtation.
Re: opinions on lazer/flashlights for home defense
Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 9:34 pm
by PBR
i see nothing wrong with one at all, in some cases a laser could help due to darkness making sure your on target -- i dont have one myself but its cause i carry my pistol and hard to find holsters for laser/light combo plus making pistol larger in size
Re: opinions on lazer/flashlights for home defense
Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 9:54 pm
by Javier730
I think a light is great for home defense. It helps identify your target. I personally would not use it for getting around my home in a home defense situation. I know where everything is at in my home and can walk around in the dark quite well. A light moving around would just give away your position. If given a chance, I would turn my light on and then engage. I would hate to shoot a family member, police officer or firefighter.
Re: opinions on lazer/flashlights for home defense
Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 10:03 pm
by drewtx
I'm not a fan of a gun mounted light. You by definition have to point the light AND gun where you're trying to look, so you would be sweeping your gun across things you may not intend as a target, such as a family member.
So what are the options? Personally, I use a tactical flashlight that has a button on the rear that lights only when depressed. That way I can shine the light where needed without having to point my gun there. Yes, this means I would have to shoot one handed if necessary but I prefer that compromise over the light mounted gun.
Another option, not specifically gun related, is a lighting control system for your house. We have the main inside and outside lights on a remote control system. When we go to bed at night, these lights turn off or dim to the level you can select. You can also hit "ON" on the remote and all of these lights go full bright.
It's a great system and very convenient when you go to bed because I don't have to walk through the house flipping off all the light switches. We also keep remotes in our cars so when we get home after dark, I can hit the remote and the lights inside the house turn on. Granted, these systems aren't cheap but I've really come to appreciate having it. Lutron makes the one we have.
Re: opinions on lazer/flashlights for home defense
Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 10:07 pm
by rotor
I have the Streamlight TLR-Is mounted on a Glock 21. I didn't want the laser. The light is very bright and I would want to make sure I have identified my target and the strobe is easy to turn on and can really be very effective. I hope I never need to use either. The whole thing comes off the Glock (gen 4) very easily. High quality unit. This is my in house at night go to firearm.
Re: opinions on lazer/flashlights for home defense
Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 10:18 pm
by Javier730
drewtx wrote:I'm not a fan of a gun mounted light. You by definition have to point the light AND gun where you're trying to look, so you would be sweeping your gun across things you may not intend as a target, such as a family member.
With a good pistol mounted flashlight, you dont have to point a something to see it. I have a Streamlight TLR3 on my Glock 21and that is bright enough to illuminate an entire room while pointing in any direction. It also helps to have a free hand for door knobs or maybe a cell phone. Also one less thing I have to reach for when I hear a bump at night.
Re: opinions on lazer/flashlights for home defense
Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 10:19 pm
by 74novaman
drewtx wrote:I'm not a fan of a gun mounted light. You by definition have to point the light AND gun where you're trying to look, so you would be sweeping your gun across things you may not intend as a target, such as a family member.
No, you don't.
Go into a dark room. Look at one corner. Point your flashlight at another corner. Turn it on. Can you see the corner the light isn't pointed it?
Using a gun mounted light takes some thought and training, but is certainly a capable tool.
Re: opinions on lazer/flashlights for home defense
Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 11:03 pm
by SRH78
Javier730 wrote:I think a light is great for home defense. It helps identify your target. I personally would not use it for getting around my home in a home defense situation. I know where everything is at in my home and can walk around in the dark quite well. A light moving around would just give away your position. If given a chance, I would turn my light on and then engage. I would hate to shoot a family member, police officer or firefighter.
I prefer a mounted light for long guns and a separate light for handguns.
Re: opinions on lazer/flashlights for home defense
Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 5:04 pm
by LTUME1978
I used to wonder about all of these things until I took the Advanced Individual Tactics class at CSAT (Paul Howe). You will learn how to use a light and to clear rooms, T intersections in halls, vehicles and much more. You will run the drills in daylight to get a feel for things then do it again at night to see what actually works for you (your eyes will be opened when you do this :-) ). The civilians in the class were using hand held lights only (no lights on pistols). He goes over what light to have and how to use it, and how to make the proper lanyard (you do that in the class) for the light so that you can work door knobs, etc. I highly recommend the class, it will really challenge you and you will learn a lot (including what you can do with a pistol out to 80 yards). Bring rain gear if you go, it rained on us for a good part of the 3 day class and we did not stop for the weather.
Re: opinions on lazer/flashlights for home defense
Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 5:52 pm
by C-dub
To each his or her own. What works for you and what you're comfortable with is what you should do. Practice it and be proficient at it whichever you choose.
I like a weapon mounted light. I have one on my handgun and one on my rifle. The handgun light is not a strobe (about 180 lumens), but the rifle light is (about 1400 lumens). The amount of light either of these give off is plenty sufficient to light up a room or corridor without having to point it at another person until ready to pull the trigger. Trigger control is another must and basic rule. Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to pull it. If the light shuts them down or makes them run off then fine. It will be a highly stressful split second decision light or no light, mounted or not.
Re: opinions on lazer/flashlights for home defense
Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 10:01 pm
by ghostrider
I don't use lasers, but I use both a pistol-mounted light and a Surefire handheld.
Re: opinions on lazer/flashlights for home defense
Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 9:56 pm
by nyj
My opinion is that lasers don't have a whole lot of use outside of law enforcement, when holding someone at gunpoint and not focusing on your sights is kind of a big deal. But, hey, nothing wrong with having one. I personally run a TLR-1HL. You can get the regular TLR-1's on eBay all day for $75 or so.
Re: opinions on lazer/flashlights for home defense
Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 12:57 pm
by WinoVeritas
I'm a firm believer in the rail mounted light. I have a NcStar " onclick=";return false; on my HD bedside pistol. Didn't really want the laser, but was a good deal when I got it couple of years ago. Cheaper now and doesn't break the bank. It will blind anyone walking into a darken room without impairing your vision, lights up entire room and has easy trigger finger actuation with ambi-rocker switch and is easily swapped to any full size pistol with rail with the QD attachment. Laser can be turned on or off - have no idea how accurate laser is, but it points same direction as light and if ever used won't be more than 23 ft. and I expect I can hit that target pretty easily - laser or no.
Re: opinions on lazer/flashlights for home defense
Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 9:31 am
by nocents
I have a rail mounted light on my sig 227. It is a quick attach type. I can remove/reinstall easily. I don''t have a laser but not necessarily opposed to them.