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Recent trip to the range, pistol breaks.

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 3:59 pm
by 9mmGuy
A friend that I work with, his brother(both CHLers) and I went shooting the other day. We go to his friends land, which is not really a range but we like to practice "real" world stuff like drawing from concealment and shooting. Which they wont let us do at the local range.

Well, I recently did a "fluff and buff" on my KT P11. Polished the trigger bar and such. Man it shot really nice for about three mags and then starts to not want to eject. I tried again and again and it still would not eject. I put like 250 rounds though it before the fluff and buff and had no problems. So I put it aside and shot my other pistol and one of the guys new XD 45s.

I got home and field stripped the pistol to clean it and found that what I think is part of the extractor was broken and not there! I called Kel Tec and they said that they will send me a new piece for free. But I am kind of nervous that this could happen when called upon. O well, I really like the way it conceals so I’ll get it in there and shoot it again and see what happens...


Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 4:02 pm
by ScubaSigGuy

Sorrry to hear that.

Check your PM

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 5:25 pm
by Venus Pax
It's better that it happen at the range than in a bad situation.
Is this a BUG?

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 6:07 pm
by 9mmGuy
No its my hot weather carry. i cant stand being hot, so i wear t-shirts and shorts alot.

used to have one

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 11:26 am
by DaveApple
I had a P-11 for a while and had my extractor break as well. If you read much of it seems pretty much everyone has had one or three break on them. They currently have a method of filing parts of the ejector to decrease the chances of breaking it posted on the site. I sold the gun before I ever did it but many people stand by it. Check this post out. Kel-tecs can be a little rough around the edges but the size is hard to turn down. I simply got fed up with rattling magazines and parts that can break and sold it.