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Kel-Tec .32 or any .32, who has one?

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 9:54 am
by Jim101
Getting ready for the Frisco show on 7/30 and have the "need" to buy another pocket gun. I have been reading on the Kel-Tec .32 or Beretta Tomcat, so, who likes what (can be another one besides these two) and why? Just looking for a "throw it in the pocket" gun when I walk the dog or go the the store. I have an NAA Mini-mag with a Ron Graham holster now, but, need another........Cost is a factor.



Re: Kel-Tec .32 or any .32, who has one?

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 10:00 am
by wrt45
Jim101 wrote:Getting ready for the Frisco show on 7/30 and have the "need" to buy another pocket gun. I have been reading on the Kel-Tec .32 or Beretta Tomcat, so, who likes what (can be another one besides these two) and why? Just looking for a "throw it in the pocket" gun when I walk the dog or go the the store. I have an NAA Mini-mag with a Ron Graham holster now, but, need another........Cost is a factor.


I have both, but prefer the Kel-Tec. Its thinner, lighter, and fits nicely in a cheap Uncle Mike's pocket holster that keeps it from printing.

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 11:34 am
by Jim101
You have both, you are the man I need to talk to.......What about trigger pull? Which one is better?? Which model K-T do you have? AND what is the biggest "plus" that one has over the other?



Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 12:21 pm
by OverEasy
I had a Beretta 21A, .22 cal. tip up barrel. It weighted more and was wider than a P32. You can't beat the Kel-Tec for thin and light. You might want to check out for info on the P32. They had some issues in the past, so you might want to find out what serial # indicates all the fixes have been applied. I have his & hers P32s that have been reliable. Kel-Tec has life time warranty service. I like the DeSantis Nemesis pocket holster.
FYI: 32 acp is expensive. You might want to consider a P3AT (.380) the ammo is cheaper and it packs a little more punch. However I like the fact that a P32 locks the slide open after the last shot. The P3AT does not. The P11 9mm is a true double action, you can pull the trigger over again if you have a light strike/primer setback. The P32 is like a Glock, after you pull the trigger one time you have to work the slide before you can pull the trigger again. "P32, for the times you can't carry a gun" I like mine, it broke due to an early design flaw, K-T sent me the NEW part for free. I fixed it and it hasn't skipped a beat since. One additional note: The small size doesn't make it a "Ladies" gun, the lack of weight makes the recoil right smart. My hand hurts after 50 rounds. My wife would rather shoot 357SIG out of her SIG P239 than shoot the P32. Hope this helps you :D

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 12:40 pm
by Jim101

Thanks for all the information on the Kel-Tec, I really never gave the cost of ammo any thought, I should have.. As the the 380, I have a Bersa 380 that I am happy with, but, was just looking for another small pocket gun, I'll read some more on the K-T and see if that is the way to go....I will post what I buy, if anything....


Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 1:00 pm
by stevie_d_64
"Throw in the pocket gun"... ... read=41373

This is a discussion going on at PDO which I thought might be enlightening to some...

This is not meant to imply anything to anyone...Just to initiate some "out-of-the-box" thinking...

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 1:21 pm
by Jim101
That is an interesting article, all the shorts I wear (and most of the pants) are all Cargo Pants. The front large pocket used velcro to keep it closed and the Mini-Mag is in a Ron Graham pocket holster. I do all this to avoid what happened to that guy, yet it's still easy to get at..This is also my summer carry-around, winter time is a S&W 6906.........


Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 1:33 pm
by stevie_d_64
Jim101 wrote:Steve, That is an interesting article.
I just had some concerns that the focus was on how stupid this guy was...And that he should have "things" taken away from him becuase he was careless...I had a slight rub with that tact some of the group was taking...

As far as we are concerned, I think there really are good ways to carry in this method...And the firearm types mention on this thread are some of the best for that method...

I think we can use our imaginations to determine the pros and cons to a "pocket carry"...

I just prefer IWB with a medium frame semi-auto...Its in my comfort zone, and I am proficient in this method...

What it has gotten me to thinking about is actually going through and look at some other options...This is perhaps one of them...

These small Kel Tec's .32's do raise an eyebrow when I pass by them at the local gunshows...

My concern is that I have big hands (not fat) that I feel I would not be able to be effective with a small framed semi-suto...

But I'm not opposed to running a box through one...