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Membership in the USCCA?

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 10:09 am
by Crash
Is anybody familiar with the United States Concealed Carry Association? Is it a reputabale organization? Are there any meaningful advantages to being a member?

Any information/opinions would be appreciated.



Re: Membership in the USCCA?

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 10:18 am
by carlson1
I was a member for awhile. I did not see any benefits from it other than a magazine. Their price is way out of my budget area.

Re: Membership in the USCCA?

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 10:23 am
by katmandu
Hi Crash,

When I was researching such organizations, I found more than one person saying their info is good, but that it's really like paying to be added to their marketing list. ( And I guess that's fairly common ;-) ).

I chose Armed Citizens Legal Defense Network instead, and have been happy with them so far.


Re: Membership in the USCCA?

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 10:27 am
by G.A. Heath
In may of 2011 I setup an email account to conduct an experiment regarding USCCA. I had heard complaints that people were getting spam at an email address they used exclusively for signing up to get their newsletter/membership even though USCCA claims not to share that information. I have not used that account for any other purpose what so ever, I have not even shared the email address with anyone other than USCCA. I just checked that account and out of the most recent 15 email messages 4 are spam. This means that a spammer has either guessed the account name (unlikely) or USCCA has shared the account address intentionally or inadvertantly. The first email the account receieved from USCCA was on May 27, 2011 with the first spam message hitting the account on June 6, 2011.

So in my opinion they are not on the level from that experience. Additionally I have seen their magazine, and there is nothing in it that couldn't be found here on these forums. They try to sell their "insurance", however they are the ones who are insured members are just beneficiaries.

Re: Membership in the USCCA?

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 11:17 am
by Crash
Thanks for the help, folks. I really appreciate it. I, too, noticed that their prices are kinda high.

Thanks again,


Re: Membership in the USCCA?

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 1:59 pm
by Jumping Frog
I spend my gun-related membership dollars with organizations who help to protect, defend, and expand my rights.

TSRA and the NRA are the two obvious examples. Both organizations have a track record for blocking bad legislation or backing good legislation.

When Sen. Charles "Chuck You" Schumer (NY), one of the most vehement enemies faced by the 2A community, says the NRA is by far the most powerful and effective lobbying force in Washington, I'll take his statement at face value.

The USCCA has zero legislative success in anything, to my knowledge. I view them as a revenue generating slick machine targeting the newbie concealed carrier market.

Re: Membership in the USCCA?

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 2:17 pm
by Moby
I have thought seriouslly about legal insurance concerning CHL issues.

I cannot find credible information of anyone that has used the insurance to any great advantage.

Does anyone have information of actual cases?

Re: Membership in the USCCA?

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 5:02 pm
by MoJo
I think you can learn more here and on . Both places have knowledgeable members and administrators that care about the integrity of their boards. :thumbs2:

Re: Membership in the USCCA?

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 12:03 am
by HenryAKirk
My neighbors get the mag so I assume they are members, they also get a second copy each month for free. Lately they have been giving me the second copy and I like the info in it, however I dont want to join the USCCA organization. I know they offer a discount to a legal Insurance but I an already enrolled in [Pre-paid legal service] so I don't need that and I think that's the only benefit besides the magazine. Does anyone know how I can get a subscription without having to join?

Re: Membership in the USCCA?

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 1:07 am
by TexasGal
You are no longer required to be a member in order to get the magazine. That is a good deal. I really like the magazine. When I signed up for it, the site also gave me access to several former issues so I have lots of catch up reading to do :thumbs2:

Re: Membership in the USCCA?

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 1:37 am
by carlson1
How do you continue to get the magazine and not be a member? Their website have info?

Re: Membership in the USCCA?

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 7:54 am
by OldCannon
AndyC wrote:
Jumping Frog wrote:I view them as a revenue generating slick machine targeting the newbie concealed carrier market.
You can find other threads about this organization on this forum. Bottom line is that they're not worth the price at all. Everything you could possibly get from USCCA (and more) can be found here.

Re: Membership in the USCCA?

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 3:04 pm
by bikerbill
Signed up mainly to get their insurance; the magazine is good, very entertaining, but the price is really high so I'm not renewing ... gonna send half of what I pay them to NRA, buy ammo with the other half ... they have a lot of stuff for sale; I think the guy running it is sincere but gets carried away with making a lot of money ... I'll miss the insurance, might look at Texas Shield, sounds interesting ...

Re: Membership in the USCCA?

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 7:38 pm
by carlson1
bikerbill wrote:Signed up mainly to get their insurance; the magazine is good, very entertaining, but the price is really high so I'm not renewing ... gonna send half of what I pay them to NRA, buy ammo with the other half ... they have a lot of stuff for sale; I think the guy running it is sincere but gets carried away with making a lot of money ... I'll miss the insurance, might look at Texas Shield, sounds interesting ...
That is what I did with my money. I signed my wife up as a NRA member.