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Form 4473 question...
Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 9:02 pm
by urnoodle
Do you have to fill out the 4473 within eye sight of an FFL dealer? I went with my friend to his FFL dealer today to pick up a new gun. The dealer works out of his home and has odd hours so my friend asked the dealer if he could take a blank 4473 to cut time off his next transaction. The FFL told us the form had to be filed out infront of a licensed dealer. I intended to ask my FFL the same thing but kept forgetting. My FFL has the same operating hours as I have work hours so I'm usually running over just before he closes for the day or when I can sneak away from work for lunch which is not often. If I could fill out the form ahead of time, it would save both of us a little time. They are all really nice folks and the $10 transfer fee isn't bad either so either way I will still continue to use the same FFL.
Re: Form 4473 question...
Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 3:14 pm
by cjmost
I've asked my FFL and he has always stated that the form must be filled out in his presence. I think FFLs are very cautious when it comes to opening themselves up for potential fraud. It seems like it shouldn't matter but I know if I were them I wouldn't want to take a risk of the ATF finding issue with it.
Re: Form 4473 question...
Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 9:41 pm
by DocV
I would not be at all surprised it that is the case. I visited my FFL today to drop off a stamped envelope addressed to my pistol smith so the FFL can send a copy of their paperwork his way. The FFL was surprised the smith doesn't use faxes and mentioned they could not allow me to mail the paperwork. I told them that I thought that was the case and told them that was why I brought them the envelope and stamp.
Re: Form 4473 question...
Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 12:16 am
by mr surveyor
not much time to need to save.... it takes about 2-3 minutes to fill out a 4473