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Ugly 9mm

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 3:55 pm
by wgoforth
I am looking for a 9mm to use as a loaner in my classes. As such, then can be a worn looking one. Something one might think of as a truck gun. BUT has to shoot 100% and accurate sights. Full sized preferred. Thinking of things like an old Taurus PT92, Baretta 92, Taurus 24/7. I never dreamed there would be this many people coming to class without a gun, much less those who had NEVER shot a gun coming!

Re: WTB: Ugly 9mm

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 4:48 pm
by Shinesintx
Just a thought, why not buy a nice G17 or G19 and charge them 10 bucks to use it? Is that even legal?

Re: WTB: Ugly 9mm

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 4:50 pm
by 74novaman
Used gen 2 Glock 19s are at AIM surplus for ~370.

Thats a pretty good deal. ... &groupid=3

Re: WTB: Ugly 9mm

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 5:03 pm
by jmra
74novaman wrote:Used gen 2 Glock 19s are at AIM surplus for ~370.

Thats a pretty good deal. ... &groupid=3
Looks like they're sold out. :cry:

Re: WTB: Ugly 9mm

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 5:24 pm
by Dave2
jmra wrote:
74novaman wrote:Used gen 2 Glock 19s are at AIM surplus for ~370.

Thats a pretty good deal. ... &groupid=3
Looks like they're sold out. :cry:
Dunno about their current stock, but on the "High Quality Trade-Ins" page CDNN is selling the Beretta 92D in "Very Good to Excellent" condition for $290, the S&W 5906 in "Good to Very Good" condition for $300, and the S&W 6906 in "Good to Very Good" condition for $330.

Oh, and plus tax since they're in TX and $10 shipping.

Re: WTB: Ugly 9mm

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 5:28 pm
by stroguy
Hi-Point, they are as about as ugly as they come.

Re: WTB: Ugly 9mm

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 5:46 pm
by MoJo
Academy's everyday low price for an S&W Sigma 9mm is $299.99. The SIG Pro 2022 is $399.99 I have one that I use for a loner. If you shop carefully you should be able to buy a new gun with a warranty for what you will pay for a beater. Some other guns that can be had for less than $400.00 are several models of Taurus, the S&W SD and the Ruger P95. Bud's Gun Shop has the Stainless P95 for $327.00. You asked for an ugly gun well the P95 is about as homely a gun there is. They are built like a tank and, some folks rate them right up there with the Glock, another not very pretty gun, in reliability.

I have taken the gun off my hip and loaned it to a student who was having gun troubles. Give them a quality experience with some quality firearms. Your students will thank you and a satisfied customer is the best advertising there is.

Re: WTB: Ugly 9mm

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 6:05 pm
by wgoforth
MoJo wrote:Academy's everyday low price for an S&W Sigma 9mm is $299.99. The SIG Pro 2022 is $399.99 I have one that I use for a loner. If you shop carefully you should be able to buy a new gun with a warranty for what you will pay for a beater. Some other guns that can be had for less than $400.00 are several models of Taurus, the S&W SD and the Ruger P95. Bud's Gun Shop has the Stainless P95 for $327.00. You asked for an ugly gun well the P95 is about as homely a gun there is. They are built like a tank and, some folks rate them right up there with the Glock, another not very pretty gun, in reliability.

I have taken the gun off my hip and loaned it to a student who was having gun troubles. Give them a quality experience with some quality firearms. Your students will thank you and a satisfied customer is the best advertising there is.
Oh most definitly want to let them use a good gun... I want them to pass. Just doesn't have to be a "purty" one :D
Some folks I wouldn't mind shooting mine, others I would be afraid to let them to. I see folks dropping guns, carelessly loading a mag and scrapping gun, etc. don't want that on my good ones. Dunno about Sigma's now, but when Iooked at them several years back, they were having numerous issues.

Main reason I was mentioning 92's was they have been around a good while and thought there might be used ones out there...also built like tanks.

Re: WTB: Ugly 9mm

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 6:11 pm
by Dave2
stroguy wrote:Hi-Point, they are as about as ugly as they come.
Hmm... They certainly are ugly, and you'd be hard-pressed to find a working 9mm pistol for a lower price. I've heard they have rough triggers, which would probably work against someone who'd never fired a gun before.

You got me thinking about new guns that are merely inexpensive or on sale, though. Looking through CDNN's complete catalog there are several sub-$400, non-subcombact, 9mm pistols:

  • P250 Compact for $340
  • SP2022 for $370
  • PT709 Slim Compact for $300
  • PT709 Slim Compact Bi-Tone for $320
American Tactical (never heard of them)
  • 92C Centurion for $300
  • HP9 for $330
  • FS9 for $280
  • CS9 for $280
(I'm not affiliated with CDNN or anything, I just like looking through their catalogs.)

Re: WTB: Ugly 9mm

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 6:21 pm
by Salty1
If people are showing up without a handgun that can be used for the shooting you are missing out on additional revenue, as mentioned you can easily charge them $10 to $20 for the use of yours and I do not feel that it would be at all out of line as they did not come prepared for the class. From a business perspective if you charge a $20 rental fee then after 20 students rent it then a $400 gun is paid for and turning a profit.

It is nice to see when ugly guns was mentioned that Glocks came up often, they don't get much uglier.... :boxing :boxing .... The Sig 2022 was a good suggestion and my only issue would be they are a slight pain to break down to clean, we own one and that is my only knock on the gun. Also think about what trigger you want in a rental gun, my suggestion would be a DAO and keep everything consistant. You can get a Sig 250 in the upper $300 range and it has a great DAO trigger and will run forever. Good luck in your search, wish I had something used to help you out with

Re: WTB: Ugly 9mm

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 6:25 pm
by aaangel
much less those who had NEVER shot a gun coming!
out of the 3 you mentioned, i would go with the 24/7. 92's are nice, but with the external safety and all. you know.... hammer down, then safety off as you come up firing.... :headscratch

Re: WTB: Ugly 9mm

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 6:29 pm
by poppo
wgoforth wrote:Main reason I was mentioning 92's was they have been around a good while and thought there might be used ones out there...also built like tanks.
CDNN also has the ATI 92C, which is a Beretta Centurion clone (same as a 92FS only with a 4.3" barrel) for $299. I own several 92FSs and bought one of these as a 'truck gun'. It's 98% parts compatible with the Beretta 92 and is just as reliable. Of course it uses Beretta 92 mags too.

Re: WTB: Ugly 9mm

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 6:31 pm
by wgoforth
Dave2 wrote:
stroguy wrote:Hi-Point, they are as about as ugly as they come.
Hmm... They certainly are ugly, and you'd be hard-pressed to find a working 9mm pistol for a lower price. I've heard they have rough triggers, which would probably work against someone who'd never fired a gun before.

You got me thinking about new guns that are merely inexpensive or on sale, though. Looking through CDNN's complete catalog there are several sub-$400, non-subcombact, 9mm pistols:

  • P250 Compact for $340
  • SP2022 for $370
  • PT709 Slim Compact for $300
  • PT709 Slim Compact Bi-Tone for $320
American Tactical (never heard of them)
  • 92C Centurion for $300
  • HP9 for $330
  • FS9 for $280
  • CS9 for $280
(I'm not affiliated with CDNN or anything, I just like looking through their catalogs.)
And those of you mentioning cheaper new guns are correct...they are out there. I am thinking used as they are broken in. Rather not having them with break-in issues trying to qualify. Not to mention usually easier to rack once broken in. Gotten numerous elderly folks who could barely rack a slide.

Re: WTB: Ugly 9mm

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 6:35 pm
by stroguy
I shot a Hi-Point 45 and the trigger was no heavier than my Sig220 in double action. The Hi-Points are workhorses, they eat bullets of all kinds, shoot accurate and are reliable. Just ugly as my sister and a bit heavy. You wouldn't carry one as a carry piece, the slide is a slab of steel.

Re: WTB: Ugly 9mm

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 6:37 pm
by wgoforth
Salty1 wrote:If people are showing up without a handgun that can be used for the shooting you are missing out on additional revenue, as mentioned you can easily charge them $10 to $20 for the use of yours and I do not feel that it would be at all out of line as they did not come prepared for the class. From a business perspective if you charge a $20 rental fee then after 20 students rent it then a $400 gun is paid for and turning a profit.

It is nice to see when ugly guns was mentioned that Glocks came up often, they don't get much uglier.... :boxing :boxing .... The Sig 2022 was a good suggestion and my only issue would be they are a slight pain to break down to clean, we own one and that is my only knock on the gun. Also think about what trigger you want in a rental gun, my suggestion would be a DAO and keep everything consistant. You can get a Sig 250 in the upper $300 range and it has a great DAO trigger and will run forever. Good luck in your search, wish I had something used to help you out with
That's definitly worth considering, I appreciate it. Brown co is on the lower ecconomic end of the spectrum for Texas (and recently learned we also had the highest percent of MHMR in the state, most sex crime on children by parent and a meth center.... but that's another story) so don't know if that would affect at all. Could try it and ifit rents, it does, if it doesn't... I can always loan later I guess. Good advice on DOA, thanks again!